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Posts posted by asterix0

  1. 5 hours ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    Absolutely true. It's NBA playoff's right now and one of the announcers (Kenny The Jet Smith) had really awfully done SMP with a very juvenile hairline. Kind of hard to notice on a black dudes skin but it's really awfully done 

    I remember some YouTube video of everyone making fun of him, that was mean spirited but frankly it looks like a joke.

    Amazing that millionaires with any resource at their disposable still make such poor, uninformed decisions. 

  2. 7 hours ago, AB2000 said:

    I wonder how much of that is patient driven?  A wiser person would ask for only enough for a credible outcome. Those slick bald guys who have a NW1 painted onto their heads with SMP are not doing themselves any favours. Even a moderate amount of HT to spread out real hair, then mixed with modest amount of ink would create something better.

    Perhaps, but a patient can also go to a hair transplant doctor and ask for something completely unreasonable, the doctor should have the authority to say no for crazy requests.


  3. FUT had its place before the progression of FUE made it obsolete.

    If you look at the top tier clinics in the world and what they have achieved with FUE, with the number of grafts harvestable even in poor donor cases, Norwood 7 cases, it is apparent that FUT no longer has any advantages. 

    Smaller punch sizes and strategic cherry picking of grafts has led to FUE becoming the best method, in 2024 and likely beyond until hair cloning becomes possible.

    FUT is more invasive, the scar has a propensity to stretch, there is more of a risk for nerve pain. Also where a 2 or 3 guard on the donor would be possible with FUE without being too noticeable, the scar will probably be much more noticeable with FUT

    And actually, with just FUE you can get more lifetime grafts and with intelligent, homogenous extraction, the donor can look very good even with a high number of grafts extracted.


  4. 35 minutes ago, xXFOLICILEDOMINIONXx said:

    #1 is at 6 months. 6 months is by zero stretch the final result. Patient vanished. Not a valid example. Furthermore the patient even stated that he's a slow grower for sure. (Growth started at 4.5 months)
    #2 is definitely a valid example. This was the major one that I saw - but this was really the only one. It sounded like Dr. Yaman was willing to refund in full though.
    #3 is a valid example with donor destruction also. I didn't see this before.
    #4 is not a valid example. The patient updated at 4 months. At 4 months, it is still possible to be shock loss / growth potentially not even started and then abandoned the thread. How is this a valid example?

    I can find more, I spent one minute searching. I'm just curious how much time and effort you earnestly spent researching.

    Also, I don't mean to give you a hard time. I want you to have a good result no matter where you go, that goes for anyone. I'm just trying to help clarify that perhaps the risk was higher than you thought when you took the plunge with this clinic. 

  5. 49 minutes ago, xXFOLICILEDOMINIONXx said:

    It's not just here. Dr. Yaman was on the recommended list on reddit as well , pretty much everywhere, with no real negative fingers pointing at him pre mar 2023 (when I scheduled my appointment). There was a thread that was edited recently on reddit pointing at him as a hair mill, but it definitely wasn't like that when I looked during booking.

    Naturally, there is some level of corporate shilling on every forum, but it's still the wild west and mostly difficult to parse data. ( though as we get more data..that will change ) 

    I advised the clinic consultant. I would be reviewing this in visible locations pre-procedure in hopes that I would receive the best techs.(wishful thinking of course) Not sure that happened..

     Did you find these threads, they are pre march 2023. I did about 1 minute of googling:


  6. 8 hours ago, xXFOLICILEDOMINIONXx said:

    Dr. Yaman has succeeded on multiple high norwood cases. The problem is he fails as often as he succeeds from a glance around the forum (which the results were skewed positive when I originally booked. I scoured everything on reddit, and here.) There is no single post here that says "Dr. Yaman cannot handle higher norwood cases" in 2023. There was no amount of due diligence that could have saved me. If Doctors are not recommended to perform certain procedures, they should probably be removed from the recommended list here.

    I sincerely hope my donor has enough to handle a larger second procedure due to a potential borf up of the first one. 

    Don't take the recommended list here as gospel. The lines are blurred when you think the information here is 100% only for the patient's (you or me or anyone) best interests.

    All you can do is be thankful other members had the guts to post their subpar results here, a subpar result is 10x more valuable than a good one. Even a hair mill can produce a great result from time to time.


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  7. It's pretty simple, unfortunately this was no the doctor to handle your case, you have naturally thinner donor hair, it is trickier to handle than thick grafts, perhaps there was some transection which affected your yield.

    With a high Norwood case like yours only the top clinics should have touched your head if you wanted a true home run result.

    Nevertheless, another procedure can solve your problems, but do your due diligence this time and go to the right clinic for your case. 

    If you would have searched just this forum, there were enough recent cases with your doctor to turn on alarm bells and made you aware you were taking on more risk with your result than you may have been comfortable with.

    There is no guarantee of a home run result with any surgeon, to be fair, but the level of risk is lower, or higher, depending on where you go.

  8. The problem with SMP is that clinics always overdo it. They add way too much to make it look like you have a full head of hair but just choose to buzz/shave.

    It is too obvious. The way light reflects off of it is a giveaway something is unnatural. Not to mention the color changing over time. 

    The goal of SMP should make it look like you are balding, that is more natural. Having some illusion of density is better than having none at all.


  9. 34 minutes ago, jameslondon said:

    Do what you like with posts that’s the whole point of a forum although some people like you use it to pick arguments.  

    You posted a topic on a public forum thus I assumed you were looking to discuss this topic publicly. I didn't private message you directly instigating anything. If I choose to disagree with you, that isn't "picking an argument". Picking an argument would be if I resulted to ad hominem, personal attacks against you, which I did not do.


  10. 1 hour ago, jameslondon said:

    Well that makes everything great for them doesn’t it but I was posting for myself as you should do

    Ok, I'll make a post I want the government to mail me checks...it's great for me I think it should be done...

    Basically, what makes you think you are special to skip the line vs the other people who have already signed up for a consult?



  11. It is hard to say. Look at Rafael Nadal for example. He had a large transplant and his hair looked great, but thinned over time without finasteride.

    It all depends on your individual DHT susceptibility and other factors of your scalp, blood flow, fibrosis, etc.

    Finasteride or dutasteride are an extra insurance policy for your transplant. You may not need it, but it is good to have. 

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