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Everything posted by Duke1984

  1. I went to Saifi a few years ago I remember chatting to you. I’ve been on finasteride for about ten years and rogain foam now and after chatting to a doctor he has suggested changing medication to dutasteride and oral monoxidil. What sort of side effects did you get when you changed medication ?
  2. That’s great you’ve decided to go with Ted Miln. I am waiting a video consultation with him. Are you getting the procedure in his own practice or in London? What is he charging per graft ? Wish you all the best with your surgery
  3. Hey, I’m from Ireland and have had 2 transplants in Europe. I would like to get my 3rd transplant and wondering if anyone has had any work done in Ireland. Blackrock clinic is way over priced so that is not an option for me. Other clinic here are Tir na Nog clinic and Dr.Anrde Nel. Would love to hear how anyone got on having a transplant in Ireland . Many thanks
  4. My FUT scar is good I never really have my hair that short. A razor 3 on back and side is the lowest I could go. I am considering using some beard grafts for the crown. Around 500 maybe mixed in with 500 hair grafts . Might be an option for me
  5. Hey, I’m 39 and have had 2 hair transplant both in Poland. First one was FUT 1850 grafts and nearly all the grafts when to the front of my scalp and made a massive difference. My second procedure was FUE 1680 grafts and 1000 went into my crown area. I was hoping for a better out come on my crown area. I’m not sure it it failed or not enough grafts were used. I am on rogain and finasteride. I still have to use toppik on the crown which I was hoping I would not . I am considering a third surgery to fill in my crown and maybe drop my hair line slightly. Or leave the front and just concentrate on the crown. I don’t want my donor area to start look sparse. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  6. Hi, I’ve had 2 transplants over the past 5 years. First was fut 1800 grafts placed at the front of my head and am delighted with the results. The second time I went for fue 1600 grafts, 1000 in my crown and 600 to thicken up my front . I’m super happy with the front but not so much on my crown area. Maybe I needed more than 1000 grafts I’m not sure. I will eventually get a third procedure but not for a few years but I am reading up about Smp. I keep my hair at an average length and am just wondering if anyone’s knows if Smp would work on my crown area?? Any advice would be appreciated . Also I am on Finasteride and rogain foam. Thanks
  7. 8 month update The crown has gotten a lot thicker over the past 2 months which I’m very happy with. I’ll update at 12 months for final outcome
  8. Hey yes I remember how’s things? Did you go fue or fut? No Saifi never mentioned which direction my hair went but for years I have just brushed my hair to the side , it just kinda falls that way. wishing you all the best over the next few months I hope you will be pleased with the results. It’s a long wait alright I feel your pain but I find the best is just forget you got it done. Don’t be looking everyday for growth as it’s such a slow process. I take a picture every month and follow my progress that way.
  9. 6 Months Very happy with the front hairline know and the crown is starting to fill in which I’m very happy about. Was a long 6 months but really seeing progress every month now which is great
  10. Cheers Melvin i never actually talked to my doctor about the amounts of grafts left in my donor area if I needed anymore procedures. Would you have a rough estimate ??
  11. Cheers I just had a hair cut the day I took the pictures so I wouldn’t have it shorter then that. But I would usually have it tight enough on the back and sides. the donor area has healed really well I don’t think anyone would know I had work done from my donor area unless I shaved my head of coarse. Here’s a pic of donor area
  12. Cheers I’m happy how things are going . It’s a tough old waiting time but I think it’s to try forget about it for the first few months but I’ve my fingers crossed now
  13. 5 month update The first picture was before my first procedure and all other pictures are after my second one. Just hope the crown will thicken up over the next few months. My doctor said to wait till month 8 then I can really see the results
  14. That’s a fair point. After my first op I’d say it was about 3/4 months before I started to see growth. But it was easier to see as I had no hair where it was transplanted .
  15. 4 month update Can’t believe it’s been 4 months since my fue procedure. Everything has healed well and I think I’m starting to see some small growth. I’ll have a better idea in two months but I’ll attach some pictures
  16. Yes I would agree that he estimates a low number of grafts. But it’s the placements of the grafts that is important. My first operation I got 2000grafts and was delighted with the results. My second op was 1600 grafts. More in the crown area. He does one operation a day so all the attention is on you.
  17. Best of luck on Thursday. I have been to Marwan twice . Really nice guy and very friendly staff. I went for fut the first time that was about two years ago and then recently had an fue in September. Wish you all the best
  18. 10 week update No sign of any new growth id say another few weeks before I start to see some difference I’ll update more pics in the following months
  19. Yea I just stayed 2 nights. Taxi driver will pick you up from airport , take you to the clinic for operation , pick you up after and take you back to hotel and then drop you back to the airport. You don’t need to pay the taxi it’s in the package. You pay hotel and just take that off the amount of operation.
  20. I highly doubt he will offer discounts . But he is a decent guy and I would imagine he is having a lot of cancellations with COVID . So you might get an appointment sooner then u think. For my first fut with Saifi he had a one year waiting list.
  21. For fue yes I had to shave my head but for fut I didn’t have to shave head . But it grows back quickly so I didn’t mind.
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