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Posts posted by Forelock

  1. HI all,

    I could really use your expertise. I'm 36 and hovering around a NW3V/NW4, and I'm getting some mixed messages about whether FUT or FUE is the way to go. I'm hearing two different evaluations of the two:

    (1) From what I've read/researched: FUE provides less recovery time, better cosmetic results in the donor area, but the results in the recipient area can sometimes vary as there's greater risk of transecting the donor hair. FUT would result in a scar and longer recovery time, but the maximum possible grafts would likely survive and you would avoid depleting your donor area.

    (2) From a consultation with a really reputable clinic in Canada: "Dr. [redacted] was wondering if you have given any thought to having an FUE instead of an FUT surgery.  Usually with his patients with lesser degrees of hair loss he advises FUE as he can achieve a higher density."

    Has anyone ever heard of cases where FUE can achieve a higher density than FUT? I've read that FUE has reached a point where the results are almost comparable, but I've never read that FUE is superior to FUT, no matter what the degree of hair loss is. The clinic is very popular and has wonderful results — I avoid mentioning them by name, as I don't want it to sound like I'm disparaging or discounting their recommendation — but the pros/cons between FUE/FUT seem less clear to me now.

    Also — my family doctor advised against Finasteraide/Proscar as it may contribute to, or make it harder to detect, more aggressive cases of prostrate cancer. The clinic is encouraging me to start taking it after my procedure, and advised that "taking Proscar has shown to reduce the risk of the common form of prostate cancer. There may be a slightly higher risk of the rare aggressive form of prostate cancer.  Taking Proscar will also shrink the prostate which makes it easier to feel masses in it."

    I know that a lot of people take it to slow hair loss and stabilize their results, and it's not uncommon for HT clinics to recommend it, but I'm still trepidatious — anyone else have these concerns and decide to take it anyway??

    Any words of wisdom are welcome — thanks for your help!

  2. On 5/26/2020 at 1:05 PM, UK39 said:

    Is it still likely to have new hair sprout at this stage?

    I didn't know if all hair would have sprouted by now and its just current hair density that improves?

    I will keep updating.. it's so frustrating when guys just stop. Haha. 

    How are things coming along, @UK39? Any progress??

  3. 3 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I need to confirm this myself, a quote is not enough. I will reaching out to the clinic.

    I have an FUE booked with Dr. Rahal at the end of this month. I was told on the phone that they primarily do FUE now, though I didn't explicitly ask if the've discontinued FUT. This man had FUE with Dr. Rahal last year: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoUA5GaXeM4nT-Lf2EWNtQSzcd_yOv7hK

    Check it out -- great result, and you can follow his entire 12 month journey. I'm still nervous, but this made me a bit more comfortable with moving forward.

  4. Hi all -- recently paid a deposit for a HT with Dr. Rahal next month. Still deciding whether I want to take the leap, as I've been seeing some variability here in terms of results/outcomes. I was just wondering:

    I've not been taking any medication to slow the recession and I wasn't planning on taking any post-surgery. I understand that native hair will continue to recede at a normal rate if I don't take finasteride/monoxidil/rogaine, etc, but will this also reduce the likelihood that the grafts will take? Should I expect less growth, or will they just take longer to sprout? I don't mind waiting, but I'm not sure I want to move forward if this will drastically affect the outcome.

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