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Posts posted by musab

  1. 9 hours ago, EvoXOhio said:

    I think about 95% of us (me included) who have had crown work aren’t 100% satisfied and expected more. The crown is a black hole and it takes a lot of graphs to fill it in. I’ve really only seen a handful of crowns on this forum that look truly dense. Everyone else’s still looks some degree of thinning.

     I had what appeared to be a lot put in my crown, but it’s nowhere near as dense as I expected. I’m 8 months post surgery so I’m going to see where I am at in a few months, but I will likely need a second HT. I know the hairs I have will thicken up Some, but I’m in the same situation as you where the improvements won’t be enough to fully cover the bald spot. 

    Yes , I guess had I continued Finastride it would have been much better but I do not prefer to be on some constant daily medication and hence stopped after taking it for around ~6-8 months.

  2. Another update, now at 1 year and 1 month mark. I do see good improvement but not as much as I had expected. With all the other work of Eugenix that i see in this forum, perhaps my expectation was higher or maybe they were not realistic in the first place. Nevertheless it is something compared to what it was a year back 😁

    Below are few pics both dry and wet hair and one picture covering the bald spot with surrounding hair.





  3. Hello All, Apologies for not posting any updates for a while now. Was not seeing any significant development so thought will post after a while and after the ugly duckling phase.  Adding below few current pictures  . Taking the pics myself so perhaps the angles are a bit off so please excuse me. Will post some better pics when i get a helping hand.,



    • Like 1
  4. Updates after 2 months . Not much has changed on the recipient area. The donor area is starting to fill up slowly. Do not feel any pain on the donor area anymore. Hope the small patches i can see at the back of my head will go away with time and i can wear my hair short. Continuing with Finax 1mg and multi vitamins.



  5. On 3/20/2020 at 9:25 PM, Pyrat said:

    Hi @musab: any updates on your progress ?.

    Some of us are eagerly looking forward to your next update.

    My apologies, was heavily caught up in the whole crazy thing happening across the globe...Attaching my 1 month progress...well nothing much to say, hope i will see some good stuff after 8 months or so :)...donor area still feels mildly raw on running my hand over it ...recipient area at one place still have this weird painful sensation on running my hand over...where they injected the anesthetic



  6. Pictures after head wash. 7th day. All scabs came off after second wash. Redness is still there and certain places still does feel sore on touching. Not like extremely painful or anything but on pressing lightly can feel the soreness. Also while washing could see 4-5 very small hairs come off. No roots or anything, they were like cut hair , very small maybe size 0. Not sure if they are the implanted ones or existing ones or ones from the haircut that the Eugenix folks did prior to the procedure. Nonetheless i feel the healing has been good so far.

    Avoiding direct sunlight at the moment. Had a family get together and was apprehensive about having a beer but Nelson from Eugenix said its alright now so had 1!

    Will update again at 1 month mark.





  7. On 2/18/2020 at 12:53 AM, paddyirishman said:

    @musab  I wish you happy growing . I can say you have gone to a great clinic, I also had my own HT at Eugenix.

    Take care of your grafts and medication for the first 7 days, after that you can relax more.

    All the best


    Thank you @paddyirishman , you have a major source of information throughout my process of learning about FUE and related topics. Thank you for all your research and sharing them with all of us . Wish you the best results as well :) 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 51 minutes ago, KarmaPolice said:

    Be careful while taking pictures this way, the phone could fall out of your hands and land right on the transplanted area - have someone else take them for you?

    Also, is there a reason why you chose Dr. Bansal specifically or is it that Dr. Sethi doesn't do procedures under the Comprehensive plan anymore?

    Regardless I think they both do a great job but it would've been nice to have an option.

    Happy growing, regards!

    Well i took the pics myself. Was a bit risky but was careful. 

    I am not sure if Dr.Sethi and Dr.Bansal are both generally involved in the same procedure. If they are i guess that would be for Gurgaon or other location but not for Bhubaneswar center. As for the part why Dr.Bansal, no particular reason, i was ok with either Dr.Bansal or Dr.Sethi.

  9. Additionally Nelson was very helpful in co-ordinating with me the whole process and updated me with very bit of of information that i requested. Another noteworthy gesture that Eugenix did was that they didi not charge me for 100 grafts. Initially i was quoted for 2500 grafts and paid for the same but the total number of grafts transplanted were 2600. Hoping for a quick recovery now.


    Day 0 Pics

    DAY 0- Donor.png

    Donor 2.png




  10. I underwent the hair transplant at Eugenix in February 2020 under the supervision of Dr.Arika Bansal at Eugenix , Bhubaneswar. I opted for their Comprehensive Plan and the total grafts count transplanted was 2602 by their DHT procedure.

     D-Day -1 : Arrived at Bhubaneswar and checked into the hotel booked by Eugenix. Went to the clinic later during the day where Dr. Priyadarshini checked the Blood Pressure and checked for any allergic reaction to the anesthesia. Few medicines were provided to be consumed at night and the next day after breakfast before the procedure.


    Day 0 : Arrived at the clinic at 9 a.m. Dr.Arika Bansal flew in from Gurgaon the same day morning for the procedure. I was taken in to the OT by 9:30 a.m. Dr.Priyadarshini completed the local anesthesia. The needles did pinch a little but the discomfort was at the very minimum and for a very short time before the medicines start taking effect. Dr. Bansal then walked in and made all the slits. Total slits made were roughly around 2500. The target was for 2000 grafts on the crown area and rest around the mid-scalp to add some density. No work is to be done to the hairline this time round. Once the slits were made Dr.Bansal started the extraction of few grafts and then the technicians took over and extracted and implanted the grafts at the same time. They follow a procedure Eugenix calls Direct Hair Transplant where the grafts are extracted and implanted at the same time to reduce . the time  the grafts are laying outside to minimal. The rest of the extraction and implantation  were done by the technicians while Dr.Bansal checked in few times to check and monitor the progress. The remaining times Dr. Anil was always there in the OT while the technicians did the extraction and implantation. I opted to complete the whole procedure and then go for lunch so that the grafts are not laying outside for long. The procedure was over around 4 p.m and post op dressing was done and i was provided with few medications.


    Attaching pictures of Day 0 and Day 1. Apologies for the pictures not being very clear. As i was travelling alone could not do a good job of taking good pictures myself. Will keep posted on the progress.





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