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Everything posted by ITA

  1. So as he say @A_4_Arcanoyou might start looking Gur/Turan. Good luck.
  2. @bbowI'm sorry to read how down you are morally, can you post some pics so I can see your situation and write the name of the place where you had your procedure, the number of grafts and other details? Perhaps your situation may not be as dramatic as you see it.
  3. Serkan's clinic is one of the best hair mills in Turkey, you played Russian roulette, hope to win. 🙏
  4. Yeah, I agree, Gur/Turan are doing great jobs, and aren't particularly expensive, but I don't recall seeing them transplanted to elevated Norwood.
  5. @A_4_Arcano, if @Mohamed omaris looking at Turkey, I guess neither Zarev nor Eugenix suit his Badget, he could take a look at Yaman, I am not his fan, but I have seen some good results from him.
  6. Considerando che l'azione del Dermapen, Microdeeling o dermaroller irrita un po' il cuoio capelluto, è sconsigliabile lavarsi con lo shampoo in quanto tutti gli shampoo (quali più, quali meno) contengono sostanze chimiche che potrebbero causare una maggiore irritazione al cuoio capelluto in questa fase. ma penso che si può tranquillamente sciacquare con acqua fredda per darti un po' di sollievo di raffreddamento.
  7. Ah ok, on their website they can write anything they want, you should ask those who have undergone a transplant at their clinic, it is possible they do, but I don't seem to remember that it is the rule there, the use of the manual punch.
  8. It's crazy what Zarev can do, he and Pittella are monsters in my opinion.
  9. The OP hasn’t been here on the forum in a year now, who knows how it’s end to him.
  10. Yes, three months is too early, but 2500 grafts to cover the receiving area, they seem to me to be few, so whoever did the transplant had to graft to a not very high density. What did the clinic tell you? That you should come back to recharge after 9/12 months or did they tell you that you would have a great result?
  11. I'm not saying that, but if you go to a hair mill, you double the chance of things going wrong.
  12. And those to whom it goes badly? You say…they played Russian roulette and lost?
  13. If budget isn't an issue for you, don't risk unknown doctors.
  14. Surely, if they does 20 surgeries a day, maybe they will give some good results. It's a hair mill like many in Turkey.
  15. @Esthetic AvenueI notice that in your clinic you also make packages with DENTAL TREATMENTS - HAIR TRANSPLANT - MEDICAL AESTHETICS, in short, a nice mix. 🤦🏻
  16. I mean, did I get it right? Has Vera Clinic now also become a clinic where they do repairs? 😳
  17. Can you also post some pics from the pre surgery? Even if 4.5 months are not enough to be able to judge.
  18. Graft density is low, don't expect big improvements, start looking already at a good clinic for a second surgery.
  19. @MohitsriThe caliber of the hair probably worked in your favor, it looks like a very good result, with a second pass on the crown, you are as good as new. 👍
  20. yes, in reality, the community should be made aware of the possible cancellation of one or more surgeons, as well as requests for their admission, in the list of recommended.
  21. Graft density is low, don't expect big improvements, start looking already at a good clinic for a second surgery.
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