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Posts posted by alexXx999

  1. Hello,

    Please share a list of doctors who could assist with my particular case. Not many people seem to perform FUE + SMP with a buzz cut.

    I shaved my head when I was 23 after trying finasteride, minoxidil, and almost every OTC and bizarre solution out there. Unfortunately, nothing helped.

    I underwent an SMP procedure, and the results were amazing when I still had some hair on my scalp. At that time, I was likely a NW3V or a bit more. Now, at 28, although I still like the SMP, it's not looking the same because I need to shave almost every couple of days due to further hair loss, especially in the front. I am almost bald except for some hair here and there in the center of the mid-front area. I posted about my SMP experience here; you can check the pictures, as the results were impressive. Here's the link to see my SMP


    As you read in my 2019 post, I already planned to undergo this procedure. Now, after a painful breakup, having more money, and the flexibility to work whenever and wherever I want, it's time to pursue the 3D, low-density, FUE + SMP hair transplant combo. The reason I want to do this is that with some stubble, my SMP looked much better, and I could instruct the SMP practitioner to use a darker ink. This way, during the night or in low light, I would appear to have chosen to shave my head, whereas in daylight, I would still have some hair, framing my face better. I understand the limitations of both hair transplants and SMP, but after extensive research, I believe this is the best move for my future, especially at 28, where I believe my confidence would greatly benefit.

    My goal is to maintain short hair, using a guard 0 hair razor and shaving every 2-3-4 days, as I did when I still had some hair. I am mainly interested in addressing my hairline, front, and mid-scalp, as these areas have the most significant visual impact on the face. I am okay with a bald spot in the back of my head, as I shave for a reason. I would address hair loss on my vertex separately. The idea is to create a dark 3D illusion of density in the front for frontal pictures or interactions.

    The main concern is to avoid scarring. Therefore, I need a doctor who personally performs both the extraction and the incision or a highly professional team, ensuring natural angles and using a small punch for follicle extraction to minimize scarring at the back.

    I plan to retouch my SMP with a darker color and also have an SMP procedure on my donor area after recovery.

    While I live in Europe, I am open to traveling anywhere. I am currently in Latin America and plan to embark on a year-long trip to Southeast Asia this winter. As this region is generally more affordable, I would prefer to avoid the Americas and stay closer to Europe, Turkey, or Southeast Asia.

    I believe my expectations are reasonable, and with 3000-3500 strategically placed grafts in my temples, front, and mid-scalp, I could achieve a satisfactory result, preserving some donor hair for potential future procedures.

    For this operation, the more economical, the better. Ideally, I would like to spend between 3-4k USD for 3000-3500 grafts. Please let me know which doctors you would recommend for this procedure.


  2. Hello,
    I shared in the past my SMP results that i did with MensInk HERE, the results have been great, but i still miss my hair and when i'm under a bright light my Nw3/4v pattern is visible so....

    Since i can't tolerate any antiandrogens and since minoxidil stopped to work after 1 year and few months i know that a hair transplant would be only temporary in my case-

    I'm 25 now and i have thinning all around my NW6 pattern, both my grandad and my uncle/dad have had a NW6v pattern...

    I think i can extract around 6 to 7k grafts realistically speaking, I'd like to have two hair transplant, the goal is to keep my hair short and not expect to have density nor a complete head of hair, then when my native hair will fall, i'll shave it off but at least i'll have the 3D effect and also an hairline..

    I Would love to keep my hair longer till they last and then shave with the 3d texture because even the SMP effect with some hair is amazing IMO

    I saw some pictures online, this is what i'm looking for as a final result: 



    BUT with my actual SMP and Hairline with whom my hairline is lower

    The key to do this successfully is to find a doctor who: 

    Extract the grafts with a small punch and doesn't leave a lot of scarring in the donor zone

    - Manual extraction in order to have more precision and less scars/cobblestoning

    - Natural Direction of the hairline and single hair grafts in the front

    I saw that most clinics do a quite okayish job if you wear your hair long, while it's much more difficoult to wear hair short...

    I think this is because technicians are following the same concept over and over, since I'll be obliged to wear my hair short in few years because i'll continue to lose my native hair i need someone who can make a not too dense hair transplant and that does exactly what i want


    So here i am asking you guys which doctos/clinics would you advice, Ideally my first transplant should be around 2 to 3k grafts, I'd like to spend around 3k to 4k max 

    could you please make a list of good doctors who could create a natural hairline that will suits my SMP, Short hair requirment?



  3. Thank you guys, the SMP still looks good, It is just  a little bit lighter but it's normal and expected, I'll have to do a touch up in few months....

    I'm looking for people with SMP + FUE  since i'll lose my native hair in the next couple years according to my family pattern, of course smp looks way better with some underlying texture as i have now, even if i lost the temples the few hairs that are there are giving the illusion of density AND some  texture.


  4. Hello everyone, 

    I started to use this forum few months ago when I was looking for a solution to my hair loss and now i have to share my progress.

    I am an Italian dude, I started to lose my hair when i was 21 more or less,  i wasn't that much bothered about it, then it  started to be really noticeable at 22, I tried Finasteride, RU, CB0301 and almost any sort of vitamins/supplement you can find on the internet, unfortunatly i got sides with Fin and antiandrogens in general, vitamins didn't worked as well as any supplement i've tried....

    In June 2018 I started 5% Minoxidil twice a day, it was working so well that i regrow almost all my hair back, then, the effects, however, lasted  for 6 - 8 months and after 8 months i was already at baseline again, my dad is a NW5 at 52 y o, my grandpa instead was bald at 25,  I think i'll probably be a NW6-NW7 before 30 too...

    Anyway, after months and months of research, i realized that Hair transplants aren't a viable solution for me as i'm young (24 now) and my hair genetics sucks :( 

    Of course my confidence went down a lot, i've been so stressed out that I started to avoid social interactions, trying to pick up girls and on top of that  i had a sense of inferiority, because i felt like i had something less than others... The alopecia progressed and I decided i needed to stop blaming my genetics and that i had to do something because i wasn't living anymore, i was just surviving, waiting to die.

    I started to browse the internet looking for alternative solutions other than HTs and i thought that maybe a SMP +  Low density FUE could have been a great solution.

    In this forum i saw diffent pictures of different SMP Practitioners, I saw some great and natural results from a studio close to my city, I'm talking about Men's Ink Tricopigmentation.

    I contacted them, they have great prices, amazing natural results on their Instagram page and the girl i talked with (Debora Cetrulo) was kind and  honest about the expectations I could have had and also her thoughts on my situation, I decided to book my first session in November.

    My expectations were that even with SMP, i wouldn't have been able to accept my situation and  I was even scared that someone could spot my tatto.

    This has been far from the truth, the SMP looks AMAZING, it's so realistic that i can't even tell where my native hair begins, most people ask me why I decided to shave my head as a fullhead :D

    Confidence went up a lot and I finally feel happy about myself and i started to live my life again...

    I found them thru this forum so i wanted to share my progress and thoughts with you... If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask me whatever you want!

    Here's the pics, here's 2 weeks worth of growth


    Here's instead is 1 day after shaving with the clipper, as you can see i had diffuse thinning on top with a NW3- NW4 pattern and some vertex balding



    Then here's the after



    In my opinion this is one of the best results i saw online, for now i'm super happy, I'm just worried for the future as i love this look with 2-3 days worth of growth as it has the 3D effects and it is dark enough to fool people into believing that i still have all my native hair, so this is why i think my fight against hair loss is not ended yet, i think i'll undergo a low density hair transplant, maybe with a little bit of beard or body hair in general as i want to keep this lenght and i'm scared that after a HT my donor zone will look too depleted and different with such short hair, of course i'd do the SMP even in the donor zone but my opinion on SMP over scar tissue isn't clear yet...

    For now i can't complain and i'd advice any of you guys to go for a SMP if you are wondering if it's the right choice for you...

    Men's Ink is in Milan, Italy, but they also works in Spain sometimes, they have been the best IMO in terms of realisticity and they have fair prices compared to others famous brands :)

    • Like 3
  5. On 10/31/2019 at 1:46 PM, hairthere said:

    It's actually tougher to pull SMP off when there is more native hair in my opinion. You have to be very meticulous about matching the SMP with existing hair and know how to deliver proper density so it all blends seamlessly. Regarding your last statement, the one caveat is that transplants always have a downside and that's the creation of scar tissue. Recipient scar tissue can sometimes be problematic when performing SMP, especially when the work is not modern and highly refined (i.e. performed by a top surgeon). And then there's the donor zone. I cannot tell you how many clients I see who were given the impression that FUE is a "scar-free" or "scar-less" procedure. While the dot scarring may be less obvious than a linear strip scar it can still be noticeable on a shaved head. And if over harvested it can be a total disaster.

    Regarding the shine issue; certain lighting situations cause shine off a person's scalp whether they have hair or not. I often hear this complaint and it's usually when clients see themselves in pictures. But I often tell clients, you don't live your life in pictures, so don't sweat it! I also notice that clients with oily skin types tend to have more issues with shine. There are products (matte lotions, etc.) that help mitigate shine if it is a real problem.

    Assuming you go with a top tier surgeon, would it avoid the big noticeable scarring? Assuming you're going with a small punch and an experienced surgeon with a not enorumus amount of grafts (3-4 k) maybe done in 2 sessions, wouldn't it work to replicate the result of this guy? OK the look will be much thinner but also that mm or two of hair make the difference Imo, and also, should the donor area scarring be a problem for a shaved head? I mean, with SMP what's the problem in hiding the scars? The best results could be obtained Imo if you cut very short the sides (everyday at the bone) and you leave 1-2 to max 3 mm on the top, although I know that filling the tiny dots with the ink could be more difficoult than regular skin... Also the ridging of the scalp on the top is scary... So you don't advice to go for an hair transplant in short 

  6. The best cases of course occurs when people still have some native hair, so the pigment will blend better and the final results will be darker, this is the perfect treatment for a diffuse thinner, what would you think of a very low density hair transplant with like 20-25 grafts in the hairline and midscalp to have a thicker, better and more realistic hairline and even less grafts  for the crown zone like 15 grafts/cm^2 ? Would it give the illusion of a darker head? And also, the fastidious shine would go away I guess or at least reduce, that's the annoying thing about SMP, when you are below harsh light, the shiness is noticeable without hair... So a person could potentially have a 4000-4500-5000 grafts all over the head, let the hair  grow 2-3 mm and have a better illusion and a darker head that would appear an hairy head even with harsh light and the night, what's your thought on this? 

  7. 48 minutes ago, LaserCap said:

    Get back on Rogaine, 2 X per day.  Put a cap full press down onto the scalp and massage.  The medication is systemic. If you put it on the crown area, for example, it will be working your whole head.

    Laser, 3 times per week, for 30 minutes.  You can contact Dr. Arocha or Dr. Alexander.  They are providers of LaserCap. There are studies available and carries a lifetime warranty. 

    With regards to Rogaine, seems it was working but when you stopped, there went the hair you would have lot had you not been on medication.  You still have a significant amount of hair....get on the meds before you lose it.

    I'm still on minoxidil, never stopped, minox 8% liquid twice a day, can't do more than that, not gonna spend other thousand dollars for a laser cap, lots of people haven't had any results 

  8. 9 minutes ago, LaserCap said:

    The good news is the fact you're still enjoying a lot of native hair.  The time to be on medication is now before you lose it.  Once gone it never returns.  

    The concern, as you know, is - your pattern is developing into something very advanced.  You may be experiencing retrograde as well.

    Since we know this, let's move on to the meds.  How do you know Rogaine stopped working?

    Why can't you tolerate Propecia? Be very specific.

    Patients have a tendency to think and be quite reactive to the fact, if they don't see a visual result, they are in the erroneous belief the medication is not working. The medication is not intended to regrow hair.  Nothing regrows hair.  The medication is intended to help keep the hair you have. To retain.  So, if you look the same as you did a year ago, the medication did what it was supposed to do. From your excerpt I assume you did notice improvement.  This might mean you experienced enhancement of the native hair. If so, you need to get back into whatever you were doing.

    There are two types of loss.  Shedding is one of them.  The follicle gets tired of producing and goes into a resting phase.  in a matter of a weeks/months, the hair returns. So, if you see hair in the tub, sink, pillow - let it go, this is normal.  The loss you don't see is what we're concerned about.

    The hair you don't see is happening as we speak.  Go to  the bathroom under a bright light and look at the hairline area- including the temporal areas, (corners).  You'll note some strands are very thick and robust.  Others are finer and you might find some that are so thin they're hardly contributing.  This hair eventually disappears. That's hair loss.

    Propecia, Rogaine, Laser and PRP are the modalities we typically discuss when dealing with this condition.  I have a few questions,

    Propecia, how were you taking it?

    Rogaine, how were you applying it and how many times a day.

    Do you own a laser?

    Have you discussed PRP with the doctor?

    With regards to SMP, great idea. Find an experienced group.  The use of organic ink is important as this will be metabolized and will not turn into other colors like a tattoo does, (yellowish or blue-purple).  This will help with the contrast you're experiencing, (Black hair, light scalp). Some of the doctors listed in this forum do the work).

    Do not despair, many in this forum can help you....Get well educated and be judicious with your grafts.  More importantly, give serious consideration to meds for a good year before you do anything.  You are truly at a stage where there are a number of options.



    Thanks for your answer, i tried topical Fin for a while and then my nipples became enormous, I started to develop gynecomastia and I got also ED, had a bad time with the girls at the time, also I got a bad depression and fatigue, same thing with the oral version, I tried 1 mg, 0.5, then 0.25, then 0.25 every other day and then 0.25 mg every 3 days, same sides, I don't want to deal with that situation again. 

    Minoxidil stopped to work because now I am shaved 0 guard and I lost almost every hair you see in the pics, temples went back and density went downhill, i'll post a recent pic of one week ago, I just had these pics to show the donor hair with long hair since now I'm shaved 0 guard. 

    Minoxidil stopped working 100% sure because I lost a big amount of hair, the pics I posted in the first post were from less than 1 year ago, so in the lest few months this is the results, I already consider myself a nw6/7,that's why i:m planning everything as a nw6/7...but let the pics talks for me, retrograde is highly unlikely as I checked ALL my parents history and all of them are NW6. Screenshot_20191011_090919_com.whatsapp.thumb.jpg.b09230b340966ada1f9d3908786b633c.jpg



  9. Hello guys, 

    I'm trying to find some answer to my questions and after spending days and days behind this forum, i'd say i'm still dubious about what to do...

    I'd say my pattern is a NW6/NW7, i'm  losing my hair now, but my thinning is all over, i can't tolerate finasteride, minoxidil stopped to work, so i am dealing with the fact that i'll be soon a NW6/NW7.

    My general idea is that covering a NW7 is difficoult, expecially with my donor hair, i'll attach some pics of my donor and current hair.


    Anyway, since my grandpa was around a nw6 at 30, my uncle is nw6 and my dad is nw5v heading to a NW6  and the fact that my hair are thinning in that same exact pattern, i know what can i expect in the next few years... 

    So obviously i started to do some research, Melvin's results are so motivational but i suspect my hair loss area is bigger and probably even my donor area isn't as good as his, even tho i have a small head, i think my total NW7 pattern could be 200 square centimeters or less because i also wore the smallest size for helmets and caps.

    Since i shaved my head i'd say i could accept this look if i can cope and give the illusion of a full head, that's why i started to get interested in SMP, after some videos i realized that the "darkest" and better results that i would like to achieve looks fake in extensive norwood if you don't have any hair underneath, so i started to look for some results online and i found just few results, one of the most interesting ones is the following: Click here  

    This gentleman has had only 2000 grafts to cover a NW4v area, with an average density of 18 grafts/cm^2 which is good in combination with an SMP, i think his results are good and he has achieved  a great illusion of a shaved head, that low density  grafts  solved some problems, for example, the shine that SMP gives, the  3D effect, so you can shave every few days instead of everyday,  because even if your hair will grow, you can blend them with SMP and have  a great look.... and also the touch sensation... often  girls touches my head, i'd be embarassed if a girl touches my head and she feels hair only on the sides.

    I personally don't like his hairline, i'd be less conservative and i'll go for a lower hairline since with that density you have less problem using donor hair.

    Of course thinking about having the same style for the rest of your life kinda sucks, i'm only 23 and i'll be the same for the rest of my life, but i feel like i don't have much choice...

    I'm gonna have some online consulation with some surgeons and i'll send them some pics to try to understand how many grafts they could safely extract from my donor area.

    Is there some tool/trick that i can use to calculate the average density of my donor area and the surface that i should cover? i'd like to do some calculations.

    I'd like to know what you guys think about this results, you can see the full results after 1 year in the third page.

    In the attachment here some pics of my donor hair


    donor sides 3.jpg

    donor sides2.jpg


  10. Thanks for the answer, Is there a way to do your own donor area density calculation? Seems like I have the same pattern of my family, some remenent hair on the mid scalp, a small island in the fron between the temples, and a NW6/Nw7 pattern, I know that probably the best option would be to have a fut First and then FUE after, but since now I'm shaved and I kinda like it, I would like to have the option to shave my head one day, and with Scalp Micropigmentation I could cover the little white scars done by the FUE procedure, I can't say the same about FUT, it is still a debate on me... With FUT I could probably extract more hair, but is it the trade of not being able to shave your hair in case your density won't be enough worth it? 

    The other option I was thinking about is to extract as many donor hair as possible and then do a FUE with body hair to refill the donor area, if you keep your donor area short, it wouldn't be that much of a problem Imo... 

    Do you guys think this is a norwood 6 pattern or a Norwood 7 pattern? 


  11. Hi guys,

    I did some research and I am still exitant, I have a  NW6 thinning patter all over, I can't tolerate finasteride neither any other Antiandrogens I tried, so I'm doing a long term plan, I still can't decide between FUT and FUE, seems like with a FUT I can extract more grafts and combine both procedure could give a good results, since I have a thinning pattern all over and i'll have to cover a large area, i'm wondering if I can test how my donor area resist after a first FUE 3000 grafts  procedure and then, with time, maybe deciding if I can extract around 6000-7000 grafts in total with FUE alone with multiple procedure.... 


    The question is, can I start with a FUE? IS this a good idea? What would be the negative sides about starting with a fue

    Does scalp micropigmentation or body hair transplant into the linear scar enough to cover it and leave minimum signs? 

  12. Hello guys,

    I am 23 years old, 24 in 1 month, i am dealing with hair loss since 4 years more or less, I am now a norwood 3V with a bald spot on the vertex and general thinning (with some little holes here n there), I tried lots of Antiandrogens such as Oral Finasteride, Topical Finasteride, CB0301, Trinov, Spironolactone (i'm waiting for my RU58841 to arrive, just to try it but i don't expect much), i got sides with everything so i dumped antiandrogens...

    This is why i am planning my long term plan.... i'm well aware of the majority of the problems related to hair loss, hair transplant, ecc

    I'm actually on Minoxidil 8%, done Botox Injections on the perimeter muscles and i'm using Carboxytherapy as alternative therapies to see if i can at least slow down things, tried bunch of supplements as well, nothing really worked...

    In my family most men who're bald are NW6, luckily not complete full-blown NW7, anyway, I know my future already, i have almost all the Norwood 6 zone miniaturized and thin, i know i'll lose my hair in the next years.

    Since i know i'll become a NW6, inspired by the Admin's results and others, i decided to take action and doing something for my hair...
    This is my plan:

    1) Undergo a first hair transplant (I know i'll need multiple surgeries), i don't want a FUT, only FUE because i want the freedom to shave if necessary

    The first hair transplant purpose should be to recreate a conservative hair line (Like Admin's hair line), V-Shaped, Norwood 2, in order to save some grafts for the future but to have at least the face-shaped... hair line is more important than the crown for me, so i need a hair line with enough density (of course not a dense pack, but not even 15 grafts/cm2), then i would like to fill some thin zones here and there in the mid scalp and start to take care of the crown, i think 3000 grafts would be okay to do the first surgery, i also want to implant some beard/body grafts in the middle/crown region in order to blend scalp hair and beard hair and see the result.

    2) To give the illusion of density, i'm gonna do regular scalp micropigmentation (i have a good deal here, cheap prices because the proprietary of the saloon is a friend), i saw fantastic results online, it greatly adds density, Watch here for example or here, it should help me cover some thinning spots along the road and give an illusion of better density.

    3)After a while i'll need at least another transplant to fill the rest and add some density all over i think, i'm planning to mix again Hair scalp and Body Hair to blend everything together

    4) If SMP + Hair transplants + Body Hair transplant wouldn't be enough to have a decent result, i'm okay with shave everything and cover my FUE little scars with SMP, i like my look with a shaven head, i think i'd look even better with a Buzzcut, i'm just wondering if transplanted hair will look natural whit a buzzcut since i have read online that often the root of the transplanted hair are thick and the direction is innatural, so a Buzzcut with a FUE isn't adviced, even though i have my jolly of this SMP friend who can help blend better the transplanted hair with native hair and also cover the back, i don't know here, what do you think? is it possible to have a buzzcut with a Fue?

    I hope something new will come out in the future, i'm open to try new things, but for now i have to do what i can to "prolongue" the problem as much as possible, with this plans i think i could at least have a decent head of hair for 10 years, in 10 years i'll be 34, it will be a better age to embrace baldness, my 20s has been already destroyed by hair loss, i want to do what i can to enjoy my youth as much as possible, i have the rest of my life to be bald, i hope i can at least create the illusion of a decent head of hair thru multiple transplants, SMP, toppik, ecc

    As i said, in order to save precious grafts, i am okay to keep the crown thin

    My hair are black, the caliber is medium and they are straight, i have also a small head that should help with the transplants...

    What do you guys think? My Plan B would be to receive a low density FUE to recreate a great hair line with a SMP and keep a buzzcut even though i would prefer to grow some hair in the top

    I think that my expectations aren't that high, i don't expect to have a perfect density or a perfect straight nw0 hair line, i just want some hair to then use fibers and SMP to give the illusion of a greater head, i don't even think this will last a lifetime, i don't even care, 10-15 years would be an amazing achievement



    I also attached one pics of my head and also a pics of my dad's donor zone so the pattern is more understable.


    Thanks in advance for the advices.

    (I know i have a broken english)

    dad donor.jpg


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