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Posts posted by Annijoy31

  1. On 10/2/2019 at 1:04 PM, Lennney said:

    I think the Eugenix team did a fantastic job on the hairline design, it really suits you! Can you ask how much donor you have left? 

    Best of luck in your journey! Everything looks great so far!

    As per the Doctor's, they have extracted only 20% to 25%, and i have been planned for my second sitting for my mid-scalp and crown area. My beard is untouched and that will also be utilised for the same along with my scalp.

  2. 15 hours ago, paddyirishman said:

    Interesting and very honest write up of your own personal  experience and HT journey. Especially so when you are working directly within the hair restoration industry and employed with EUGENIX Hair Science's.  Thats a marvellous testament to all the team @ EUGENIX that you showed great confidence and belief to put your own head in their professional  hands.

    Well done and I wish you all the best for a great result. Looking forward to your updates.





    Thank you Paddy!

  3. Hello,

    I began losing my hair almost 10 years ago. Needless to say, it was a horrifying experience throughout. One doesn't really fully grasp the trauma of getting a change in appearance before it actually happens. The initial years were difficult for me. I was about 22 years old. And for someone that young, a balding look spells disaster. I became shy, apprehensive of socializing and conscious about myself. Eventually, I did start accepting baldness as a part and parcel of life. 

    As a guy, you really aren't expected to focus on your appearance much. I wasn't going to be anything different.

    By providence, I joined Eugenix Hair Sciences as a Tele -medical consultant. Fairly recently, about 6 months and working here now. The doctors did suggest me transplantation. However, I never took it as seriously. Now, after a while, I finally began to think that maybe I could give it a try. Like who wouldn't want to try something when you can clearly see other people getting it done with positive results!

    I have been seeing the results of Eugenix in front of my own eyes on a daily basis and I started feeling that I should also get the procedure done.

    I don't think I'm particularly afraid of the pain or anything like that. After all I'm a tough guy (😜). But surprisingly, the surgery wasn't painful. I was 100% sure and expecting this procedure to be painful. That being said, lying down doing nothing was the tough part. In the design and planning of my procedure Dr Arika , Dr Pradeepand Dr Alok were involved. The frontal slits were made by Dr Pradeep and Dr Arika. Rest of the slits were completed by Dr Alok. The extraction of the grafts were done by Dr Alok. Few times Dr Arika and Dr Pradeep also supervised. 

    I got 3024 grafts done for a good coverage of my frontal zone with adequate density. I also got my temples completely reconstructed.

    I am planning to share my progress throughout now. (I have interacted with many patients who have come from this forum to Eugenix for their procedure. Now it is my turn to share my story with others! I am taking pics of my scalp daily to keep a track of the procedure to document it for one year.)

    I have completed my head wash and now have started taking Finasteride as well for the minituarising hair. 

    I am very excited to see the progress in my hair growth. And even more privileged that I get to share it with you all. It feel very supportive that there are people out there who genuinely care and would partake in my journey. 

    I am going to keep you guys updated. 













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