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Future Hair Doc

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Posts posted by Future Hair Doc

  1. 12 hours ago, jlf2610 said:

    I’m sure you guys get asked for suggestions constantly, but I’ve been doing research on HT doctors for several months now (if you counted simply perusing photo galleries here and there, you could say years), and I find myself so indecisive in choosing one. 

    Some background on me: I’m looking to get the transplant at 24. I started losing hair at 15, hopped on min at 20, added fin at 22, and I’ve seen no additional hairloss and even some gains over the last few years. 

    I also wanted to get an eyebrow filled in a bit from a scar. Nothing too crazy, but it’s important to me. 

    My budget isn’t unlimited, but it’s high. I’ve spent a long time saving for a HT (knowing that I’ve wanted one since high school), and I don’t want to half-ass this, so I’m willing to pay for a top surgeon. 

    So far, I’ve been most impressed by Drs. Hasson and Wong, Dr. Baubac, and Dr. Bernstein. But I’ve also read some less than stellar things about all of them the deeper I dug. Someone DM’d me on reddit about avoiding Baubac at all costs, and I’ve seen a lot of recent negative reviews about H&W’s FUE

    Any feedback is appreciated, and, once I do actually get this procedure done, I look forward to sharing results with you guys. Thanks!

    I would add @Dr Blake Bloxham to your list. While he's less experienced than the surgeons you mentioned, his work so far has been amazing and he's well known.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, James C said:

    Does it regrow hair like the pill form? And no sexual side effects?

    Yes, it arrests hair loss and spurs hair to go into the growth phase. The chances of side effects are essentially zero since it's not absorbed systemically like the pill

  3. 3 hours ago, BaronVonHairline said:

    Hi all, 

    Hoping to get some stories and see some results of those who have undergone HT but do not use Fin. 

    I was on fin for a while and unfortunately I am one of the people who got horrible sides. Took me months after stopping to recover, so fin is off my list of options for good. Am open to trying min but dread the initial shed.

    I know the traditional view is an HT without meds is not the best idea, but I've seen a few people on various threads say otherwise. Have been searching around trying to find threads with such results and stories, but it's hard to search this forum with such generic keywords.

    Wondering if anyone has stories/threads the could link to on this forum (or others). Trying to get a sense of what is possible with just an HT long term plan that does not include any fin products, but may integrate min. 


    Did you try topical finasteride? The chances of side effects are basically nil since it's local and not systemically absorbed. 

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  4. On 8/14/2020 at 2:17 PM, ciaus said:

    Hello Dr. Khokhar, I really appreciate your contributions here, great to have a medical professional weigh in on topics.

    I'm thinking about starting up 1.25mg/day dosage, already saw my doctor and have a script for 2.5mg pills, cut in half per day. There's a doctor clinic up in Canada that has some blog topics on oral minoxidil in the links below, and the dosage ranges for results start lower, even below that 1.25mg. It sounds like from your last reply that you start prescriptions at 2.5mg. Is that based on your patient results not responding to lower doses? or fellow doctor results/literature etc?


    This is on my radar because I have a scarring alopecia (LPP) that has thankfully been in remission and was pretty mild even when it was active -and some scalp sebhorrheic dermatitis. So I stay away from topical medicines since I can't predict skin irritation flareups. The idea of stopping the minoxidil to deal with sheds while I get things back under control is a non-starter for me.






    Great question. I start off at 2.5mg based on published literature, as well as results from other physicians and my own practice. 

    Use the following to guide your research:



    • Thanks 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Drugs110 said:

    How common is edema and dangerous heart arrythmia at those doses?

    Not common at all. I'd start off at 2.5mg obviously (lowest dose) and the most I'd go up is 5mg. Obviously talk to your doctor since everyone reacts differently and you might have other comorbidities that would put you at a higher risk for side effects. 

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