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Posts posted by Skyb

  1. That’s awesome!! Thanks for sharing your experience man. I also did a 2nd procedure just 3 weeks ago and everything you highlighted I got too. Can’t wait to see your results. Dr Diep track record is incredible impressive. Keep in mind he shares a new patient result every Friday (raw unedited) ranging from all races and hair type. I have yet to see anyone else produce this type of practice.

  2. Head looks good. Just buzzed my hair to match the top. Everything is going as planned. I’m hoping to get some early growth since Dr Diep did the A-cell injection. I will upload some pics soon. I’m hesitant to post pics because all the Diep haters freak out and nit pick on every little graft they can zoom in on. Melvin I can assure you tho that the work is impeccable and once my hair grows by this summer I want you to address me as the Graft King 👑 Jk 😜

  3. Just left the beautiful city of las Gatos to pay a visit to the MHTA clinic. I was back in the Captains chair once again  but this time it was for suture removal. I must say I was concerned about the discomfort during post op recovery but this last few weeks has been a breeze. The donor area looks nice although I do notice a little shock loss but that happened the first time and it grew back to normal after a month or so.

    I arrived early ( did not want to be late) at Dr Dieps office at 2:15.. being that my apt was 2:45 I figured I’d just hang out in the office and admire Dr Dieps shutters and decor in the lobby area Lol. Within mins I was greeted by Mary and she remembered me from surgery date and asked how my bday was and if ate all the cake. 

    The office was very busy as usual but they followed the strict covid restrictions. Mary was nice enough to take me back to one of the rooms so I would not have to wait. 

    She did an awesome job taking her time and having a gentle touch. We chatted it up and I enjoyed her attention to detail and making sure I was comfortable. 

    Before I left I booked a 1 month fallow up for the steroid injection. 

    As I was booking my apt a patient came in 30 mins late for a hair wash. They asked Mary if he needed to reschedule but she went above and beyond to make sure that patient got taken care of.

    over all Im always pleased with this clinic. I hate writing reviews but I feel I owe it to let people know what a great experience I had. 






  4. Melvin if this is the best time to get a hair transplant. Being that everything is closed including the gyms the temptation is not going to drive me nuts. Most Dr say resume exercise rafter 2-4 weeks but that’s bs. If your doing heavy squats, dead lifts and bench press it’s best to wait 6 - 12 months. Even though my scar stretched I could still wear my hair as low as a 3 guard.  Being this is my second I don’t want to take any chances so I’m taking all the right measures. I must say I have very little discomfort. Dr Diep did a great job 

  5. I’m fascinated by this steroid shot I keep hearing about. I had my second fut 10 days ago and I remember leaving the office high as a bird and I remember Dr Diep say “we are gonna give you steroid shot buddy” I have my apt for stitch removal on 2/2. Maybe he can give me a few steroid shots in my pec and shoulders as well since summer is coming! Jk 

  6. That top view looks killer! Diep deff know how to place the grafts for maximizing coverage. Funny I noticed my fut scar and numbness is very little compared to my first session. Even the scar area looks less dramatic. First surgery   I deff rushed back into the gym to soon and got some stretch back. This time around I’m going to ensure a pencil thin scar Line by staying in a vegetative  state for six months or maybe I’ll live like a monk in top of the mountain till it fully heals. Jk!!! 

    • Haha 1
  7. I have to add that I felt 100% satisfied with the safety efforts made during the covid restriction in the office. Everything was being cleaned at all times. Every member had a mask on them and only one person allowed in the office at a time. They were very diligent with compliance  measures. Probably best I’ve seen so far. 


  8. Today puts me at my one week mark of my procedure with Dr Diep. I had a wonderful experience with not only Dr Diep but with the tech and staff members.

    The day started at 545 am. The nurse took my vitals and had me change into  a gown so they can have me prepped and ready. Few mins later I see Dr Diep enter the office and I hear him say “Let’s Rock” the nurse  took me into Dieps office so he could explain everything regarding the surgery and give me some pain pills. Dr Diep and I chatted for a few mins and joked about buying tickets to Mega million lottery that was happening that week. Jokingly  I asked him if he won 100 million dollars would he still perform hair transplants. With out hesitation he answered “yes” and explained to me this was his passion and he would never want to stop doing what he loves. Shortly I could feel the meds kicking in so he took me to the exam chair to get set up.

    Dr Diep started shaving my head and told me he would do his best to get the 3k grafts as quoted but he told me he needed to put my  safety first and we would have to wait and see once we got the strip.  

    The morning went by very fast. I literally did not feel any pain during the surgery just a few pricks from the needle when they were numbing me up.  The techs spent the early part of the day doing the graft placement but Dr Diep would check in a lot asking me how I was feeling. I felt in great hands during the whole day. My only pain was from laying down in a chair for 12 hours but I was able to stretch out during lunch time (which they provide) for the day. 

    when the surgery was over Dr Diep had noticed that my birthday was the following day so he sent someone from the office to buy me a birthday cake that was personalized with my name also the staff member MARY bought me skittles with a balloons. (Talk about a nice surprise)

    The office went above and beyond to explain post op care and get me set up with my ride home. The staff also was able to call in my meds to my local pharmacy as well. 

    When I left the office Dr Diep was still rocking and rolling working hard. He gave me his number and told me to let the office know if I had any concerns. I left the clinic feeling great and had everything I need.

    I will keep you guys posted with more updates and information but so far I feel fantastic and so happy I went back to Dr Diep! 

    • Like 2
  9. Somebody the other day called me a Dr Diep “fan boy” and it’s because of results like this!! My god   this has to be in the top 5 results I have ever seen in my life. Hair line is perfect and it looks like he took you from a class 6 to damn near full coverage. You look decades younger. I stand by my statement putting Diep as one of the best. 

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