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Posts posted by taza

  1. 12 minutes ago, ITA said:

    Among other things, you had 3 transplants, 2 failed, the third went well, but how long did it last?  This then would be the fourth.  It is very likely that there is something wrong with your scalp.  If you really want to understand, book a biopsy.

    I still got all my transplanted hairs from my third transplant which was over 10 years ago. l only lost my native hairs around the transplanted hairs. If there is something wrong with my scalp, why was my third transplant successful?

  2. 52 minutes ago, Vann said:

    First off, thank you for posting and sharing your experience.

    Secondly, I think you're jumping the gun when saying you ahve no growth. Based off some of the photos I cannot tell if you lowered your hair line, have multiple grafts in different areas, etc.

    The photos are not very clear but from 6 months I think you are pretty close to what you could look like from that point in time. You didnt specify any medications or any daily routines/regimens. So I would expect that you aren't taking anything so you could see some growth around 8 months. There are some cases where people grow very slowly.

    You seem to be avoiding the question some people are asking with what clinic you went to. You are not obligated to say but it would help others to determine the type of planning or have any similar experiences.

    Lastly, I see some fine miniaturized hairs (I think) in the photos of poor lighting. They may just be native hairs on your scalp/forehead. But the photos are not very easy to see. Could you post some donor, post/pre ops with clearer resolution or take anything in direct sunlight?

    Also just to note, sometimes you could have shock loss that could last awhile. The stress induced from the surgery could take awhile to heal and its always a case by case scenario. If you had a lot of things injected into your scalp that could take months to recover from. If there was collateral damage that could be another issue (if you had hair that was transected from the implanted hair). Many things to evaluate. I feel like i say this a lot but look a @Melvin- Moderator this dude has had 4 hair transplant and his most recent one he didnt really get much coverage until his recent months. Even then he still is a slow grower based off his previous HT's. 

    I never said I got no growth. I got very patchy growth for 6 months not more the 20% growth. I also got alot of stubble hairs which are not growing or shedding and are beginning it irritate my scalp. I'm taking both finasteride and minoxidil.

  3. 2 hours ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    I honestly wouldn’t worry at this stage as you’re still very early in the process. My guess is that the transplanted hair is either growing very slowly or not growing due to shock from the surgery but possibly, instead of shedding, it’s going to continue to grow from The point it is at now after the shock. Where is often the growth period starts.

    Let me explain this other way. Most people experience shedding of the transplanted hair 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. 3 to 5 months after the date of the procedure, new growth typically begins and slowly grows, thickens and darkens over the course of 12 to 18 months after the date of the procedure.  So it’s possible that your transplant hair will still shed and follow this line of progression just like most people.

    on the other hand, some very lucky individuals do not experience a hair shed and the transplanted hair just grows slowly over time just like regular natural hair.  sometimes however, there will be delay in growth because the hair is still technically shocked from the surgery but when the growth period begins which is typically between 3 to 5 months, the transplant hair will just grow from the point it’s at now.

    So putting this together, most likely you will either experience a hair shed soon and follow the former progression I mentioned first or, you won’t experience a hair shed and you will see the transplanted hair resume growth between 3 to 5 months after the date of the procedure.

    At this point I don’t want to assume anything else or that there is any kind of problem. I suggest giving it ample time to go through the process and try not to worry in the meantime.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant 

    Its been nearly 6 months and my stubble hair is still not growing or shedding. Could these stubbles be dead grafts? Shall I pull them out with tweezers?

  4. 5 hours ago, Gramatik said:

    I think you could post pictures on 7 month again and then at 8, in order to see the progress from month to month. You should expect a much denser result than the one you have now. So it needs to be improved a lot from now..

    Can you tell us the cost of the procedure per graft ?

    I think the clinic is charging $3 per graft now.

  5. On 8/9/2022 at 6:48 AM, mister_25 said:

    It would be helpful if you could provide before photos of each of your transplants. I'm a bit surprised that you underwent 3 transplants regarding your first two being failures. Which surgeons did you previously go to?

    I had 2 failed surgeries in the UK about 15 years ago and I had a successful surgery with Dr rahal in Canada about 10 years ago.

  6. 17 minutes ago, botchedguy95 said:

    Do you have a better camera? I don't understand how a phone in this day and age takes pictures this blurry, it genuinely doesn't look bad for 5.5 months.. 

    I apologise for the blurry pictures. My 8 year old daughter took them. I will listen to my doctors advice and wait 8 months and then I will post better pictures. 

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