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Everything posted by jp1989

  1. Thanks Bill! I checked out the link in your profile and even after 4 procedures, your hair looks so natural and I'd say your procedures are undetectable. No one would be the wiser! ?
  2. Thanks! I was slightly nervous prior to the procedure, but once I got there and saw how professional the Rahal team is that all disappeared and I was relieved that I was finally going through with it!
  3. Thanks for the feedback guys. If anyone out there has any questions about having a procedure done or hair loss treatments then please don't hesitate to reach out!
  4. Thanks Matt! I'm looking forward to what 12 months looks like
  5. Thanks - I checked out your post on your procedure as well - WOW, major improvement and you're only half way there!
  6. I believe Rahal charges around $6-7 per FUE graft, but you would have to contact his team for pricing because honestly I can't remember how much it was exactly.
  7. Ya, my office is small (only a few people) and I was upfront about the procedure. Attached is a pic of me driving home from Ottawa the next day (tape across my forehead to prevent any swelling coming into my face haha). I removed my headrest from my seat, leaned back and used a travel pillow around my neck as it was more comfortable that way. The other is of the grafts about two weeks after the procedure that outlines my new hairline.
  8. 6 Months Post Op - 1900 FUE Grafts from Dr Rahal Blog Post Here I struggled with hair loss for a few years, beginning in my early twenties. My hairline slowly started to recede towards the dreaded “M” pattern and then I noticed that my crown was starting to thin and became particularly noticeable under bright light. I didn’t seek out any sort of treatment until I was almost 27 because I didn’t know that there was anything I could do to prevent further hair loss. I researched a bit online and came across different web forums that all seem to echo that I should be on the “Big 3”. The “Big 3” were minoxidil, finasteride and ketoconazole shampoo. I started with minoxidil foam (5%) and Nizoral shampoo that contained 2% ketoconazole for about six months. There was a noticeable improvement around the four month mark and I was kind of shocked by how much my hair grew back and thickened. After six months, I decided to get a prescription for finasteride to try to prevent hair loss in the future… I wish I had never touched the stuff. The side effects that I got from taking finasteride affected more than just my hormonal system and lowering my DHT levels and I decided that I wasn’t going to continue taking it even though I knew the inevitable would continue to happen if I didn’t. It was a little over a year later that I decided to look up hair transplant doctors and the different types of procedures offered. After reading different reviews online and seeing patients “Before and After” photos, I found myself most impressed with Dr Rahal’s results and consistent track record, most notably regarding his hairline restoration procedures. I scheduled a consultation with Chad in Toronto which lasted about 45 minutes. Chad explained the different types of procedures (FUT strip and FUE) and also gave me an estimate with how many grafts my procedure might require to get the desired result. I ended up booking my FUE procedure with Dr Rahal based on the fact that he’s among the best in his field and that he’s particularly skilled with hairline restoration which is what I was looking for. It also didn’t hurt that he has an excellent track record. Some people online even claim that his work must be a scam because the results are so consistent. A hair transplant is something that you want to have done properly the first time; because of the limited availability of grafts that can be transplanted as well as the extra cost if you have to have your procedure done over again. The alternative was to have an FUT procedure was not an option for me because I considered it a bit too invasive. I was comfortable with the FUE method, even though it was more expensive, I felt it was the better choice for me. I wanted a quick recovery, no scar and to be comfortable going in to the procedure. The atmosphere at the RAHAL clinic in Ottawa, where I had my procedure done, is very comforting and caring. Each of the staff ensures that you’re relaxed and you're not rushed at all. I wasn’t at all nervous going in to the procedure, in fact, I felt more relieved that I was actually going forward with this. Overall, the surgery was quite painless. I did have some minor swelling that subsided in about two days, but this is due to me sitting up in bed after the procedure and working on my laptop while tilting my head down towards the keyboard for hours the morning after my surgery. Ideally, you want to keep your head straight or lay down to avoid any swelling. The recovery was much easier than I expected; I had my procedure on a Tuesday morning and was back at work (office job) Thursday morning. You do have to sleep on a 45-degree angle for the first five nights after your surgery, but you get used to this pretty quickly. I didn't experience any serious pain, not even a mild headache so the pain medication that the clinic provided wasn't necessary for me. The photos included are the 6 month results from my FUE procedure with Dr. Rahal. In all, I had 1931 grafts via FUE (719 were 1 hair grafts, 1127 were 2 hair grafts, 84 were 3 hair grafts, 1 was a 4 hair graft. In total with 1931 grafts, 3229 hairs were planted. I've also attached my pre-op photos and my post-op photo the day after the surgery. In addition to the FUE procedure I also had PRP treatment during the surgery. I'd highly recommend opting for PRP treatment to anyone who's having a hair transplant done. I believe PRP vastly reduced my healing time and the difference it's made to my hair in areas that I didn't have FUE done is amazing. In the attached photos, I've only had one PRP treatment and that was during the surgery. I do intend to continue having PRP done once every 6-12 months. So far I'm very happy with the results. I do notice fine, blonde hair starting to grow along the hairline so I know my six month photos don't yet show the full result. I'll post back more later.
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