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Posts posted by BjornBorg

  1. IMHO you don’t need surgery, your hair looks great and what most aspire to achieve with surgery. Now you have to ask yourself are you willing to embark on a life long journey, are you willing to have multiple surgeries to keep up with your hair loss, nothing is set in stone but it is likely you will recede further. Will you be in a position financially and will you have the time allotted for more surgeries down the line?


    You’re definitely a candidate 32, minor hair loss, you’ve been receding slowly, you’re considered a perfect candidate for most Surgeons. I never aim to discourage only educate, surgery is not a quick fix, remember it’s permanent with scarring, once you start there’s no going back, but if it really bothers you then research, meet with doctors and don’t rush in to anything.


    Some important questions there. I contemplate all of them but what my mind always comes back to is that dream of once again having a hairline that doesn't need "reinforcement" from his friends on the sides.


    If it's really bugging you, and has for a while, I say go for it. I did mine aat 33 and had a lower natural hairline and still went for it after a few years of research. I did start meds at 30 tho. But I think your hairline is conservative enough that even without meds it would work, you just may need a touch up sooner.


    I have read your posts for years and I know you are a big advocate for finasteride. Therefore this post makes me feel encouraged. I trust you if anyone would tell me if my plan was horrible. :)

  2. If it were me I would get on Fin and do nothing. Your hair looks great to me and is very age appropriate.

    Got a problem with the potential sides though. And that is not just the sides but also the mental aspect of constantly walking around looking for something that feels wrong in my body. That's just not something I can handle at this point. Maybe the thought will grow on me though in the future.


    At 32 you're not getting any younger. If your hair bothers you fue is the way to go. Pick a great surgeon and get it done ad enjoy it before you're 42 lol

    It does bother me day and night. Agreed, you're only young for so long.


    I can see both points of view - on the one hand your hair looks great and not unlike an 'after' photo for someone who started at a higher NW stage and had conservative work done. On the other hand, that desire to improve oneself is hard to ignore. Most doctors would consider you to be a good candidate, considering your age and slow rate of loss. Your donor looks good too. It has to be said that there is a chance that your hairloss will advance in the future. It's impossible to put any kind of percentage figure on that, but you would need to be aware that a second procedure might be necessary one day.


    First off thanks for an honest and detailed reply. A second procedure is definitely something I'm mentally prepared for. Maybe even a third if we're talking ten-fifteen years down the line.



    I think your plan is sound. The line you drew isn't too low. When you say you want symmetry, I don't take that to mean exact symmetry. A transplanted hairline frames the face better but (if done right) there will be irregularities that stop it from looking man-made and unnatural.


    The bolded is correct. Been hanging around these boards long enough to know total symmetry in the hairline isn't ideal. When it comes to the temples/temple points I am actually talking somewhat exact symmetry though. It might not be apparent in the pics but my right one is far worse off than the left one and it's been that way since long before I started thinning. So correcting the right one is something that I feel will boost my overall appearance.


    Most hairline procedures involve planting hair within areas of existing hair. It's routine.

    Sounds good. Again thanks!

  3. I really think your hair looks great as it is. IMO FUE will be higher risk/lower reward in you case. I am 32 and had FUE 6 months ago. I am hoping to more or less achieve what you have now from a NW 4.

    Also, and this is just my personal opinion, perfectly symmetrical hair transplants always look a little unnatural to me. Nothing in nature is perfect and even the untrained eye will pick this up quickly.


    You make fair points and I am definitely considering them. But you know how it is when you get a thought stuck in your head. :)


    This risk/reward thing is what's bugging me a little bit because I can still make my combover look decent some days if there is no wind out, etc. Losing that would suck, but at the same time I have seen no cases from Asmed where the patient ends up unpresentable afterwards.

  4. Hello all,


    Thanks to this helpful forum I am now at a point where I've 95% decided to have an FUE surgery and my preferred physician right now is Dr Koray Erdogan.


    But I'd still like to get some input.


    My situation and plan:

    *32 years old this year. Been losing my hairline and in my frontal third since I was about 27, although slowly.

    *Will not use meds in the foreseeable future due to fear of sides.

    *Want to rebuild hair line to old status, nothing too radical. Maybe lower it one centimeter on the sides and make it symmetrical.

    *Rebuild right side temple to make it symmetrical to the left one, which is OK today.

    *Forelock shouldn't be lowered but strengthened alongside the rest of the frontal third.


    What do you think of my plan? What is the likelyhood of losing rapidly mid thirties or later?


    Is it dangerous to the native hairs to put hair follicles inbetween? A lot of questions that I hope some of you can answer. :)





  5. Greetings fellow sufferer,


    Myself also being 32 this year and seeing the hairline move back further month by month, I know where you're at.


    For me it was a step to register to the forum after reading for many years. It felt like actually admitting to something that I have tried to deny to myself over the last few years. 1. I have hair loss and 2. It's occupying my mind every waken minute. So let's do something about it. While we're at least semi young.

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