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Posts posted by Scorpian

  1. LOL Balboa.. you could direct the question to me you know.. I'll be glad to answer it for you... it's not like it's a scandal or something lol icon_smile.gif... There's nothing to hide... I was never on this forum before... As I said to you in response to your PM.. I went in for a third procedure because I had some loss of hair after exposure to the sun (see one of the other threads I posted). Most people I told that I was going to have a transplant were dumbfounded as to why. Even my family doctor never knew I had surgery and when I told him I needed his approval, he looked at my hair and didn't understand why.


    There were some noticeable patches of hair loss that were bothering me.. and a continuation of MPB. If you see the pictures where work was done this time, it includes areas never touched before.. The previous FUE only addressed the hairline and the extreme crown area. It's just sad that I had shock loss with this procedure. I hope it grows back.

  2. I think the before picture says it all. That's a much better before picture to have put up. I think your results for 5 months post op are great. Remember, at 5 months, your yield may be around 50-60%... but the hair quality is only at 20-25%.. which means the hair is still going to go through double the thickening over the next few months. It looks good so far. The bumps are still there, but it looks less obvious as the hairs are growing.

  3. I know this has probably been discussed already, but I just wanted to throw it out for discussion. Where do you guys think hair restoration will be in 3-5 years? I know we've always heard that the cure is "5 years away", but this is the first time in which legitimate companies have advanced to at least phase 2 of their trials. There are multiple companies offering different solutions. Also, with some companies, funding does not seem to be an issue. There are many doctors who are also working privately on hair regeneration. I spoke to Dr. Armani about this and he said that he was working on something on the cellular level and is highly optimistic about it. He said he hopes he'll have news by the end of this year. Dr. Armani told me that if something does come out, that it would rid the need to extract follicles but the making of the incisions as well as the inserting of cells/grafts would still stay the same.


    Obviously, there are no guarantees but what do you guys think about hair restoration in the coming years?

  4. I know this has probably been discussed already, but I just wanted to throw it out for discussion. Where do you guys think hair restoration will be in 3-5 years? I know we've always heard that the cure is "5 years away", but this is the first time in which legitimate companies have advanced to at least phase 2 of their trials. There are multiple companies offering different solutions. Also, with some companies, funding does not seem to be an issue. There are many doctors who are also working privately on hair regeneration. I spoke to Dr. Armani about this and he said that he was working on something on the cellular level and is highly optimistic about it. He said he hopes he'll have news by the end of this year. Dr. Armani told me that if something does come out, that it would rid the need to extract follicles but the making of the incisions as well as the inserting of cells/grafts would still stay the same.


    Obviously, there are no guarantees but what do you guys think about hair restoration in the coming years?

  5. At the time, I did not use sunblock on my scalp. I didn't know the potential risk of exposing my scalp after the hairs were already starting to grow. I guess I assumed that since they were growing, they were part of my head and like normal hairs that never shed from the sun, things would be ok. On the forums, everyone seemed to say that after 3-4 months, things would be fine. I didn't think the sun could have been a problem. Like I said, I don't know what to attribute to me losing some of those transplanted hairs, but the sun is definitely one possibility. It's just ironic that right after sun exposure from my vacation, I would lose transplanted hairs that were growing quite nicely at 4 months post op.


    I'll try to look for pictures. My advice would be to put sunblock on and wear a hat, or sit under an umbrella icon_smile.gif. I'm just going by personal experience. You should always ask your doctor about things like this though.

  6. I agree.. wearing a hat is a good idea when you're out for a prolonged period of time. You can always apply SPF on your scalp, but I heard that the efficacy of SPF lotions is minimal when the sun ray's are extremely strong. They actually only block anywhere from 20% to 50% of the sun's rays under very strong emissions. I would buy a UV hat, but they look silly lol

  7. Just thought I'd share this story. I had 2 previous HT's which ate up a good deal of donor hair... and 4 months post op from my 2nd one.. I had a sun burn while I was on vacation. I contacted the clinic and told them about it, and they told me not to worry too much about it. Well, the new grafts were in-fact growing until they saw sun for a prolonged period of time from my vacation. Once I came back from my vacation, the recipient area was much thinner than before. This was roughly 5 1/2 months post op when I came back home. I don't know if the sun did that or not, but things never improved after that. Just a word to those getting a HT.. there's a lot of controversy surrounding how long after a HT you are able to expose your scalp to sun.. I would just avoid it altogether, until at least those grafts have truly settled.. which would probably be 18 months. Again, I'm not sure if it was the sun that did it or not... but to be on the safe side, I would avoid the sun.

  8. I agree. GET ON PROPECIA. I was just like you when I was 17-18. Hairloss hit quick and hard. I waited until I was 21 to get on Propecia. At the time I was trying Avacor, but that didn't really do much for me. Propecia will slow hair loss, especially in the crown region. Get on it and stabilize your loss for a couple of years before you consider other options.

  9. So once you're done with the shedding of the hair grafts, what things can contribute to good hair yield in the weeks ahead? Are those grafts secure at this point so that you can continue on with most normal activities, or does your lifestyle (working out/alcohol) impact the survival of the grafts? What do you guys think?

  10. So once you're done with the shedding of the hair grafts, what things can contribute to good hair yield in the weeks ahead? Are those grafts secure at this point so that you can continue on with most normal activities, or does your lifestyle (working out/alcohol) impact the survival of the grafts? What do you guys think?

  11. My doctor advises to wait a year. I wouldn't want to risk losing hair because of the sun. UV is a powerful hair killer.. and I know this firsthand. I love to tan, but if you're going to do it, make sure you speak to your doctor and/or protect your head.

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