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Posts posted by Scorpian

  1. Is hair in the recipient area of a transplant susceptible to DHT? My original surgery three years ago featured great success (via strip), and I was quite pleased with my results. I went from a NW 3-4 to a NW1. Three years later, some of those original transplanted hairs seem miniaturized. Some of them are just not as thick as they used to be. Hence, I pose the question.. do transplanted hairs really last? We see a lot of pictures 1-2 years after a procedure and we comment on them. What about people 5-10 years after a transplant? Do they still have great hairlines with no miniaturization of the recipient area? Can't wait till HM comes out one day and gets rid of this problem icon_smile.gif.

  2. Is hair in the recipient area of a transplant susceptible to DHT? My original surgery three years ago featured great success (via strip), and I was quite pleased with my results. I went from a NW 3-4 to a NW1. Three years later, some of those original transplanted hairs seem miniaturized. Some of them are just not as thick as they used to be. Hence, I pose the question.. do transplanted hairs really last? We see a lot of pictures 1-2 years after a procedure and we comment on them. What about people 5-10 years after a transplant? Do they still have great hairlines with no miniaturization of the recipient area? Can't wait till HM comes out one day and gets rid of this problem icon_smile.gif.

  3. Thanks Always. Yes, it definitely made things obvious, which I never had to deal with before. All of a sudden I went from an improvement of my hair post-op to near complete baldness in the recipient area just a few weeks later (worse than pre-op). Obviously, people at work noticed. I'm being patient and know that it will all most likely come back in a few weeks.

  4. Thanks Dr. Mejia. I guess what concerns me is that I did have my hair shaved prior to the transplant and I did use Rogaine/Propecia. So I took the precautions necessary to minimize shock loss. Even still, I had major shock. I'm almost 2 months post op now, and while things have improved a little, it's still no where near how it was pre-transplant. I'm hoping in the coming weeks, there will be regrowth of the shocked hairs with the newly transplanted hairs.

  5. Just wanted to share with you all that I missed a dose of Propecia last night, and I have to say that today was the best day ever I've been on Propecia for 5 years, and it has slowed down my hair loss. My hair loss was accelerating quite rapidly in my late teens and early 20s until I got on Propecia. Unfortunately, I am one of the unlucky ones who's experienced decreased libido with using it. I have to say that today I was wayy more in line with my masculine side (you all know what I mean). Sucks that we have to use a pill with side effects like decreased sex drive to maintain something that we value. It's a give and take. Which is worth more? And for me at the moment, it's my hair. At least it's good to know that if a cure like HM comes out, that the side effects are reversible. Just thought I'd share my day with you all lol

  6. Just wanted to share with you all that I missed a dose of Propecia last night, and I have to say that today was the best day ever I've been on Propecia for 5 years, and it has slowed down my hair loss. My hair loss was accelerating quite rapidly in my late teens and early 20s until I got on Propecia. Unfortunately, I am one of the unlucky ones who's experienced decreased libido with using it. I have to say that today I was wayy more in line with my masculine side (you all know what I mean). Sucks that we have to use a pill with side effects like decreased sex drive to maintain something that we value. It's a give and take. Which is worth more? And for me at the moment, it's my hair. At least it's good to know that if a cure like HM comes out, that the side effects are reversible. Just thought I'd share my day with you all lol

  7. Dr. Feller,


    I know someone asked this, but it wasn't answered. I'm sure many people are curious to know the answer to this as well. Since PRP treatments are supposed to "reverse minituarization" to a degree, do you think it could halt hair loss or slow it down considerably? I know the hairs become "thickened", but does that mean that the miniaturization process has been reversed or slowed down? Thanks.

  8. Shock loss happened to me too and I'm 7 weeks post op. The same thoughts ran through my head, but just make sure you use Rogaine and Propecia. I'm still waiting for new growth but that's normal. Everything should be fine in a few weeks. I know other Armani patients who have experienced shock loss recently and all of them seemingly grew their shock back. Hang in there.. I know I am icon_smile.gif.

  9. Well stopping a genetic disorder with a miracle pill is difficult. Hence, hair multiplication or cloning/culturing of cells would be a type of "cure". There are several companies trying this right now, and Aderans (ADI) seems to have the funding and research to provide something to the market possibly within 5 years. They are starting phase 2 trials this year. The good thing with them is that they have the research and the money to continue on. Obviously, they have to prove that their method works well; so once can only hope that it does. We can only hope I guess.

  10. Follow your doctor's advice on this one. My doctor has strict guidelines about touching grafts until 4 weeks post op, so you pretty much stay with scabs and hope they fall off on their own through the washing technique (which they don't do for the most part). So yes, it's normal to have crusts 5 days post op. I wouldn't touch it till at least 10 days as there was a study out that showed that pulling on a graft with a scab could result in a lost graft up to day 9. After that, it was safe. Again, follow your doctor's recommendations.

  11. I think part of the problem with me is that my natural hair is coarse and dense.. so when this bald scalp appears right in front of dense hair, it looks very strange. I might just use a leave in conditioner or something else along those lines for the rest of my hair to make it look more "slicked back" until the hair grows. Concelears would be a bit difficult to use with that much thinning. I used a little bit today, and it did help slightly, but I'm thinking the slicked back look might be better. I just remembered that that's what I did after my first surgery and it worked pretty well. Once the hair started growing, it just looked like I was no longer using gel on my hair and instead let it stay dry.

  12. Thanks for the support and input guys. It really helps. I just hate staring at my bare scalp. The last time I stared at a relatively bare scalp was prior to my first HT procedure. I now truly realize what a difference hair has made for me ever since I got a transplant. I look at least 5 years older without all the hair in this shock loss period. I'll keep you guys posted in the coming weeks. In the meantime, I guess I have to stop looking in the mirror icon_smile.gif.

  13. This is by far the worst shock loss I've encountered. I had surgery before and a lot of my previous transplants fell with this latest procedure. I'm 33 days post op. There was also a large scab that developed 3-4 days post op (it even looked like a huge infection that my doctor told me to put antibiotic creme on). Now the area behind the left side of my hairline (right side on pictures) where that "scab" was is void of hair altogether in some spots. Any input would be appreciated. I feel horrible.





    POST OP:



    POST OP DAY 21:



    POST OP DAY 30:



    POST OP DAY 33:



  14. I think the flash hit hard on the left side and the hair was short. Plus, this picture was taken from an angle. But yes, some of it was due to what I believe was sun damage a couple of months after my second surgery. That, plus a continuation of MPB led me to have the third procedure. Now I have to deal with shock loss.. but I've read that it's temporary so I hope this shock period doesn't last too long.

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