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Posts posted by Scorpian

  1. I'm sure you guys have been following my posts and all. Im a few days shy of being 4 months post op and my hair still looks worse than it did pre-op.. the hairline hasn't completely filled back in.. and there are very patchy spots. Even worse, things seemed to have been getting better, only to have the transplanted area seemingly thin out some. Not sure if using a concealer had anything to do with that. The area that was worked on is very evident compared to my native hair.. and it catches peoples eye in the sun. After my last procedure, people used to comment on how natural the work was and how I def. didn't need any more work. I, on the other hand, saw problems and wanted to fix it. Now, instead of "you don't need a transplant"... people comment on how I'm losing my hair. Great!! I do have to say that in night light, however, people notice a lot more hair and compliment the work. Go figure. After thousands of grafts and several procedures, I thought things would be amazing and now I'm just looking at my hair hoping things are gonna improve. Just thought I'd share.

  2. I'm sure you guys have been following my posts and all. Im a few days shy of being 4 months post op and my hair still looks worse than it did pre-op.. the hairline hasn't completely filled back in.. and there are very patchy spots. Even worse, things seemed to have been getting better, only to have the transplanted area seemingly thin out some. Not sure if using a concealer had anything to do with that. The area that was worked on is very evident compared to my native hair.. and it catches peoples eye in the sun. After my last procedure, people used to comment on how natural the work was and how I def. didn't need any more work. I, on the other hand, saw problems and wanted to fix it. Now, instead of "you don't need a transplant"... people comment on how I'm losing my hair. Great!! I do have to say that in night light, however, people notice a lot more hair and compliment the work. Go figure. After thousands of grafts and several procedures, I thought things would be amazing and now I'm just looking at my hair hoping things are gonna improve. Just thought I'd share.

  3. So I still have some shock loss that hasn't returned yet.. particularly evident behind the left side of my hairline.. I do see new hairs sprouting everyday, so I'm at least hoping that the remaining shock loss will come in. Keep in mind, I already had surgery in the frontal zone before. Here are some pics of my progress:


    Before Surgery:



    Immediately post op:



    3 weeks post op:



    1 month post op (with shock loss):






    2 1/2 months post op:




    3 months 10 days post op:






    Latest pics 3 months 25 days post op (you can see that one side is less dense near the hairline than the other-- hopefully, some of the shock loss there will return):













  4. As some of you know, I experienced a lot of shock loss with my HT. My previously transplanted hairs were shocked alongside the new grafts with this latest procedure. I'm now at 3 months and 10 days post op, and while things are improving slightly, I still am not where I was before surgery. Does shock loss take longer to come back than the newly implanted grafts? I'm going to attach pics so I would appreciate your feedback. Here are the pics:


    Before surgery:



    1 day post op:



    3 weeks post op:



    Around 33 days post op (shock loss):




    2 1/2 months post op (with shock loss):




    3 months 10 days post op (things are improving slightly, but still not where it was pre-surgery):








  5. I'm currently abroad on vacation for another 3 weeks and was using Rogaine. I'm 3 months post op. I just ran out of Rogaine. The country I'm visiting doesn't carry Rogaine. They do have 5% minoxidil, however. Would switching to a different brand of minoxidil cause a shed phase? Any advice would be appreciated.

  6. I'm currently abroad on vacation for another 3 weeks and was using Rogaine. I'm 3 months post op. I just ran out of Rogaine. The country I'm visiting doesn't carry Rogaine. They do have 5% minoxidil, however. Would switching to a different brand of minoxidil cause a shed phase? Any advice would be appreciated.

  7. The shock loss was in the recipient area. Thanks spex... I'm assuming that if hair does go into shock, that it should go through the typical 3-4 month dormant phase.. though what confuses me is people talking about their shock loss coming back at 2 months post op. Hence, I don't know if I should be worried, or if I should be happy to see slight improvement a couple of days shy of being 3 months post op.

  8. I had very bad shock loss with my recent hair transplant, and I'm 3 days shy of being 3 months post op. While I'm noticing an increase in hair count, my hair is still noticeably thinner than it was prior to my surgery. I've read a lot of posts where people have regained their shocked hair in 2 months. When is the normal time frame for shock loss to return? I'm referring to non-miniaturized, previously transplanted hairs that fell. Does shocked hair go into the same dormant phase as hair transplant follicles do?

  9. I had very bad shock loss with my recent hair transplant, and I'm 3 days shy of being 3 months post op. While I'm noticing an increase in hair count, my hair is still noticeably thinner than it was prior to my surgery. I've read a lot of posts where people have regained their shocked hair in 2 months. When is the normal time frame for shock loss to return? I'm referring to non-miniaturized, previously transplanted hairs that fell. Does shocked hair go into the same dormant phase as hair transplant follicles do?

  10. Botox may cure hair loss?"


    Balding men may be offered a cure for their thinning heads ??” injections of Botox.


    The toxic chemicals are generally used to smooth out wrinkles, but doctors have discovered it can regrow hair too.


    The treatment was discovered by accident ??” Dr. Simon Ourian in Beverly Hills, Calif., was trying to cure his mother's headaches. Botox is used off-label to treat migraines, and Ourian's mother, a cancer victim, was going through chemotherapy.


    After injecting Botox into her scalp, Ourian was stunned to see his mother's hair regrow. Botox dilates the blood vessels, which allows nutrients into the hair shaft and stimulates new growth.


    Ourian tested his theory on volunteers for three years, and although the treatment needs repeated injections, he has a "dramatic" difference.


    "I was happily surprised," Ourian said. "As hair loss is a significant source of insecurity, there was no shortage of volunteers." "

  11. Dr. Charles, thanks for responding. I agree that new treatments are always sought after (hence why we're no longer stuck with plugs). But when I hear that doctors are listing "PRP" as part of their "new treatment" line, I don't know if I'm real satisfied. Yes, it's a potentially great addition to HT's. It would be great if it could maintain the hair that's miniaturized and revive it. But HM is what most of us need to truly be happy. I personally think HM will be extremely valuable to HT doctors as it could provide an unlimited source of donor hair. It may, according to some, require the patient to return years down the line for further treatment as well. The point is, there are less unhappy patients and less lawsuits with HM. Why wouldn't any doctor want that? I'm glad to hear that you're involved in stem cell research. I know several private doctors are. Hopefully, it will lead to something soon. But you have to admit, there are other doctors hesitant to engage in things like stem cell research for fear that it will somehow put them out of business. Hence, those doctors rush to support and test products like PRP which is similar to Propecia/Minoxidil (perhaps slightly superior).

  12. I want to preface my post with the fact that I think PRP, if it works, is great. I also thank the doctors who are using it and trying it out. Having said that, the reality behind why doctors are trying PRP is because it's a potentially valuable source that could help/aid the results of HT's. It doesn't put any HT doctor "out of business". Amazing how quickly doctors are picking up on this PRP treatment. If HM would have benefitted some of these doctors (which it realistically can), I think many HT doctors would support funding/researching HM as well. Unfortunately, some feel that they have a lot to lose, so they choose to offer us things that will maintain and not grow new hair. I say we all put together money and support research on our own icon_smile.gif.

  13. Spin thanks for the encouragement.. I just had a bad experience today lol... One of my co-workers actually asked me what happened to my hair and why I was losing it...Because no one really knew I ever had anything done before.. He probably thought I had cancer or something and was on treatment.. and I just told him that I had an allergic reaction to the sun but the doctor said everything should be fine.. I'm 2 months post op tomorrow, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping time flies by and regrowth starts to kick in.

  14. If you use minoxidil post op twice a day for a year, then once a day for another year, would you still need to use it during your third year and beyond? My concern is that the hairs could become dependent on the minoxidil and may thin out if I just stop using it. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks.

  15. If you use minoxidil post op twice a day for a year, then once a day for another year, would you still need to use it during your third year and beyond? My concern is that the hairs could become dependent on the minoxidil and may thin out if I just stop using it. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks.

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