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Everything posted by Johnny129

  1. Many thanks for the info and your insight. It's greatly appreciated and I agree with what you say about Dr Bisanga from the results and testimonials I have seen.
  2. I have no problems in putting up photos. I've put up photos up in previous posts but as I've previously explained photos won't help. It is more about the acceptable threshold of donor miniaturisation for a HT. I know Bisanga says 20/25%, anything more and he doesnt consider them a viable candidate however Bisanga is a very cautious doctor which is why his results are as good as they are. Others may say up to 40 or 50%, which is why the other 2 surgeries didnt raise it as an issue. Im not sure. Its not about how my donor looks now, it's how much is likely to retain once it goes into the recipient area.
  3. I wouldnt take what anyone said on board off the back of a visual assessment of some photos now. The 30% figure is what matters. It was enough for Melvin. 4 doctors, all of them recommended on here gave me differing opinions. 2 said yeah, 2 said no, 50/50. So I came to see if some of the knowledgeable ppl or clinics could give some insight if a procedure could be feasible, how it can be feasible or a complete write off.
  4. How is it a moot without picture? What is a pic going to tell you exactly? I've had 2 doctors tell me I have a miniaturised donor after examining with a microscope and one giving me a percentage of 30%. I wanted to get ppls thoughts with those facts. I dont see how a pic will help.
  5. Thats a good shout. Who knows hopefully it may even stabilise with the topical dut
  6. Its not just going bald I have to worry about. Its also my donor area going and an unsightly donor area on display!
  7. No. I have tried before but experienced sides so thats a no go unfortunately
  8. 39 years old and have been on topical minox for 5 years. Will be starting topical dutasteride soon as soon as it arrives. I dont think photos will be of any use for this query
  9. Im looking to do a 2nd HT after a substandard one from Turkey a few years ago where my donor was over harvested. I've been to see 2 of the leading doctors in Turkey face to face and they didnt mention concerns about the donor apart from it being limited to around 2000 but 2 elite doctors in Europe have said they wouldn't be comfortable carrying out a procedure and one qouted my donor as being 30% miniaturised. BHT from chest and beard was given as an option which I am considering. Waiting on some details from the surgery. How risky would it be to carry out a procedure using the hair from my donor? Im erring on the side of caution currently and taking the advice not to do it but Im not sure if the European docs may be being overly cautious.
  10. And there I am with a tub waiting to be taken 😂 The jurys out on Turk. I think Andrew Huberman likes it, Jeff Nippard doesn't and Greg Doucette just released a video a few hours ago which is an interview with a Turk expert apparently. Although I believe Greg sells it so take what he says about it with a pinch of salt but may be worth checking out
  11. Good luck with the Turk, let us know how you get on. Out of curiosity how comes you decided to drop the creatine?
  12. 😂😂 Research is always good. I research, make a decision, do some further research then my decision changes again. Its a continuous cycle.
  13. Its funny how similar it is finding good supplements as it is finding a good HT doctor in Turkey 😁
  14. If its proven beyond reasonable doubt then it can't be disproven. Then it has to go to appeals and the case gets long. Anyway Im here talking about how creatine may be bad for your hair whilst Im looking at ordering some at the same time lol. I like creatine, and you're right. It may contribute, it may not but its down to how you interpret it and how it works on you. If you take it and don't see anything happening with your hair then go on ahead with that and any other supplements that you wanna go with. If it wasn't so difficult to get genuine Anavar I may have given that a go!
  15. There was a specific study taking place which was going to directly look at creatine and hair loss but for some reason (ahem) funding was withdrawn and it was stopped in its tracks.
  16. I do miss creatine and I will jump back on at some point. I actually had my DHT levels checked and waiting for the results. Once I've been on creatine for a few weeks I'll get the DHT levels checked again and see whats what
  17. Exactly my point. The jurys still out and thats just their interpretation of the data. I wouldn't say its been debunked. Barring Andrew Huberman talk about it I don't really know too much about Tongkat Ali so can't comment on it. It is a completely different compound to creatine so Im not sure how that swap would work out
  18. Some context or reasons why you have included this vid would be good. Thanks.
  19. It comes from a study of rugby players. Didnt contain anything about hairloss directly but an increase in DHT. There is controversy around the study with doubts and differing opinions but there are people on both sides in terms of whether it can accelerate hairloss in those prone to MPB or not.
  20. I use Ashwagandha and I like it. Does raise test levels but also reduces cortisol which you dont want too high especially when you're training. Also, not sure if you'll need it but helps calms. Im a lot more chilled and things dont agitate me as much
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