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Posts posted by Cap88

  1. Hello everyone,

    So I decided to go for Dr. Konior during the summer of 2017 and got a reservation for August 8th, 2018. I was 29 at the time and had some pretty extensive frontal balding going on. I had been balding mostly in the front from around age 18 - so pretty early. Luckily I had a decent amount of hair throughout my 20's, but in 2017 I decided I had to do something about my problem.

    The main issue I had was with people subconsciously scanning my hairline trying to figure out what the problem was up there. The framing in my face was gone and it was constantly drawing eyes, which was not fun. I tried to shave it all off at one point, and although it did look ok, I just didn't feel comfortable with it. The balding was still quite visible, even with a shaved head. I'm sure I would've learned to settle into it, but having hair is always better.

    It was a year long wait, but finally in August of 2018 I flew out to Chicago, from Norway. I had a few concerns heading into the procedure. One of them was my allergy. I had some pretty bad allergic skin breakouts at the time, and I was also allergic to penicillin, so it was not a good start to the journey ! But the Doctor and his staff were really professional and nice, which made things easier. We decided that it would be ok to skip the antibiotic pills, and instead just use the antibiotic ointment for the postop. Thinking about it now, I'm very glad that I did. Antibiotics wreck havoc on your system, and the risk of infection is tiny with a good clinic and proper wound care.

    Another concern was nerve damage around the donor area. I'm a bit of a skinny person, so I felt like my nerves would be closer to the surface than other people, but this turned out to be a non-issue. Full sensation returned to the donor area within a couple of months. I think this is due to the fact that he's a great surgeon. I even told him I was worried about it right before he was about to remove the strip, which might've made him be even more careful. Dr. Konior is the only hair transplant surgeon I know of with a cosmetic surgery background, so you're in good hands when it comes to all that.

    At this point, I have no numbness at all there. I sleep very comfortably. The recipient area is still slightly numb though, but I think that's normal. It's been cut over 3000 times, so it's to be expected. I don't notice the numbness there unless I bump my head into something. If I touch with my fingers it feels ok.

    And finally, to all the people worrying about when the results will come. Be patient. I was a bit of a slow grower myself. It takes time for the transplanted hair to settle in and mature, and for the blood vessels to grow strong. But, make sure you do a lot of research before you pick your surgeon. You want skilled hands operating on you. -- Anyway, here are some pre-op pics.20160226_165943(2).thumb.jpg.5637ac0e2d895f712bf52f21c9e85a6d.jpg20160829_044632(2).thumb.jpg.b9bfa828b3ccd39b2f7abf379515404a.jpgtipped45.thumb.jpg.d5d899ee7c6457de134c7ad8b39ae02a.jpg


  2. Hey guys, first time user here. I just got a price offer from Dr. Konior for a 3000 graft FUT procedure. He wants $18,500 for it. I also checked the Shapiro website, and it seems like they will do it for $14,000.


    I like Dr. Konior and his results, but the price is quite steep. What do you guys think I should do?


    edit: I decided to go with Dr. Konior as he offered to do it for his old fee, since that is what we had discussed about a year ago. I think that was very honorable of him.

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