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Everything posted by miko

  1. What about Hair of Istanbul clinic? Did someone some experience with them?
  2. Thank you very much for your advices. I was searching for HT surgeons in 2016. In 2016 there were a lot of positive reviews and almost no negative reviews of Asmed. Now is the situation different. Also Asmed was (and still is) recomended by this forum and this webpage and I had a good air connection to the Istanbul and back, only 2 hours flight from the airport 30 km from my hometown. That was the reasons why I choosed Asmed.
  3. Thanks for your opinions, guys. When I started to look for a HT surgeon in 2016, it was hard to find bad review of Asmed. Now is not problem to find bad reviews and there are more and more others. In 2017 there were 2 guys with me and both have great results of their hair. I don´t know why my result is so weak. First problem is the result. But the second problem is the clinic's approach to the result. I expected them to invite me to fix the result for free with maybe 800 - 1000 grafts (after seeing the result) and I was suprised when they wrote me, that I need another 2500 grafts for 6.250,- Eur. Can you advise me some good surgeon for dense packing? Thank you for every opinion and advice.
  4. Yes, of course. I am sorry, but i push the button so early. 4 pics are from HT, next 2 pics are from 6th monts period and rest of pics are from the period appriximately 18 months fromn the HT.
  5. Hello, I had my HT at Asmed clinic in January 2017, 4500 grafts in hairline and vertex. I am not quite satisfied with density of my hair, and also with my hairline. I have sent a few of pictures to Asmed after 6 months, after 11 months and after 12 months, always with question, why my density is weaker. I always got the answear, that my density will increase and I have to wait to the end of 18 months period. After 18 months I have sent them pictures of final result with the question, why my density is weak, and I got the answear, that I need another HT, approximately 2500 grafts. My donor area is about 8500 grafts, and 4500 were used. With the number of 2500 grafts, it will be 7000 grafts, and I am afraid, that 1500 grafts are not enough to cover potential next hairloss. Here are some pictures of my HT, and result. I don´t know what to do, if I have to undergo 2nd HT at Asmed, or if I should try another HT surgeon, or if I should leave it that way? Thank you for every opinion. And sorry about my weaker english.
  6. Hello, I also had HT in Asmed one month ago. I want to ask you, if you have some experience with wellness, especially with sauna after HT, because in Asmed instructions is written, that sauna is possible after one month, but I am afraid that high temperature in sauna can damage my grafts. Thank you for your answer.
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