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Posts posted by WillHT

  1. I'd be interested in the outcome here as well. Hope its not true but I will keep an open mind.


    At the moment there is not one shred of proof though, so until that arrives I will discount this. Also why would Asmed develop an app to count grafts?.


    From my short time on the forum its appears Asmed uses higher graft quotes than others. Surely this is for improved results rather than making more money as all he would need to do is raise the cost per graft and use less.


    I am still leaning towards booking with Asmed but I think it will hinge on how much remaining donor hair would be left to achieve a decent outcome. I'll keep researching in the meantime.

  2. Hope the spots disappear soon. :(


    I have just had a response from ASMED quoting me 4000-4500 grafts. Although I'm a bit worried as I don't reckon I'll have a high number of donor hair but who knows. I thought it would be a higher quote as my hair loss and recession seems much worse than your pre-surgery photos.


    Amazing hairline btw mate! Really makes a huge difference.


    How are you finding things mentally? Do you feel less bothered by the shedding knowing that its temporary? For me constantly dealing with a receding hairline and thinning hair is depressing but is it different knowing that your shedding is temporary and ultimately worth it further down the line?

  3. Hey Sam23.


    Sorry to hear about your depression about the outcome of your HT. For what it is worth you don't sound like a psycho,


    I'm sorry you have suffered with hairloss and a poor surgery outcome but I admire the fact you mustered the courage to address it directly in the first place.


    It appears your HT doctor was irresponsible with his false assurance regarding the risks of this procedure and the aftercare sounds awful. Have you checked to see whether he is on the ishrs list? Do you feel comfortable posting photographs on the forum to see whether other members can assist?


    You were brave enough to go ahead with the surgery as well as showing determination in the way you returned to the surgeon in an effort to get him to rectify the poor outcome. I want to remind you that you are still that guy & you are capable of continuing your hairloss journey until you have found a satisfactory result.


    So pick yourself back up and continue this battle, its a temporary set-back and there will be a solution!!


    My advice would be to seek guidance from another HT doctor about possible remedies and corrective surgery options, also please consider speaking with a GP or local Doctor regarding your depression and ongoing pain, get yourself off the couch and back in the gym if you feel able.


    I'm very new to the forum and the HT arena so I'm hopeful more knowledgeable and experienced members will provide some wise advice shortly.


    In the meantime, keep your chin up and if you need to vent on here, I'm sure myself and others will support you.


    All the best,



  4. Hi all,


    I've been a long-term lurker on here and other hairloss forums. I just turned 30 and finally reached the decision to get a FUE HT to try and improve my situation and battered confidence. I slowly lost my hair since my early 20s and been very paranoid for at least 5 years and can no longer live the way I am.


    I would appreciate views on the extent of my hairloss in the photos I have taken today. They have really shocked me as I use hair fibres to cover my scalp and my hair usually looks curly and more full. I cant continue with hair fibres as I use it at the front of my hairline and I know its noticeable but I feel trapped in a cycle. Also the camera light has really highlighted the extent of my loss too, it doesn't look so bad indoors.


    Rather than get depressed about the situation like I have for too long, I need to take back control and make good decisions.


    I am not a rich man but don't want cost to be too much of a factor (within reason). I've just requested an online consultation with Dr Koray Erdogan in Turkey and looking at a few others. Grateful for community thoughts on other surgeons to consult for my particular hair loss?


    If its helpful to know, I've been on Propecia for 18 months and started Rogaine 2 months ago,













  5. JustJax - Just read through your thread.


    Looks like you are having great progress!


    I'm at the stage where I have finally decided to opt for a transplant and will book a consultation with Asmed ASAP after reading yours and DEB1982 progress updates.


    I am from London too and also work in an office environment (meaning no hat worn) and I'm just about to start a new role in my organisation's training department which involves teaching 20+ students daily as well as the occasional filming, so I'm really worried about how detectable the surgery is but can see from your updates that I should be kind of OK.


    Keep up with the useful info and I really hope you get a brilliant result!



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