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Everything posted by Qneedhair

  1. I agree he looks fantastic, but as he gets older his hairline will be too nice for his age. Hey, I'm not hating on this person, but he really didn't look like he needed any work done. Who knows, maybe when he was younger someone made a remark that he had a big forehead and he became self-conscious about it and decided to correct it? I didn't look throughout the threads but did this person comment as to why he had a procedure? I'm going back a few years but I used to think former president Ronald Reagan had a fabulous hairline and overall hair density for a man of his age. Although he didn't have a hair transplant, his hair was envied by the young and old alike.
  2. Yes...From what I read, finasteride supposedly masked PED's in a urinalysis and it was banned in pro tennis. Has the ban been lifted? Not sure.:rolleyes:
  3. SMP looks good but what happens when your hair turns gray? the black dots will look strange right? Or do you plan on coloring your hair forever? Just wondering.
  4. Unfortunately, people do see the back and I get snide comments like...hey dude, you're getting thin in the back or hey man...you're going bald! Why people want to address it in such a rude manner has been getting to me and I am going to have something done in a few months. I have been using concealer and I get zero comments but still, I'm going to get my vertex done to match the rest of my head. I'm approaching the big 50 and the rest of my head has remained intact thankfully...except the crown. I want to feel comfortable again in public and ditch that concealer!
  5. This may sound silly, but before I have my hair transplant in a few months should I remove the miniaturized native hairs on my crown area to make room for my new implants? Some of the native hairs will not grow anymore and will most likely fall out due to shock loss anyway. I am using minoxidil but doesn't seem to help anymore plus Finasteride is out of the question....I like my libido and so does my spouse! IMHO I feel the short hairs will just be in the way plus it will give my surgeon a clean uncluttered scalp to work with but I need some expert advice...comments please!
  6. The people who are criticizing you probably have hair I bet. If you want to do something to help your looks then do it. Yeah, Michael Jordan, Andre Agassi and Patrick Stewart and some select celebrities are bald with self-esteem but they have a couple things in common, fame and wealth. Trying to have self-esteem as an average joe plus being bald can wreak havoc on our self-worth plus we live in a world that is youth oriented and even though we don't admit it, our looks can influence our success in the future. If any of the celebrities I mentioned above did not have fame/success, they would feel the same insecurities as everyone else, believe me. I know most people want to be like Mike...just not bald like Mike!
  7. Have you ever seen someone with an almost flawless hairline? The kind of hairline that is that is too perfect? Unfortunately, I have seen many and it leads me to believe that there has been a hair restoration procedure done. Then there are those hairlines that are imperfect with slight wisps of hair along the hairline to soften it ever so lightly. This type of hairline makes me do a double take and makes me wonder if a procedure has been done or not. To me, this type of hairline IMO is "more ideal" than the"too perfect" hairline which can be easily detected. I had a friend who had the "imperfect" hairline and I was impressed that it was a hair transplant at all. Sometimes when we strive for perfection it becomes more obvious that you're hairline is from a hair transplant. A good hair transplant will have people guessing and wondering if you had something done. If it's too perfect then people will know. Ask some opinions from people who don't know you and see what they think but I like what has been done to your hairline. Strive for perfection at the expense of being detected or slightly imperfect and keep them guessing ...just my two cents but something to ponder.
  8. I will be getting a hair transplant in the near future but I need some advice on how to keep my colleagues from detecting that I have had one done. I will be growing out my hair so the FUT scar will at least be hidden. My vertex is getting worked on by the way! I am retired from the military and in my late 40's and I decided to go back to school as a full-time student and I will most likely get my surgery done before Xmas break and this should give me about three weeks to recover before class starts again in Jan. My only issue is I don't want to draw attention to myself while the newly transplanted hair is growing out plus I was also thinking to tell my professor the truth and ask for his/her permission to wear a beanie while everything is healing in the meantime but I don't think this will work. Any Ideas? :confused:
  9. I am not skin bald but have a diffused thinning on the vertex. Concealer covers very well and makes me appear to have a full head of hair but alas, I know the truth and frankly it bothers me sometimes that I have to use concealers. I want to ditch the concealer and have the transplant to ensure that it's my hair and not a cover-up to make it look like I have hair. I hope people here on this forum can relate?
  10. I think your partner would understand if there was some "down time" after surgery. After all, you have just spent a few thousand dollars on a procedure and there could be a small possibility of damage or maybe nothing could happen. But why risk it? IMHO as soon as the scabs fall off and the hairs have taken root would be my recommendation. I think your sex life would suffer more if some of your implants got damaged leaving you with patchy growth. But if you decide to do the deed, tell your partner no hair pulling ok?
  11. Dr. Josephitis, I had a consultation with Dr. Rosanelli in SF and he says that he can reconstruct the dominant cowlick and do away with the smaller one like you mentioned in your post. I was actually pleased with the doctor as he answered all of my concerns and assured me that I am a good candidate. On a previous consultation with another hair restoration clinic, a representative spoke to me only rather than the Dr. and I was a little off-put by this situation and it raised a red flag for me! 2000-2400 is what he quoted to fix my vertex and I hope this does the trick. I want the back to match my juvenile looking hairline. I feel he is the one I want to perform my procedure as he comes highly recommended in this forum. Should I start taking vitamin C supplements to help in healing post op? Or for that matter, what supplements do you think will help?
  12. That scar can be easily be fixed with an FUE procedure. But why is it so short and on one side of his head? Does anyone remember last year's final when he ran into the cameraman's camera and it cut his scalp? Is it possible this scar is the aftermath of that collision with the camera? The reason I question this scar is normally an FUT scar runs from ear to ear am I correct? Just saying its a possibility. Check this link: http://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/watch-lebron-cuts-head-on-camera-starts-bleeding-in-game-4/
  13. Seems so strange whenever a celebrity, entertainer or famous athlete for that matter gets a transplant to make them look better, it gets a negative response from the media or people in general. I have seen lots of celebrities with some work done but they tend to deny the fact. People get caps for their teeth, nose jobs or some kind of augmentation to improve their looks but if it's hair...oh no! There's something wrong with that guy..."he's vain and he should just embrace it like a real man and be secure with his baldness" is the usual response. Why do you think LJ had a procedure? Probably because he was sick and tired of the people making fun of his hairline plus it seemed like that was always the topic of conversation, rather than his athletic achievements. I say if Lebron or anyone for that matter wants to have more hair then that's their decision. Strangely, for a few years, he was made fun of for his receding hairline and now that it's been fixed he's still under fire. What gives?
  14. Thanks Dr. Josephitis, I can see the importance now and this shouldn't be an issue with my decision in the future. And yes you are correct, one cowlick is more dominant than the other and I will ask my future surgeon if only one cowlick be restored and disregarding the other. Thanks again for your input.
  15. I am an Asian male 49 yrs old and I want to have a hair transplant to restore my crown but there is a delima. I have two cowlicks I dislike having but the physicians that I have consulted with think it would be best to re-create the whorl pattern. My question is, why not do away with the cowlicks and just have the hairs arranged so the hairs will lie without a swirl pattern? I'm not bald yet just thin on the vertex. What do you think is the best plan of attack to fix this? Doctors can recreate hairlines without a cowlick...why not vertexes? :confused:
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