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Everything posted by brigadeerbonngo

  1. Can someone with knowledge about Turkey and their political situation, clarify why the military are trying to take control over the country? I know there have been failed attempts in the past. From what I can gather there a quiet a few issues with the current political regime and regarding freedoms of speech, national security and other basic rights that are taken for granted in most of the western world ? Would I be correct in this assumption from my very limited reading since finding out about this
  2. yeah I'd be interested in seeing the data regarding weather also out of curiosity. I get that major stress can be a factor contributing to temporary thinning along with illness. And maybe an argument could be made for jetlag in your case. Not that I'm doubting your doctors diagnoses of the condition I'm not a physician and have zero real knowledge on the topic just curious is all.
  3. so Im after being in contact with a number of clinics across Europe. Originally it was beginning to look like a throw up between Dr Saifi in Poland and ASMED in Istanbull. I have also looked at a number of clinics in belgium. But all surgeons seem to be telling me different things with my online consultation with ASMED telling me that I will be needing 2500-3000 grafts to fix this problem a number i find to be incredibly large personally I was thinking around the 600-800 mark. Dr. Saifi recommended roughly 500 or so to fix this problem but I havn't received a reply from him in some time. I was also in contact with a number of clinics in Belgium with one quoting 1800 grafts and sending me images of the operation plan with an entirely altered hairline which was unacceptable to me as I don't want or need my hairline messed with at this point other than repair of the areas mentioned. I have also been in contact with Dr Yamans clinic in Istanbull who have given me a rough estimate of 600-800 grafts depending on an in person consultation and my hair characteristics. And I like this approach along with seeing alot of Dr Yamans work on here I feel very comfortable with this decision but is Istanbull safe to travel to at the moment ? does anyone think I am being too conservative with my own estimates of less than 1000 grafts or are the quotations with the higher number of grafts more realistic and I am just in denial about the number of grafts needed
  4. if you don't mind me asking can you give me an estimation as to what your being charged per graft ? Alot of very good work seems to be coming out of Turkey at incredibly competitive prices. Much better than the relatively mediocre results I've seen of certain clinics at home. I hope the HT goes well for you looking at past ASMED results I'd say you'll be delighted. Will you be staying in Turkey for a few days after the procedure to have them wash your hair ? That's the one thing I'm very worried about in case I accidentally knock out the grafts
  5. can I ask what email address you used to contact this clinic just to make sure I have the correct one. I see that your going to be going through with a procedure from ASMED clinic also. Can I ask what made you chose this clinic was it down to price or reviews or a mixture of both ? From what I've seen online the results seem to be very positive coming from this clinic
  6. first time poster looking for advice. basically I was either born with or have for as long as I can remember three areas in my scalp where I have never had any hair growth. I have always been able to style my hair in a way that covers these areas. Lately though I have had excessive hair shedding which I have been told is related to stress from my final year exams at university and has put a larger number of hair than normal into resting phase and have been told that this hair will grow back. But it has made the patch to the front of my head more noticeable if I was to style my hair up. This has spurred me on to finally get these areas fixed as I am in a position where it is now financially possible. I have decided not to get this treated at home in ireland as clinics here are expensive and bar one seem to have poor to mixed results. The exception quoting a ridiculous price for such a small area of work. I have exchanged emails with Dr.Marwan Saifi in Poland who said about 500-600 grafts will fix these areas but havn't gotten a response in a while but I have seen alot of his work online and have him well researched and would be happy to follow through with him. I have also noticed Asmed Hair Transplant - Dr. Koray Erdogan. What sparks my interest the most with him is the long hair FUE procedure he does that would make a hair transplant completely unnoticeable during the recovery period for someone such as myself. basically I guess im looking to know what questions I need to ask that I may not have thought of. Also what is the usual wait time on a procedure such as this for these clinics. And are they usually good to respond to emails and such I havn't gotten a reply from ASMED as of yet regarding my inquiries and havn't heard back from Dr. Saifi in a few days while i realize they can be busy it makes me worry if something goes wrong or I need advice
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