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Everything posted by parsia

  1. I would add DR.Ron Shapiro to this list as well , since he is probably the most experienced and knowledgable FUT surgeon in U.S .
  2. Thank you for your comment , You're right Josephitis do extractions for FUE DR.Shapiro , I will probably have to do FUT with either Shapiro or Cooley. Do you have any opinion about the difference of hairline between them ? Or preference ? I would love to hear.
  3. You're right , I tried to look at the hairline of both doctors ( Shapiro and Cooley ) carefully and couldn't find much difference , Just like to get opinion of members who have more knowledge about them .
  4. Melvin , I am considering to do FUT First and have FUE later to maximize the result based on DR.Shapiro study , I may need to get 2-3 surgeries for my desire density . I believe I have a good Donor at this moment and capable of doing that. My only concern is if doctor hairline approach is very conservative ( Dr.Shapiro in this case) , Will his design of more aggressive hairline outcome can be good as his routine Conservative hairline ?! Since that is probably not his routine work . ( I do understand there are many factors are existing in the final result though )
  5. Of course and Thank you for trying to help with my concern. I have attached some pics who has been taken under good lighting and also some flash , The length of hair is very short , Number 4 , If I make my hairs longer it will cover some of baldness .
  6. Hello Everyone . I'm 38 years old and NW4 , I may need 3500-4000 grafts based on some consultation I had before for my first surgery to get reasonable recovery. I am not able to leave the US , I know DR.Shapiro work is solid and very natural , However his hairline is somehow conservative for my taste , I personally like DR.Rahal hairline more as my reference . I will have in person consultation with Dr.Ron Shapiro next month and here are the questions I have if anyone can help : 1- Is it possible to ask Doctor to give you more aggressive hairline ( If donor is not an issue ) compare to his routine hairline ?! In Another words is it a good idea to have surgery with doctor who have solid work but try to negotiate about hairline/density design ? 2- Between DR.Shapiro and DR.Cooley which doctor have the best hairline/density outcome ( I know they are par and very close but I want to know more details ) Thank You in advance.
  7. I truly appreciate you being humble enough to accept that and see my criticisms along others positive , Because that was my true intention , I may didn't post enough on this forum but I have about thousand of posts on other hairloss talk forums and I've always tried to make the forum a friendly environment and have dialogue in respectful manner .
  8. Malvin , as a person who do research about transplants for years and still haven't done surgery yet , I think that thread was very helpful to me and the fact that it was getting lots of attention speaking by itself , I post on that thread as well and I didn't mean to put any doctor under question , Of course there is a difference between doctors quality work and I think everyone opinion should be welcome either he is a world class surgeon or not . I think VS thread can be one of the most helpful thread , The reason is thats the only way you can get more information when you are undecided about one surgeon , Looking at patient photos and their results still not make me convince . I personally learned a lot about difference between doctors in VS thread we had on this forum , In that thread I do believe @anotherbaldguy went through many good details that I was not even aware of , I searched a lot about both of those doctors and I never found any post helpful even close to that. I understand if posting photos of other patients (which has published by their permission to do comparison )was making the thread to be out of the line in your eye and I respect that but I think it should be address smoother by send a reminder or even remove the specific post instead of making the thread lock. just as a side note , I watch your recent live surgery and asked you couple questions during that and I remember you were liking my questions , which shows you do have passion to educate patients , Those good questions comes from information I got from this forum and even watching your videos on youtube and instagram , I hope you considering that to make this community more helpful .
  9. Thank you . Then he did a great job in my eye.
  10. I know the first patient has done by DR.Diep . Do you know who did the second Patient ( Bald guy ) , Was that by DR.Diep as well ? Or is that by another surgeon ?
  11. Hi Melvin. I have seen one of the patient result on spanish forum other day which has been posted by another user on this forum , I tried to find it again and provide the link for you but with some reason I wasn't able to find it, I am sure you have access to it . I believe thats the only one which has been shared on this forum. Best.
  12. Lol , So you kill two birds with one stone then . I see many users want to find a surgeon overseas ( Outside of US) just because of the price , I do not agree with that. We don't get hair transplant everyday , SO why not going with the best? However if that BEST is not in US in my eye , I will spend more or less to do that with him. Best luck with your journey .
  13. Exactly , The point here is we are talking about a Spanish doctor that doesn't have any support here on the forums because he is not in U.S , So people don't know him as much as they know US surgeon , Also I think the result stand by itself and of course nobody here should push their opinion , You just share your view and depends on the user to either agree or not . If I see any superior result to Dr.Couto I will give up on him just right now , I have watch more than 100 videos of him and I'm a very detail oriented and perfectionism guy , I tried a lot to find something to make me to dissatisfy from the work , I couldn't find any so far. I don't think nobody can be even close to him..I used to be a fan of DR.Rahal for long time and I still think Rahal is one of the great surgeon in world , BUT the result of Dr.Couto is in highest possible level and really made me amazed. The only concern is those patients are most spanish/italian which has different kind of texture than white blond people which is valid. However since I have same type of italian hair , I don't think that will be valid in my case. I also like the fact that he ask some patients to have in person consultation and then validate them in person. I remember one time I had consultation with Rahal back then and first he quoted me 2500 grafts , I just added some photos to convince him that I need more then he changed it to 4000 grafts since its hard to evaluate patient donor area on online consultation .
  14. Very Good and thoughtful answer , I am doing E-Commerce and I can write a blog about how the review can fool you , Especially in some certain industry , No question that we all got fool by review before , But as long as you learn more and deeply about how internet industry work , Then you will realize what exactly you deal with it ( Not to mention we have less than two decades of internet history ) Back to the point , Dr.Couto , We are talking about a doctor who doesn't even have website , Doesn't have any REPRESENTATIVE here to represent him..But by just looking at his videos , I never seen any doctor who can even be close to him . I read on this forum some people even question his work , Well here is my answer , You can even deny when its dark and night and tell me you are seeing light of sunshine ! You can always put question for everything in the world no matter it is a legit question or not. But what I see is he is doing Great Job and doing a perfect work because of couple different reason : 1- He is providing high quality video , Not even pictures . 2- He is using comb all through the hair of patient and I can't even see any bald spot 3- His hairline is very nicely design 4-He doesn't do many high graft and put all in front like some turkey doctors do . There are many other reasons I can add to this post but I don't want to make it long. I agree that dr.diep is one of the top surgeons in US , But I saw some work from him that has large punch and not a perfect result that can beat Dr.Couto.
  15. Actually I sent them the email and they replied to me 24 hours after , They online consultation is booked now for couple years and they advised me to call them to make in person consultation for next year , I will call them next week and see how it goes.
  16. Oh man , thats very kind of you to show me the picture , Its interesting that you haven't look to that also before , The area of your hair transplant looks large to me , it looks like they have treated zone 1 to zone 6 , Yes the grafts are close but I've got surprised about the area of treatment , do you have any info for the cm2 area of the treatment?
  17. Pete , I really appreciate your help and your very detailed answer , thats very kind of you to try to help me , actually I've got an email today from patient advisor and he told me the average density for hairline would be around 50-55 and the frontal scalp and midscalp range from 40-50 , That makes me happy , because on my treatment plan the average density was 32 , So that was a more detail respond with new photos that I have sent it to them . AND thanks for explaining me his character , I was curious to know how should I deal with him in front , If I'm not mistaken he gave you two choices to chose either have a very high density or having 50cm density with good coverage area ? And you chose the second one.
  18. Oh no thats totally fine , thanks for very detailed answer , Your result is great . I think that make sense , however with the 45 grafts per cm2 on hairline I can't even see any part of your scalp , which surgeon call it average density but the hairloss is not visible at all . Good Luck and Enjoy your new look.
  19. Thanks Pete . So it was very near to their estimation , is 45 grafts was from online consultation ? then it was pretty much the same what they did , 45 is near to the average density and its good enough , mine is 35 , thats why I like to ask them to go upper , Definitely the hairline would be more dense and you're right . So was he flexible about your desire ?
  20. Yeah , I didn't feel good about that either , Thats why I mentioned it , You mind me if I ask what was your average density on your treatment plant with Rahal ? And what did you end with ?
  21. Haha , Thanks for mentioning my visa application pending ! lol . ture yes I totally agree with you , to me , the Rahal design the best hairline which I have ever seen , after him , I believe erdogan and hayatdavoodi are the best. When it comes to chose the surgeon it depends on how do you evaluate results by your eyes , I've got impressed from Rahal works even from the first day , Although some of those pictures and wow results can not apply to my case , because they were NW2 or even NW1 And repair their hairline , however many of other results of him are great too . Something that made me surprise was when I get quote from DR.Erdogan , they told me its not included the tax , and if I pay the cash , I don't need to pay taxes ! That looks strength to me.
  22. I also like to know what are you guys think about hairline design ? Since it has a major role about how the hair transplant looks like . which one do you prefer more ? Rahal or Erdogan ?
  23. Hi thanks for reading my thread and sharing with me your experience , I love rahal works too and he is my 1st choice , My only concern is if he just don't give me the average density that I'm looking for , Since what I've got in my treatment plan is around 35cm2 , And at the same time I am waiting for canadian embassy to review my visa request , So I'm not sure which one will be work for me .
  24. Great result man , Can you please tell me what was your density in this hair transplant? I believe the average is 32 cm2 when I have divided the total grafts by the area of transplantation . But I curious to know the density in hairline and frontal area.
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