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Posts posted by TakingThePlunge

  1. David,


    The "disharmony" you think is caused by me is actually created by some members accusing me of being a specific person. Despite numerous attempts at respectfully assuring them I am not, they keep accusing me repeatedly which is harassment. Therefore they are the ones causing the disharmony, not me. I have been respectful with everyone even with those who insult me. My posts prove it.


    Proof is in the pudding. Show me posts where you say I am causing this disharmony without anyone starting with me. I can post conversations showing my respect to these same members that insult and harass me non-stop. Not once did I insult anyone as I follow forum rules to the letter.


    Many times I complained to moderators about the harassment. But my complaints have fallen on deaf ears and they continue to bother me. I do not understand why. Perhaps you can answer this. Also it is incredible that you ask others to report me yet you do not warn those to stop harassing me. Can you explain that also. I would love to hear your explanation.


    I should be given the same respect as anyone as I respect everyone. I do not come here to waste my time. I come to learn and get help. If someone needs help or encouragement I do my best within my ability to help them. If I need help I post a question and work cordially with those helping me.


    This witch hunt and harassment is unfair and may be unlawful. I will seek advice in this area because I feel my rights are being violated as I am constantly harassed and nothing is done about it by forum managers. I wish it did not have to come down to this. I enjoy this site. But a few members will not stop harassing despite respectfully asking them to stop. And despite respectfully asking the moderators to help me.




    That's interesting. I don't recall getting any messages from you complaining about anything. On the other hand, I've received several complains about your behavior from others.


    Regarding legality, we reserve the right to remove any members that violate our terms of service. All sincere members are welcome to participate as long as they follow these terms and do not cause problems.


    My suggestion to anyone that has a problem with Milo's posting habits is to simple ignore his posts.

  2. @milo12 - As you are well aware, your contributions to forum discussions have raised concerns from a number of established members. While I have not personally observed any behavior that blatantly violates our Terms of Service, it's clear that your posts are causing disharmony in the community. If I continue to get complaints about your behavior, your account will be suspended.



    @Everyone else - Since milo began posting on our forum we've received a handful of private messages from various users members complaining about his behavior and comparing his posts to those of taurusrisen and his various other aliases. I agree that this is likely the same member but milo's real IP address is masked so I have been unable to definitively connect him to those other accounts.


    Since the first heads-up I got I've been keeping my eye on his posts for any blatant infraction of our Terms of Service. As I'm sure everyone will recall, in the past, it's been impossible for taurusrisen to curb his inappropriate behavior for long. Eventually he shows his true colors.


    As long as it's free to create an account here, email addresses are unlimited and people can use proxies and VPNs to mask their online identities, it will be impossible to keep tenacious, formerly banned users from reemerging. The important thing is that they learn to conduct themselves appropriately.


    Please PM me or email at service@hairtransplantnetwork.com if milo12 continues this pattern of behavior or blatantly violates our Terms of Service. It may be time for him to go.


    As always, thank you for your vigilance!

  3. Those of us that have been waiting years for RepliCel's potentially life-changing treatments for male pattern baldness may have something to cheer about soon. The company's CEO, Lee Buckler posted this video on Facebook yesterday with a small update. Not a lot to go on here but still sounds encouraging.


    For a little more background on this future hair loss treatment, see the following blog post from the Hair Loss Learning Center.


    Will Replicel's Revolutionary Hair Loss Treatment Debut in 2018?-

  4. David, did you have a good experience with the Indian doc, and why the heck does he practice his clinic in Chandigarh (which is in the middle of nowhere) and not in a major East-Indian city like Mumbai or something??


    Do you know??


    I had a great experience with Dr. Bhatti. As I mentioned, it's all documented in my hair loss website or you can check out my thread, Dr. Tejinder Bhatti: 2412 FUE on February 23, 2015.


    Can't believe I'm coming up the 2 year anniversary!


    mikey already did a great job of summing up the "why Chandigarh?" question. Not really that far from Delhi and known as a clean and safe city. Really a lovely place.

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