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Posts posted by TakingThePlunge

  1. I was really reluctant to use it too. The thought of the side effects really scared me. But, after spending the cash on the HT, I figured I'd better do all I could to keep what I've got. I started using it a week after my procedure and I've been on it now for 5 weeks. So far, so good. I haven't noticed any problems yet. Keeping my fingers crossed!


    I agree with what others have said here. Give it a try. Most likely you'll be fine and if you have a reaction just discontinue use.

  2. Anyone else have difficulty measuring the amount of foam to use? The directions say about 1/2 capful. I thought I was doing pretty well but I'm four days past the one month mark and still have not finished the bottle. I don't want to short change myself on the dosage.


    Any tips?

  3. Anyone else have difficulty measuring the amount of foam to use? The directions say about 1/2 capful. I thought I was doing pretty well but I'm four days past the one month mark and still have not finished the bottle. I don't want to short change myself on the dosage.


    Any tips?

  4. Thanks for the input guys! I'm leaning toward missing the meeting but I'll probably take a look at some hats tomorrow. We don't have to wear suits. It's pretty much khakis and collared shirts so a hat wouldn't look too odd but no one else ever wears one so it'll require an explanation of some sort.

  5. Hey guys,


    I'm one month post-op. Just uploaded a couple of pics to my weblog. Anyway, I work from home and typically only see my coworkers once per month. I've got a meeting next week and I'm still very pink on top. The scar is pretty well hidden by my hair so that's not a problem. Our meetings are supposed to be business casual so a hat would not be acceptable normally. After this meeting I don't have another one till April so that should buy me some time. The options I've come up with are:


    1. Call in sick. (would be frowned upon)


    2. Get a dressier type of hat rather than baseball cap and tell everyone that I have an ugly bruise or injury on my head from some kind of accident.


    3. Sunburn? One of my close friends who knows what I did said no one will believe that since it's too regular and defined in shape.


    I'm open to any other suggestions.


    Thanks in advance!

  6. Hey guys,


    I'm one month post-op. Just uploaded a couple of pics to my weblog. Anyway, I work from home and typically only see my coworkers once per month. I've got a meeting next week and I'm still very pink on top. The scar is pretty well hidden by my hair so that's not a problem. Our meetings are supposed to be business casual so a hat would not be acceptable normally. After this meeting I don't have another one till April so that should buy me some time. The options I've come up with are:


    1. Call in sick. (would be frowned upon)


    2. Get a dressier type of hat rather than baseball cap and tell everyone that I have an ugly bruise or injury on my head from some kind of accident.


    3. Sunburn? One of my close friends who knows what I did said no one will believe that since it's too regular and defined in shape.


    I'm open to any other suggestions.


    Thanks in advance!

  7. I had my procedure with Dr. Alexander on January 2nd and I'm very satisfied so far. He has an excellent reputation on this board and takes a lot of pride in his work. I suggest that in the days leading up to your consultation, begin writing down questions and concerns that you want him to address. Best of luck with your decision.

  8. Having just had my procedure on Jan 2nd, I can relate to your situation. I spent years researching and experienced many ups and downs. I'm 40 and have been balding since around the age of 20. I had a couple of consultations in my early twenties and was told that I was not yet a candidate for surgery being that I had a mature hairline but the rest of my hair was very thick. About five years ago it all started thinning out and I lost most of the frontal third. This Web site helped me to finally make the decision to go through with a tranplant but, on the day of the surgery, as I was sitting in the chair and awaiting the first cuts, I had a moment where I wanted to jump up and run out the door. I just took a moment and thought about all the research and rational thought that went into my decision and realized that the HT was what I really wanted and from the moment the procedure began I felt very comfortable with that. I'm glad it's behind me now and I'm looking forward to seeing the results.


    In the end, it's a very personal decision but if you've gone far enough to have a consultation and schedule an appointment, take a moment to reflect on what brought you to that point. Good luck and keep us informed.

  9. I had a great experience with Dr. Alexander and his staff. They went out of their way to make me feel comfortable and I'm very happy with the results so far. He was very communicative throught the procedure and explained to me what he was doing and why every step of the way which not only satisfied my curiosity but also went a long way to keeping me calm and relaxed during a very long and fatiguing process.


    I was originally hoping for a less conservative hairline but I trust Dr. Alexander's instincts and knew that he would give me what he felt was the best option for me based on my degree of hair loss, etc.


    He said that the quality of my scalp and hair was excellent and that I should expect to see great results in six months or so. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


    I'll be updating my blog monthly so keep an eye out!

  10. I'm also getting 2500 grafts. Glad to hear that you are happy with your results Gizmo and happy birthday!


    This has been a tough decision to make and it took years. I look forward to my journey and also to starting my web log so that I can give back to this community and hopefully be able to answer questions for the other guys who are out there on the fence like I was.


    Bill, I feel like I know you. I've read tons of your posts and followed your progress. Your hair looks great and you are doing good work here. Keep it up!


    I'll be keeping an eye on Tubs and Eman too. Good luck fellas! Things are looking good so far!

  11. Hey guys,


    I've been lurking here for quite some time and, like many of you, have been researching and considering a HT for years. Today I made the decision and will be having my procedure done on Jan. 2 with Dr. Alexander here in Phoenix. I'll be creating a web log and documenting my progress.


    Just want to say thanks to all the contributors here who have provided the wealth of information that allowed me to make an informed decision.

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