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Posts posted by TakingThePlunge

  1. Many balding men opt to use medical hair loss treatments in order to slow the progression of male pattern baldness and regrow hair.


    Currently, Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil) are the only two clinically proven and FDA approved drugs for the treatment of genetic balding. Finasteride comes in tablet form. The prescribed dose for the treatment of MPB is 1mg. Minoxidil comes in both a liquid and foam and is applied directly to the balding areas of the scalp.


    In the case of hair transplant surgery, drugs are not necessary to maintain the growth of the transplanted hair, as it is harvested from the permanent donor supply at the rear and sides of the scalp and should, therefore, continue to grow for a lifetime after transplantation. However, these medical treatments are are still highly recommended by hair restoration physicians as a complement to surgery because they help maintain preexisting hair.


    It's important to note that these are treatments and not hair loss cures. Results vary from patient to patient. If you're interested in learning more about these drugs, follow the links above, use this forum's search feature or consult with a recommended hair transplant surgeon.


    Hope this helps to answer your question!

  2. I don't really notice any difference after 12th month. The thing which is bothering me a lot is that the structure of my donor hair is thick and curly. I have so much trouble of styling my hair every morning. It's like antenna everywhere.. Still thin in left side.











    It's not unusual for transplanted hair to have a kinky/wiry texture. Mine was like that with my first two transplants but it eventually calmed down and fell into place.

  3. Parts of Europe and Asia are extremely competitive in terms of price and, when choosing from among recommended hair transplant surgeons, on par with Western standards of care.


    I recognize that traveling abroad for surgery is not for everyone. However, my experience traveling to India for surgery with Dr. Bhatti was great. Two years down the road I can barely remember the actual time spent in planes and cars.


    I am not informed on the rates charged by all of the physicians we recommend. It stands to reason that some will have to charge more than others based on location, overhead, etcc.


    I suggest starting with the physicians whose work you admire most. If you like you can always schedule online consultations and compare their plans for you, results and fees.


    Always best to go with the doctor you're most comfortable with and if you can't afford that doctor today, wait until you can.

  4. This is a great looking result! Some guys can really pull off the more conservative/receded look. It didn't work well for me and I ended up lowering my hairline two more times before I was happy.


    I say, if it looks good and the patient is happy, why not? It not only saves money but leaves much more hair in reserve for future balding. The option lower the hairline later as I did is always there.

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