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Posts posted by Etownone

  1. hows it going Mrmatt ...


    i connected with like 7 more guys from the comment section of the YouTube videos of Tom Forrester, all had great results with Dr Nader too. Looking forward to my surgery in October... 3000 grafts , mostly in the crown and some to fill in a FUT scar from my previous HT.


    7 month update?

  2. Are you serious?????? HIJACKING EVERY POST ABOUT THIS DOCTOR????


    have I even posted ONCE before that comment about this doctor???? NOT ONCE but you're wanting him to get his own section here??? are you kidding me, and you're accusing me of some sort of bias? are you on his payroll? how many of your posts are about Dr Nader?


    I am just relaying my experience, and I'm not the only one to say this exact same thing on this forum and that even goes for guys who have been his patients... it's not just me. I don't need to read the youtube comments, I don't care if he has great reviews from those guys if he can't do the most basic part of communicating with a potential client. Thank you for your concern about my money but I will gladly pay more to get a dr I feel confident in, one who can take the time to speak to a potential client, or at least hire somebody to do it.



    Then, I apologize... Thought you were someone else.


    As far as me being on the payroll? Nah... I live in Jersey... I've had 2 procedures done by Dr Dorin in NYC. Great Doctor... But not sure i want to pay that premium price again if there's this Doctor in Mexico that seems to be getting great reviews. Because I do need a third HT just to my crown area.


    I already had my online consultation with Dr Nader, exchaged enough emails with him and he answered all my questions, and my surgery is scheduled for October.



    My point on this forum post... Is because like me... There are a lot of guys here in USA that want a HT, at an affordable cost, from a Surgeon with a proven track record.


    I'm not going to try and defend his situation with responding to emails.... But... The doctor does gets tons of emails every day solely because of the videos posted on YouTube by Tom Forrester.

  3. I'm amazed you found 10 people that had great experiences when I cant find one person who has managed to get a single online consult back from him. Everybody sends them in and nobody hears back. I can't trust a doctor with such absolute horrible communication.


    Really? There are like about ten user reviews here. Reach out to them.. And read the YouTube comments for yourself... You'll be surprised how many people had great experiences.


    Tbh... I haven't found a single person ever have anything negative to say about him or their experience. Only you... Hijacking every post about this doctor.


    Do your own research... Or pay 3 times as much for doctors.

  4. I'm scheduled for later this month with Dr. Nader so I'll be sure to let everyone know how it goes!


    That's awesome.


    Good luck.


    I did my own research... And I'm in contact with at least ten other people that all had great experiences with Dr Nader too. I found them in the comment sections of Tom Forrester YouTube videos.

  5. Etownone, I am sure you will be very happy with your final results.


    Sadly most people here seem to think Dr Nader is a hack because his work & prices sound too good to be true, which goes against every rule preached in this forum when deciding on a HT surgeon, even though there is quite a bit of documented proof of his results here & elsewhere. Also he is in dangerous Mexico as opposed to a safe 30 hour (oneway) flight to Istanbul...


    I personally find it very disappointing when I take the time & effort to post a review of my HT experiences & it is questioned as paid testimonial by Dr Nader, along with other patient reviews( eg. Tom Forester) when that is definitely not the case.


    Like I said before, I am very happy with my results & it makes no difference to me whether anyone decides to go with Dr Nader or not, but he is definitely worth considering if your're looking for a top notch Ht at a very reasonable price.



    Enough patient review/experiences is what I'm trying to point out. I'm in in the NYC/NJ area... And the best doctors in NY don't have half as many user reviews here as Dr Nader ... These doctors post most their own results that we find here, and their prices are 3 X as much

  6. I know Dr Nader isn't one of the certified/recommended surgeons on this board..


    But there are a good amount of "user" review/experiences. Definitely More then some of the highly respected surgeons that this board recommends.


    Dr Nader seems to be a great choice, and for half the cost as the cheapest doctor in the USA. Granted he's in Mexico, but. I hear it's a short drive from Texas to his office.


    Maybe there can be a section here dedicated to his results based on user experiences?


    I know I have my next HT with him in October.

  7. I already did two FUT. Each one 2400 grafts.


    Now I'm doing my next HT in October FUE. 3000 grafts with 400 going to my FUT scar


    And then, a year later... One more FUE If I feel i need it.



    It all deepens on the surgeon I beleive... I went to Dr Dorin in NYC. Maybe be doesn't get as much grafts as some other surgeons do from a strip... But 2400 is good. And he leaves a very thin scar. I wouldn't say ear to ear.... But it's not just in the back either. Like in between.

  8. MrMatt Thanks,

    I did some research on this Dr & my observations is that first his website is kinda crappy & out of date with not showing pre op/post op patient's kinda worries me.

    Also with limited research across the forums world wide that him nor his staff responding to client's in a timely mannor seems to be a ongoing problem for his clinic there is even a youtube with him & another guy speaking about this which wa5s sometime ago I gather.

    I do get it where Drs are up against the wall with work but this is just basic problems which can be easily fixed with a dedicated person to respond.

    also same goes for his business phone line which dont give you even the opportunity to leave a voice mail, again just basics that customers want & demand.


    BIll mentioned to members maybe it could be a idea to see if he wants to become a member if he & his clinic has checked all the boxes.

    to me he failed at the first hurdel unfortunately as myself & others wouldnt put up with trying to beg this guy to respond even though he seems like he has some good potentials since he claims hes a member of international hair restoration which I havent fully looked into this.


    Im not knocking this Dr for the limited work he shows but for me anyways he got to show & do a hell of a lot more before hes a member on this forum even though the admin vets clinics pretty well prior.


    Just my 1st impressions of this Dr. Its nothing personal just looking out to vulnerable future patients thats all.

    Still wish you well with your healing.


    This Doctor blew up manly because of Tom Forrester.

    Tom Forrester did one, if not, the best YouTube series of his HT journey with TWO procedures by Dr Nader.... Which produced amazing results.


    There are plenty of guys here that posted experiences with him... Even more then Some of the well known surgeons that are members here from NY.


    Maybe he will update his website, and hire more staff to attend his emails, and even become a verified surgeon/member on these forums... By then... I'm sure he won't be charging $2 a graft anymore. I'm booked with him for my next HT in October. A price that's one third of Surgeons here in, my area, NY.

  9. About 1680, which could have used 1000-1500 more. I traded off for more density above the hairline & the frontal scalp. Even with the conservative amount of grafts, my crown is looking better than I expected.


    3800 grafts may seem like a lot, but it's not going to make the Wolfman out of a Norwood 3 V.



    Ah ok.

    I've had 2 HT fut. ... One in 2008 and one a couple months ago for my frontal area


    I booked with my next one with Dr Nader in October just for my crown.


    What is usually a definite. ... is that it takes more the one HT to get the job done.

    At least with Dr Nader.... His prices are great.


    Good luck. Looking forward to see more pics of your progress

  10. I actually booked my next HT with Dr Nadar.


    And... I've been following your case and waiting to see your 6 month follow up.... And to be honest, I was expecting better results with so many grafts.


    I know you still got another 6 months for more growth, so looking forward to see more of your progress.

  11. I know most people recommend to wait a year to put FUE grafts into a FUT scar.


    I had my second FUT a couple months ago. I have one scar. It's not that bad. I'm scheduled to do another HT in October, but this time FUE, and the grafts are going to a different area.


    So... I'm planning on placing some FUE grafts into the FUT scar. The time between is 6 months.


    Is this really a bad idea?

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