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Posts posted by Etownone

  1. Oh no... You got me all wrong. I'm trying to help others, not you. I started this thread. And anyone can see from my first post, I'm sincere and looking just for more info so i can feel more confident with my upcoming surgery and to help the next guy.


    Prove you wrong? Hahahaha... I could care less if you live, die or grow mushrooms up your ass. Do your own homework. Or don't..





    [QU OTE=ontop;2478858]



    Calling me a little twerp? OK keyboard warrior.


    Anyways... I provided a copy of one of the emails... Yet here you are, still acting the fool.


    You never got a HT. you won't be getting one. You are just a troll, trolling these forums for years.


    Amd let's not get into politics... You already bashing Trump already shows what kind of moron I'm doing with.[/quote


    Yep keyboard warrior that's me, anything else ya little Twerp?


    Again I challenge you to show me a bunch of links to before & after.

    oh by the way, exclude ya nader cheerleaders on this post & your hair God Tom Forrester or his fictitious reveiws because that's not playing the game fair.

    Would like to see real people with believable stories on there passing the same path as Dr. Nader.

    I be very surprised you got 20 real nader patients with before & during & after pictures.


    Yep I'm happy we can finally agree, that it is a good thing to multiply this thread, so other's can have a real feel of who's legit / transparent & who's not.


    so come on show me plenty of links me & other's are watching with baited breath.

    I sure hope your a lot faster than Dr Nader in the challenging statements.

  2. Ontop...


    Calling me a little twerp? OK keyboard warrior.


    Anyways... I provided a copy of one of the emails... Yet here you are, still acting the fool.


    You never got a HT. you won't be getting one. You are just a troll, trolling these forums for years.


    Amd let's not get into politics... You already bashing Trump already shows what kind of moron I'm doing with.

  3. "I don't want the mods to delete this thread, I want it read by all members, I encourage the mods to keep it up cause it's pretty obvious what this thread is so I want the readers to see it and decide for themselves whats happening here. They are free to dig into my post history and I'm sure ontops as well and see I've got no dog in this fight, but I ask them to look thru yours and the others and see if you do."


    Mikeyhwk that was your quote...


    Seriously? You think I have an agenda to what? Con people into wasting their time with this Doctor?


    Past patients are posting pics and reviews, I just posted a past email, what else do you want?? Let me guess... I personal phone call from the doctor apologizimg for not responding to your email.


    Like I said before... You and Tweedle Dee only bring negativity to this thread. Scram. Go away. Go troll another thread. But you won't... Cause you're a troll.. Is this is how you get your kicks.


    People that do read this thread... They will look for reviews, facts and help. And won't give two shits about your bitching and moaning.

  4. Tweedle Dum... I thought you were going to stay away from this thread. Get a life. You are completely useless as far as opinion on this thread.


    I'm trying to help the next guy that is truly interested in this Doctor with facts and relevant information.



    wow. over the line much? It's a discussion about hair transplants and this is where you go. You need help.
  5. I've attached one of my previous emails from my exchange with Dr Nader.

    We went back and forth, after sending him pics, and him answering all my questions and concerns.


    Now... If you're like a couple guys on these forums that are butthurt cause he hasn't responded back to you... I suggest keep trying, or just go to another doctor.


    I got my surgery date coming in October with Dr Nader... And I will definitely be compering... A top recommended NYC surgeon, that did my previous HT, and posts plenty of his results on theae forums... (but hardly any user reviews at all) , to Dr Nader.


  6. So, says the guy who just joined the forum less than 30 days ago & has 6 post.

    yep you carry some weight on relevant & informative Information more than the doctor himself.

    Kinda strange your a Nader cheerleader also...can't wait to see the head shots of your HT journey in the coming mths.


    Be waiting on your headshots



    Wow... Ontop.. You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?


    You already made my case, that your on this website for years, yet you never had a HT, don't plan on getting one... so you get a hard on coming on here doing your trolling.


    Then you go and call out a guy that just recently put out pics (the headshots you asked for) relevant to his experience with Dr. Nader. And just like him... You'll find others here if you took the time to search.


    So... In other words... He has contributed more in one month then you did I'm all your years visiting these forums.


    Nobody cares about your opinion kid. Do the world a favor, and go play in traffic.


    But people do care to hear about real experience, and real first hand results.

  7. Yeah.. Your completely wrong and you sound like an idiot.

    I never Google Dr Nader to find info... I visited ever site i could find, YouTube, and these forums.

    If someone was really interested... I can even screenshot my emails with Dr Nader and send it to them.

    You an idiot. You'll never get a HT. You're just a troll.


    And strapping cash to their ankles?? The Dr offer a 10% discount if you pay cash. Pay pay using your credit card if you don't feel safe putting cash in your pocket.

    The doctor also reimburses you for the hotel stay.




    You're just butt hurt that he hasn't responded back to you, and now I'm done responding to you too.

  8. Ontop.. Feel better Tweedle Dee ?


    It's a shame... You have people that are sharing real experiences (not like you have any or will ever cause your a troll) and you and Tweedle Dum keep putting in your two cents about how he hasn't responded back to you.

  9. Looks good....

    I'm looking to fill in my FUT scar too.

    Good luck... Now comes the waiting game.



    I thought I'd post some pre, post and 3 day pics. I'm using an iPhone to take the pics so hopefully the resolution comes out OK. If you have any questions, please feel free to respond or PM me directly. I'm a Norwood II with thinning right on top. Again, my order of priority were:


    1. Cover my previous FUT scar (this was done through 2 surgeries 10+ years ago by Elliot & True and Bosley Medical)

    2. Define my weak hairline.

    3. Add density from front to the mid section of my head.


    Below are the pics

  10. I haven't found not one negative review of anyone that has had a procedure done with him. And, I'm talking about like 20 reviews out there.


    I exchaged emails with him, I see them pics, he responded back, gave me his opinion. And I booked my surgery date with him 3 months ago.


    If you are truly, truly interested. Do your homework like the rest of us did. Reach out to people that had it done, call the office like around 10am, keep trying emails.


    If you already decided he's not the Dr for you... Then move on. No one cares about how your feeling ate hurt cause he didn't get back to you or your opinion.


    In the USA. the most affordable someone might get from a respectable verified doctor from these forums, I believe is Dr Vories, charging $5 a graft got FUE. If someone wants to pay half that from a Doctor that I hear is 10 minutes from the border in Mexico, then Dr Nader is another option.


    That's it. You only bring negativity to a thread that is trying to help. If you continue, the moderators can delete this whole thread.

  11. @mikelyhawk


    Have you ever had a procedure done? A consultation?


    You get really defensive.... Why? I started this thread to help. Dr Nader obviously isn't one of the recommended surgeons for this site that pays the monthly fees so it's a little harder to get info on him.


    But... Let me put it in perspective... I got 2 HT with a very highly respected surgeon from NYC, yet on this site... He has only 2 user reviews. And the reviews are 5 years old. I'm not going to put his name out, but send me a PM and I can tell you.

    Now Dr Nader... Has like 10 user reviews on here, and them i reached out to another 10 people that I found in the comments in the YouTube videos of Tom Forrester.


    I mean.. I ever because friends with a guy that had it done two weeks ago, and we talked before, during and after the surgery. He sends me pics and updates.


    If you are really interested, reach out to people that had it done. If your not, just shut the fuck up already. You're annoying. Go pay 3 times as much somewhere , or don't.


    This is a community of people trying to help each other.

  12. There are definitely a couple people here with a hard-on against Dr Nader.... And thats fine. I've had 2 HT Procedures in the USA (NYC) and paid top dollar....


    And I've done enough of my homework, read enough reviews, and reached out to enough past patients through emails and talking to on the phone, to feel Dr Nadar is probably the best choice for someone wants great results and at an affordable price.... And I think it would be just stupid for someone like me that works hard for money to do another HT in NYC and pay 3 times as much for the same procedure I can do in Mexico with Dr Nadar.

  13. Nice.... And congrats.


    Looking forward to NY procedure in October...

    He has to place grafts in my FUT scar too.


    Good luck bro.





    Gents - just came back from my FUE procedure with Dr. Nader and it's true what everyone says, it was a great experience. I had 2271 grafts placed in the order of priority, 251 went to cover previous FUT scar, 1200 went to defining my hairline and the rest to add density throughout the front to the mid section. Dr. Nader is the guru of hair transplant. As for all the complaints here about him not responding to any emails, he showed me 3K emails he's received over the last few days. He's really trying to get to it as best as he can. He also mentioned that if he doesn't respond in a few days, resend the email to bump it up. I used this method and got my appointment set with 2 months in advance (scheduled late May for Aug 2nd procedure). I will be posting progress pics in the next week for pre, post and one week after. By the way, Dr. Nader made it very clear this is more a passion than a business so he's not really looking to go big time like some Dr's here in the U.S. although it seems his reputation is reaching that level.
  14. You will be in good hands with Dr. Nader. I had a 2000 fue procedure and every hair grew in nicely by the 6 month mark. His work is as good as any doctor on this site and he doesn't bleed your wallet dry in the process. Look at my profile pics.


    I know you had great results... Your results can be like the poster man for Nader. Lol

    I have close to 15 people that I reached to, that responded back to me, and all had great results, you're one of them.

  15. I respect that, if he's not into posting, if he just wants to keep it to a min, I can pm you my email addy and check with him if he'd talk to me, if he's not into that either that's fine but thought i'd ask. I just want to see what the docs doing. As I said, I'd love to support this doc and if he's great, that is great for all of us and shit I know I don't want to drop 20k if i have a choice just not seeing enough out of his clinic for me to feel comfortable yet. I hope that changes.



    I dropped about 25k for two surgeries. One in 08 and one earlier this year. So, I feel you.



    I found him on one of the comments in the Tom Forrester YouTube videos.


    There is someone else that posted earlier on this thread, that he's going to Dr Nader first week of August. Reach out to him too.

  16. Why don't you invite that guy to this forum so he can share those pics or at least his experience with others...I would love to see more of this doctors work. I still have not heard anything but my friend heard back and got his online consult done with Dr Nader so I know he and most of us would be interested in seeing anything we can from the dr.


    also looking forward to your journey iq, good luck!



    I'm ask him...


    But some people keep their HT private.... I've had 2 HT with a well know Surgeon in NYC. And I still have yet to post my experiences. And I know I should too.

  17. I'm schedule for a procedure with Dr. Nader first week of August. I'll provide a detailed account and pictures throughout the progress.



    Looking forward to hearing aboit your experience too.


    I connected with a guy and he went this week, we talked and he filled me in on everything and sent me pics. He had 3850 grafts done. Seems I can't find one negative thing anyone can say about this Dr. October can't come soon enough for me. doing my crown and filling in previous fut scar.


    Good luck my man.

  18. Your looking 2 to 3 dollars a graft.


    You can get the package deals off his website.


    I've had 2 HT with a top surgeon in NYC and I paid more then double for less grafts. I'm going in October to do my surgery with Dr Nader... I can give a detailed comparison.



    what are the dr's prices?
  19. I've been in contact with a guy that is getting his HT now with Dr Nader. He should be on his second day, 3700-3800 grafts.

    I was able to talk to him last night, he really went into detail about Dr Nader and the whole experience so far.


    We talked for like an hour, He definitely put my mind at ease.


    I told him to check up on your progress because his case is similar to yours. He's getting 2700 in the front and the rest scattered crown and mid.

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