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Posts posted by ndubya

  1. At 6 months, I would have called my left side an almost complete failure. But at 10 months, I think some of the shockloss has come back and the grafts that survived are thickening. Just depends on how I style my hair. It is by far not perfect, but compared to 6 months it is a huge improvement. I will definitely need a touch up on that side.

    Hope this helps

  2. I passed out after that first injection with that HUGE needle hit an artery and I lost a lot of Blood. Blood pressure dropped too much from hypovalemia. Or maybe it was the excruciating pain from the injection with that skewer of a needle.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    I woke up 3 days later from my coma in a Turkish alleyway. But hey, my hair looks incredible at the 2 week mark with full growth. I went from an NW7 to full head of hair with 300 grafts:p:p:p:p

    OK seriously, it stung a little but a 6 yr old could get thru it with just a few tears.

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