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Posts posted by ndubya

  1. Mikey, can you try to pm me.

    I am unable to pm you,




    Bill, can you make sure my pm capabilities are turned on and then delete this post?

    I am trying to pm Mikey with some questions?



    Mickey, I got your pm threw my e-mail only, so I cannot reply but Thanks for the try.:(


    I have logged onto 3 different computers and tried to access my messages (it says I have 4 waiting to be read). I try to open them and it says "this page is unavailable" or "this page cannot be opened":confused:


    Thanks again for trying


    I am trying to decide between Konior and Lorenzo for an additional 1,000 grafts at a time. I have had 3400 with a top Beligan doc(2 surgeries). For some reason I am not getting the yield that is expected. I am wanting to try a different approach, like Koniors stick and place or Lorenzos pen.

    I Live in the USA,


  2. Dr Lorenzos techs go thru an insanely rigorous training process. One of the pen loader techs told me she trained for 6 months just on loading the pen before she got to be a part of an op team, she said she was just loading cotton into a pen over and over for 6 months lol and they're literally just loading the pen for Dr Lorenzo...if you're doing anything that touches the patient which is just extraction with Dr L as he implants himself, the process is longer... Grace has been with Dr Lorenzo since he was in England, years, she was first a pen loader as that's the first level but she has moved on to doing extractions. After sufficient time as a pen loader and proving themsleves to Dr Lorenzo they can choose to undergo the next step and learn extracting which is again a lengthy process, not every tech makes it to extraction nor do all who train make it as an extractor on patients. He is a great dude but the ultimate perfectionist, if you're not good enough you don't get near a patient. He told me if his extraction team wasn't as good as he was at it, he wouldn't let them do it so trust they're fully qualified and trained. His teams don't have a high turnover like some other clinics so he's had largely the same team in place for a long time. Grace did half of my extractions and she is great.

    Mikey, can you try to pm me.

    I am unable to pm you,


    It sounds like some of your questions are specific to Dr. Lorenzo and others are not. I will answer questions more generally. Technicians go through various quantities of training depending on the physician but hair transplant surgeons recommended by our community make their technicians go through very thorough training. As one of our members said above, training can be very tedious and time-consuming but it’s worth it since ultimately, if one technician is off their game even on one particular day, and entire hair transplant could be messed up and it will be the doctors responsibility. So while a technician is extremely important as are all of them regarding the hair transplant process, at the end of the day, the hair transplant surgeon is responsible for the ultimate result.


    Dr. Lorenzo was previously recommended by our community but now that he has moved back to Spain, he doesn’t really have the time to engage with patients on this forum which is why he isn’t a part of it any longer. I actually would like to reach out to him to see if he now has any additional time that he’d like to devote to our transparent process and working with our patients and community since his work and results I’ve always been top notch.


    Best wishes,




    Bill, can you make sure my pm capabilities are turned on and then delete this post?

    I am trying to pm Mikey with some questions?


  3. I was doing listening to some music on YouTube and Billy Joel's piano man came on, the video from 1885. He would have been 35 or 36. He looks like a norwood 2 working on 2.5. Nice hair. I looked a pic of him now and the dude is a nw7. Blew my mind. Lucky he didn't get a ht. This is example of super bad luck generics in terms of ht. Generally, 35-40 year old guys feel pretty safe about what type of hair loss they'll end up with. Thought it was interesting. Fin for life for me.


    I just turned 48, and just started losing a lot of density mid-scalp to top of crown. Already had 3,600 in temples and hairline. Doc said I had about 10,000 lifetime grafts 2 yrs ago. So I hope I have enough to finish up. Might have to get back on fin.

    It can happen late.

  4. Julius,

    I can't seem to get your pm, it only shows up in my e-mail. Apparently my messaging still doesn't work. Anyways, I am just chilling today. I am in room 703 if you want to drop in and check out the work I had done. I would be interested to see your work too. It's hard to get a close up view on your own head. If not, no big deal. I leave on Sunday morning, catching a taxi at 07:00.

    Either way, good luck to ya.

  5. I apologize for the delay in activating your private messaging. This is not something that I can do but I can pass your request on to our managing publisher.


    Unfortunately, keeping messaging deactivated until we have time to verify a member's validity is necessary in order to keep spam to a minimum.


    David, can you please ask someone to activate my private messaging. Iv'e been trying to pm you about it, but I can't. :D


  6. Ndubya, yes dr b said yield from first op was not where it should have been. As per my posts, it was clear that I felt the same. He said I deserved more density and for this reason he reinforced the first op with 900 grafts for free. The downside is, I lost 900 grafts which I could have used to do more work in crown or temples. The positive is that dr b is a class act who really cares and wants best result for his patients.


    10-4 Stinger,

    I'm headed back in late Jan. for a small touch up myself.

    I'm pulling for you buddy;)

  7. ndubya, so you are approx. one year after your procedure?


    Sorry to hear, the result is not what you have expected! :(

    Is the low density limited to a certain area (like in my case) or does it concern all transplanted hair?


    Did you post any pictures of your result? Would be interesting to see the comparison to my case.


    I'll be at the BHR clinic for a repair session soon. I'll let you know how it went!


    And to your question: As far as I remember Dr. Bisanga extracted all the grafts. The planting has been done exclusively by his techs.


    Yes sir, a year and 2 weeks.

    I think I had some shockloss and maybe some further loss behind the transplant.

    Good for you sticking with Dr B and good luck with the next session.

    I haven't posted my results from the beginning because I didn't want to jinx myself.

    I know, stupid, but just the way I thought about it at the time.

    I will post up before my touch up, thanks

  8. I would say no. If it has, it really isn't satisfactory.


    There are actually 3 problems; it is not simply an issue of thickness.


    1) FIRST AND FOREMOST I would say is the hair color - which is very dark. If you look at my photos in my profile, you will see that the transplanted hairs on top are significantly darker than on the side.


    2) Thickness. The darker, thicker hairs at the front of the hairline just look off. I mean, if they had been lighter or the same color as the hair on the sides maybe it wouldn't be such an issue; or maybe if they had been as thin as the hair on the sides maybe it wouldn't be such an issue in spite of the the darker color.

    But combine the darker color with thicker diameter, and it just looks a bit strange, especially when other hairs behind and around the transplanted hairs are lighter and thinner.


    3) Numerous doubles in the hairline just add to the strangeness of it all. You end up with a dark, thick "tree trunk" at the front of your hairline.


    Honestly, at times it looks like black surgical stitches - especially the doubles. It also depends on lighting. Sometimes it looks worse than others, other times, it's not so noticeable depending on the lighting.


    On top of that, the redness that persisted until I had 2 V-Beam treatments last spring just added further strangeness to it all.


    Now that the redness has finally left after the V-Beam treatments, the eye isn't quite so drawn to the hairline anymore - though 2 weeks ago a young female colleague took a perplexed double look at my hairline twice while I was speaking to her. I moved in a bit closer and spoke just a bit louder to draw her attention back to my face, and then ended the conversation before retreating back to my office area where I proceeded to "smooth" the hairline out and place it in such a way that it might not attract further scrutiny.


    I would agree with 1 and 2, I didn't have the 3rd problem.

    Thanks for the info on the v-beam, I am still really red after almost 13 months.

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