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Posts posted by Stig

  1. Not that I feel the need to do week-by-week updates, but I've been slammed at work over the last few weeks and really hadn't kept an eye on my hair. I figured that not much had changed since my last update at four months, but looking now that is noooooot the case. This lighting isn't awful but isn't great, so things look better than they look here under some circumstances and worse under others. The picture quality isn't top-notch so there's probably a little false density presented here, but the bottom line is that not even five months this looks really, really good. I was freaking out (exaggeration, but still) to Rahal's clinic that the right side is coming in more slowly (still true and not shown well in these pictures), but they let me know a) it's early, and b) this is my second procedure, and second procedures grow in more slowly. So bottom line, there's still a lot of growth and maturation to augment this result.


    You can stop right here and declare this a winner. Luckily you still have more growth and maturing to come. Go out and enjoy life, you won mate! A lot of us are incredibly envious of your hair and hairline in the current state. Don't want to here about you freaking out anymore mister!!!!

  2. I have accepted the advice from dr lorenzo but then I came on here and saw people having similar cases and used donor and beard hair and they were able to restore there hair.

    NW 6/7 HT New Delhi/NCR region - Page 5 - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients


    It gave me some hope but i admit I'm bit confused between different opinions most of which were by email but the ones that said I was not a suitable candidate were sure they did not even say come in to have it checked.


    If I were to go somewhere in person please send me some links/ addresses of good places.


    I was surprised how unregulated the industry is...


    Yes that's true i don't have that much saved and like you say and travel etc would become very costly and at $8 per grafts plus with other hair $2 per graft in addition would be too much.


    Please give me the details of doctor in India.


    So how did harin in the above link get so many grafts?




    Consult with Bisanga and Feriduni in Belgium. The Indian surgeon is Bhatti

  3. What's wrong here? I ask about doctors in NY or NJ and I get guys on here telling me to go to doctors in canada? my last doctor who didn't have more than six or seven on his website. I should have known. Now I know.



    Absolutely nothing is wrong here. People are giving you outstanding advice, especially by recommending that you travel to Canada. I believe it is a mistake to pick your surgeon based on geography alone. Absolutely nothing wrong with traveling, in fact it is smart to consider it. Look at Win, Mav, Home,Kuji and Esrec to name a few. All live in the NY/NJ area, and all travelled out of state for their procedures - I wonder why that is. If you research hard enough, and still land on a NY/NJ surgeon, then good for you, but if you are only going to consider NY/NJ surgeons then I am afraid you are eliminating some true gems. Good luck mate!

  4. The best doctor can not change your loss pattern. If you have a transplant surrounded by a lot of miniaturized hairs you will lose them. You will not be able to retain a 24 year old hairline for life. You need to be realistic and save hair for when you get older if that is even possible. Ht soon makes a ton of sense because you could lose all of the shrunken hair that has shrinked. By no means is this the end of the world but you need to be realistic about the future. Trying to get a 24 year old hairline is the worst thing you could do now. Stay on drugs for now meet with really good clinics. If someone wants to put a hairline on you like you were five years ago run. I have been there been promised things that are simply not possible . Easy to say you will not worry at 35 or 40 what you look like but you will. Be safe.


    Great advice! I know it's tough to hear, but definitely proceed with caution before jumping into a procedure at your age.

  5. Hi Everyone,


    I've read a ton of reviews so far, and want to do FUE for my hairline. I've seen and checked out quite a few doctors and decided against Dr. Bernstein in favor or more top tier doctors. My picks currently are Rahal, Hassan/Wong, Konior, and Shapiro (in order).


    I'm just trying to seek advice on which would be the best for a younger hairline. I'm currently 24, and would like to fix this before it proceeds and realize i'd then have upkeep in a few years need be. I also saw that Rahal has offices in NY, would this be the same high quality as their Canada location?




    Rahal's offices in NY are only for consultations when he visits a few times during the year. His actual clinic where he performs surgeries is only located in Ottawa.

  6. Ya i'm not located there I just hoped his Ottawa location was the best due to ease of travel, hairline, and costs. Thank you very much!


    You can't go wrong with Rahal mate, however I still maintain the top FUE guys are located in Europe - Lorenzo, Feriduni, and Erdogan. Feriduni produces the best hairlines out of that lot, but his waitlist is a year long.

  7. Would it matter which location? I believe he started in Canada and with the exchange rate, that would be the cheapest option. I'd just like to figure out which would be best. Thank you!


    Don't let location drive your decision mate. Just pick the best surgeon for you and run with it, even if it means cycling 1,000 miles on your bicycle in the snow if need be. Yes, Rahal is located in Ottawa Canada and charges in Canadian dollars, so will be the cheapest of the lot.

  8. Having an HT of any kind in Mexico sounds barbaric enough to me.Everyone has a good point I must say with one exception to the FUE lover that talks about how bad strip scaring is obviously that person has not seen great strip surgeries before and it seems to me that they have only seen FUE patients. Most patients you really have to search for the scar to even see it when done by experienced surgeons .


    HairJo, why exactly do you equate Mexican hair transplant surgeons to Barbarians? Do they hack off the heads of patients? I will admit going to Mexico for this type of elective surgery probably isn't the smartest idea in the world, but calling all Mexican surgeons Barbarians seems pretty harsh no? There seems to be a particular Mexican surgeon mentioned recently on this forum who seems to be doing good work and getting rave reviews (the surgeon MrMatt visited).

  9. Both procedures can become barbaric if performed by a complete hack. We have all witnessed this from Colorado Hair institute. I would trust an fut with Konior, Shapiro, Cooley or any top doctor over an fue with some unknown.


    Forgot about Dr Boland from Colorado for a minute there. He is the closest thing to a Barbarian I must admit.

  10. Day 11 update:


    The scabs have mostly fallen off and the scalp redness is almost gone.


    None of my transplanted hairs have fallen out yet. This is really weird. I heard a very small percentage of patients dont lose their transplanted hair. Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones??




    Unfortunately it's too soon to be popping the Champaigne corks. Transplanted hairs will usually start shedding after 2 and a half weeks.

  11. The technician that shaved it either forgot I was retaining my hair or there was a breakdown in communication.

    There's nothing anyone can do now so I just have to live with it. The whole purpose of going for the FUT instead of the FUE was to have it done unshaven.

    It sucks.


    Look at it this way, having the recipient area shaved definitely would have made the procedure itself a lot easier for the surgeon making the incisions and the techs performing the graft placements - so you just increased the likelihood for a better result.

  12. FUT can be barbaric if your wound doesnt heal properly or nerve damage occurs, but in expert hands these occurances may be minimized. !



    But the point Sean is that in expert hands it's is not a barbaric procedure, it's really not. I think it's completely outrageous and ludicrous to even equate an FUT procedure with true barbaric acts such as raping, torturing, or murdering other human beings. It's an elective procedure performed very successfully. Everyone who calls this barbaric disrespects the victims of real barbaric acts like the Bostom bombings. Some of those poor souls had their legs and arms ripped off their bodies. What about those people in Syria who had their heads chopped off by ISIS, or those people on 9/11 jumping off the WTC after barbarians deliberately flew planes into them? Are we really comparing an FUT victim with a stretched scar and nerve damage to a rape victim, or a terrorist victim with no legs, or a victim of 9/11 who had no choice but to jump of a building? As a milatary guy, you should know this. I mean no disrespect to you.


    I think the word that we are all looking for here is "butcher" as aposed to "Barbarian"

  13. Hi

    I'm on day 5 from approx 3500 FUT grafts which has left me looking like a Klingon with hairs on the sides, back and top back. Unfortunately the frontal half was shaved by the clinic by mistake despite requesting to keep my hair ( NW3) so I'm now left with having to face the world unprepared.

    The worst part is having to go back to work and explaining what has happened to my head as I heavily used concealers before to create an almost full head of hair. There is no medication in this world that would grow back my native frontal hair within 2 weeks.

    I am now depressingly having to accept that people will notice that I had a hair transplant. I could buzz all over to balance the head but since its a FUT, I have a long suture at the back which isn't due out until after 10 days.

    Any assistance on how I can style my head without making it look absurd will help.




    How did the clinic shave your hair by mistake? i would have gotten up and walked right out of there. What next, they by mistake cut your head open when taking out the strip, or by mistake make the incisions all over your forehead?


    Just get them to shave the rest of of your hair to balance it out, and wear a cap for the next month. Tell work you fell and cracked the back of your head open, hence the sutures.

  14. Cutting open a woman's stomach/abdomen, pushing the organs to the side, and manually removing a baby sounds a lot more Barbaric to me than getting FUT - so what? It's a procedure that has a very high success rate and the only real risk of complications is the scar stretching. Haven't heard of anyone getting brain damage or dying because of the FUT. Does it sound brutal, yes, but what is the point of calling it barbaric if it works well and only really has one risk of complication? Every time you step into your car you run a far greater risk of serious injuries.


    Barbaric is what those animals in Syria called ISIS are doing. You are now equating getting a FUT procedure to the raping torture, and murder of human beings?

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