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Posts posted by leftygolfer71

  1. It looks great! Your scar is already barely visible!


    How is the scalp looking in the recipient area? Does it show you went through surgery?

    How long has your native hair regrown ?




    My scalp is still pink and I have shed almost all the hair. My native hair grew pretty fast - not sure how much, but enough to cover the scar pretty good. Rahal did a great job on the scar.

  2. I am in the same boat as you. Speculating how my scar would look after a month as I plan on taking that much time off work. To OP, if you get a chance and if possible, please post pictures of your scar around 4 weeks time. Thanks!



    One month tomorrow.


  3. I know I know I know. ......You guys all make super solid points. And points I need to reread from time to time.


    I realize my personality and natural temperament are really NOT well suited for what in going through.

    You guys are all probably right. It seems I try and keep calm and keep calm, maintain....but beneath the surface my insecurities and uncertainties are seething and boiling. Until I just hit these manic freak out 'doomsday' episodes.


    I do apologize for tying up forum threads with what I'm certain is perceived as (justifably so) my whining, but mentally I am struggling with this process. I have no one to turn to that can even come close to relating to what I'm going through. I do not personally know of anyone that has had a HT.


    I promise I'm not a bad guy, just struggling with insecurity and body image issue.


    Here is a recent pic for those who asked.



    Look amazing for such a short period of time!

  4. Hi!


    I had a previous FUT about 10 years ago, and I was looking into going through a second one soon.


    I had a consultation with Dr. Rahal in Ottawa who suggested a second FUT with 3000 grafts for the front section and the crown area which I think would be a great improvement for me.


    However he apparently shaves the whole region where new hair will be implanted, which will leave only the mid-section of my head with native hair. Keeping my native hair everywhere would make concealing the recipient areas much more easy.


    Looking through the pictures here, it looks as though even if I take 4 weeks off work, it will still be quite apparent that I went through surgery after that period, as regrown hair will be very short. I don't want it to show.


    FUE is out of question for me as my previous scar will be apparent as shaving the back of the whole head is necessary.


    Is shaving the recipient area standard in the FUT procedures, or should I just keep looking for another surgeon who is willing to do it without shaving?


    Any recommendations for someone not too far from Montreal?... I guess I could fly if it meant a better post-op :)


    Thanks in advance!!


    I think it would be impossible for them to work on you without shaving down the recipient area...or at least very difficult.

  5. Um, actually every single Dr that charges his fee based on the number of grafts will reimburse you for the amount of grafts that fall short. Most surgeons charge a fee per graft. Now if he had gone over the number of grafts and he never charged you for the extra ones - I've heard stories that Rahal won't charge you if the extra grafts aren't a large number.


    Correct, one of the guys I was there with had more grafts than he paid for and wasn't charged.


    How would one know if a Dr. said he's going to give you 3800 grafts and was only able to get you 3500? It's not like you're going to ask him to count them in front of you....


    He could have easily said, "Yeah we got all 4000." And I would have never known the difference.

  6. I agree, the man is a top top class surgeon with results that speak for themselves, but I still think it is slightly concerning that he never discussed a long-term plan with you. I believe strongly that a surgeon that wants to be recommended by this site should at a minimum measure one's donor estimate lifetime grafts, and discuss a long-term plan with the patient. I'm sorry, its not a long-term plan if he hasn't evaluated the lifetime donor supply.



    We could go back and forth all night...


    I really don't have a problem that he didn't give me my "lifetime" donor info. He gave me the info I needed for this procedure and the next one to accomplish my goals. I was impressed by the fact that we came about 100 grafts short of what I had paid for and he promptly reimbursed me after the procedure. I wonder how many Dr.s would do that??


    I'm happy with the process thus far and will sit back and see how this comes out.

  7. I always get these wrong, but I'll give it a go!The recipient area appears to be larger than what is usually found on a traditional NW 5A. Even though you've lost all of your hair on top, you still have high sides and your crown has yet to open up in a NW6 pattern. I would say that you're a Norwood 5 (perhaps going on 6 in the future). Is your father's hair loss pattern similar to yours?


    Best of luck!




    Thanks for your input - I appreciate it.

    Yes, my dad is in his 70's and is probably a NW6.

  8. I'm surprized a top surgeon like Rahal wasn't able to estimate that. Hopefully Paleo doesn't see this



    To his defense, I didn't really ask him much about my donor area.

    I was told I have enough to do the crown.


    The entire process was great and he and his staff were amazing - I'm so glad I chose to go with him. Paleo should have gone to Rahal...:)

  9. I figured I would start my official progress thread. I had 3700 grafts at the end of Oct with Dr. Rahal. The whole experience was great - except for the numbing shots wearing off...:)


    I'm 44 and think I'm a 5A, but could be worse - thoughts?. Comments welcomed - now the waiting game. :-)

    I'm planning on having a second procedure next year for the crown and more density as I think my density will be sparse.


    I can't figure out how to attach more than one pic to thread...



    Just curious if folks think I'm a 5A or 6 and how my donor area looks for future procedures?

  10. Are you having issues attaching multiple pics at once? I alerted the mods but they told me nothing was wrong.


    Two week pics shows some nice clean lines.


    BTW kinda jealous of your nicely sized round head. Allows you to shave down. I dont have that luxury :)



    Yeah, maybe one of the Mods can consolidate them in the original post?


    Thanks, but my head is nothing to be jealous of...:-)

  11. I figured I would start my official progress thread. I had 3700 grafts at the end of Oct with Dr. Rahal. The whole experience was great - except for the numbing shots wearing off...:)


    I'm 44 and think I'm a 5A, but could be worse - thoughts?. Comments welcomed - now the waiting game. :-)

    I'm planning on having a second procedure next year for the crown and more density as I think my density will be sparse.


    I can't figure out how to attach more than one pic to thread...


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