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Posts posted by Spidey

  1. Being Canadian, I would have gone to HW or Rahal in a heartbeat, rather than travelling anywhere for any kind of operation/surgical procedure. You live and learn I guess.


    Are you sure HW charges Canadians in USD as well? Last I heard they charge CDNs in CDN and others in USD. You should double check that. When I got my procedure done, only last year, I paid what was listed on their site but in CDN.

  2. You might as well get a sls and phosphate free shampoo/conditioner. I have used Nioxin in the past and it is a decent shampoo/conditioner, however, I do not feel it made much of a difference. The tingling feeling you get is just the menthol.


    An interesting thing though... When I used Alpecin, I noticed significant less hair shed. I remember showering and only seeing 2-3 hairs in my hand, compared to my avg of 10-15 per shower. It has been years since I used Alpecin since they don't sell it anymore in Canada.


    I have been averaging losing about 10-15 hairs in the shower for years now, hard to say if most of those are replaced by normal hairs or "thinning". I guess time will tell since my hairloss is relatively slow, dating back to when I was about 25 (10 years), and went from a nw0 to a nw2 in that time.

  3. I religiously used witch hazel and aloe. Didn't seem to really help as my redness stayed pink for months. Even now it's still a bit pink after a shower and after I put on Rogaine etc. It only lasts a few minutes now, but because there is hair there who knows if it's still pink throughout the day. My skin tone isn't exactly fair so it was kind of annoying when I was in the ugly duckling phase.

  4. Absolutely amazing work, Spidey!! Judging by your hair style, you know you have a great result!


    One quick question though -- in terms of your overall hairline, would you say that it's complete "as is" our would it require another HT pass for you to be able to slick back your hair?


    Thanks for the comment. I am totally happy with how my hair is. I actually can, and do slick my hair back and it looks completely fine.


    Maybe when I have time, I will post pictures of my hair styled with product. It actually looks better with the "wet" look with pomade. I'm a big hair product guy and love my reuzel pomades. All my pics, including the ones taken by hw are of my hair with no product and dry. The only picture I posted with product was one of my five month ones with product and flash.


    I realize it's not to the density of my teens but I am happy with that, especially if my hair does thin out a bit more in the future. This way I won't have super dense corners and a thinner mid area, which would look very unnatural.


    It depends on what happens in the future regarding whether I go in for a touch up or not. If my hair stays relatively the same as it is now, I am happy with not ever having to do another procedure. I rather not damage my donor area more if I don't have to as I like to fade the sides and back of my head down to a number 1 on an Oster, which is actually closer to a 1/2 guard on most other trimmers.

  5. As promised, here are the 12 month pictures that Doug took at the clinic last week, with the HW signature blue background :D


    As you can see the pictures taken at the clinic are much better quality than the pictures I have been posting via my phone camera.


    Now I cross my fingers and hope my future hairloss is minimal to non existent.


    I am currently using rogaine foam, and have been for the past decade. I stopped using topical spiro as it is now discontinued. For the last couple of weeks, I started trying the topical Azelaic acid by Kourosh. Too early to tell if it works, however, it if helps me maintain, I won't complain. I have never been on nor will I ever try Fin.


    Also, the transplanted hair is slowly getting "softer" like the native hair, and less wirey







  6. If you look at my four month progress, it's not that much different. The only difference is that this guy had his whole crown more or less re done, where as mine were my corners. The rest of my native hair took away from the focus of my corners which still was pretty whispy.


    Regarding the number of holes in the donor area and eyeballing the number of grafts, especially when comparing to other surgeons is not accurate. Firstly, you don't know if other cases, the number of donor extractions exceeded the number of grafts actually implanted... If their transection rate was 10%,, then for every 1000 extractions, there would be an additional 100 "holes" in the donor area that led to grafts being thrown out. Unless you count each extraction site, I think it is pretty ignorant to comment and more or less say that HW is over charging/under extracting for their FUE.

  7. Regardless of the method being FUT or FUE, the coverage would have been the same. 3800 grafts is not a whole lot for a NW7. The results look good in that the yield looks like what it should for that many grafts and that coverage. I would imagine with the hair quality, and number of grafts, after this patients 2nd FUE surgery, and a total of 6000+ grafts, it would be equivalent to the results of an FUT mega session.


    Oh, and he is only 8.5 months in! Still time for some improvement.

  8. It will probably just look salt and pepper. From what I see the SMP isn't "black" it's more of a grey as if you shaved your head with a razor a day before, so it would probably still blend well. Right now I can cut my hair down with a number 1 and you can barely see the dots, and only in certain lighting. If I ever get another procedure done, and want to keep my fade short, I will probably look into SMP. SMP seems to turn out very well for FUE scars. I think people with a high NW can get great coverage by maxing out on FUT, then touching up with FUE. The combination of using both would mean great coverage.

  9. If you are form the greater Vancouver area in Canada, aveda has store fronts throughout the city.


    Htsoon, try the American crew forming cream it's a good balance of a pomade and a Fibre. It has a bit of a shine but not that much. It's by far my favorite cream, but eight now I like the shine look so I use ruezel.


    The Fibre imo is too dry and causes a lot of hair pull which all causee us anxiety lol.

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