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Posts posted by mav23100gunther

  1. Blood is normal, can you see any blood streaming from the recipient area? If not, then you most likely have not lost any grafts, and it's just the donor area. I still find the belly thing extremely odd. Almost everyone of the top surgeons like Hasson, Rahal, Shapero, Dorin, Bernstein, and Feriduni instruct you to sleep on your back elevated for the first 5 days. If you don't believe me google pre-op instructions, I read them all when I had my 1st HT procedure. Sleeping on your belly sounds like it may put pressure on the grafts, which can't be a good thing so early on. It will also cause more swelling of your face to mve downward. Then again, I am not an expert, so hopefully someone else chimes in on this. Try not to panic man, I know it's tough to wait. Good luck for when you see him.m

  2. Hey the80swasfun.. I checked out laketahoeguy's pics. I got to tell you, I wasn't as impressed as I had hoped. I was able to see his scalp through his hair. And this was at 12 month post op.


    I also saw Can't Decide's pics. Even though from what I saw it looks good, I still wish I could see more in-depth, close-up pics. I want to see pics or better yet, videos of patients who have recently reached their 9 or 12 month post op.


    I think the best thing is to see pics of Rahal patients in their 9 - 12 month post op who've had 50 grafts/cm. Rahal said I'd need 50 grafts/cm. So I think this way I can see how my HT would look after 9 or 12 months post op.


    Laketahoeguy even admitted that Dr Rahal took a more conservative approach with density and coverage. Even though it was a significant number of grafts, there was a lot to cover, so I am assuming the hairline was higher with the dense packing, and the midscalp and crown was less. He even stated in his write-up that there were parts of the midscalp not covered. Therefore definitely don't think you are looking at 50cm density across the whole head. I suspect if he got a 1,500 - 2,000 graft 2nd procedure then he will be golden. With that being said, I still think the results as they stand are very good compared to where he started

  3. Thanks Blake, not as yet. I'll send him a PM to give him a nudge. We PM'd earlier this week on a separate topic and the poor guy says he has been overwhelmed of late keeping certain members in-check and dealing with the Busa backlash.


    I actually have my first Lasik consultation this week, so if all goes according to plan by the end of the year I would have rid myself of glasses, restored a decent head of hair via a HT, and removed the hairs from my back via laser hair removal - haha. Mandel seems to be the talk of NYC in terms of Lasik - we shall see

  4. If you are based in NY then you should certainly consider consulting with 'HairThere' a veteran poster who runs a SMP clinic in NY called SMPlooks as he was trained by Milena Lardi and uses the temporary SMP technique which in my opinion if you are going to get SMP is the safest option. His direct email :smplooks@yahoo.com


    I hope this helps.



    Thank you Spex

  5. He said I can probably only get about 1250 grafts via another strip operation, and to go for the free mFUE with Dr Feller (I intend to).


    London, isn't consulting with Dr Wong after Dr. Feller agreed to give you a free procedure akin to going on another 1st date after you agreed to be exclusive with your girlfriend? :)

  6. I received my first prescription for finasteride from Dr. Alexander. After that I was pretty lucky because on routine visits to my GP and dermatologist I was offered prescriptions by each of them my just mentioning that I was taking it so I never had an issue.


    Even with excellent insurance here in the US we typically pay a copay of some sort for any doctor visit. So, if your GP says no or you just want to get it from another doc, you'd pay another copay for that visit.


    Is that what you mean?


    Why not just pay an annual visit to Bosley to get the perscription? all it will cost you is having to sit through their presentation for 1 hour - lol

  7. You know, Mick, you hit on something in your post. You wrote:


    "... in an ideal world maybe it shouldn't make any difference to one's self image or how people perceive us".


    I find HT is rarely for others as much as it is for the person himself. I believe HT is really about "identity" and not so much "vanity". And I don't mean vanity in a bad way.


    I have a friend who is as non-vane as you can get. He was already becoming a stage 5 hair loss sufferer but legitimately was not bothered by it. So when all my friends who needed transplants got them, he wouldn't even consider it. Until one day he came up to me and said he wanted one. I was truly floored. He had told other friends of ours that he wanted it and they were floored as well. What had changed? I had to ask.


    He told me. And I quote: " I really didn't care about my hair loss until I looked in the mirror and saw my father staring back at me. I wasn't me anymore. "


    I think that says it all and why the HT industry is huge. It is all about identity, not so much vanity. I feel the same way about myself. When I saw my forehead "growing" it wasn't "me" anymore. So I did something about it and that's how I got into the field.


    Unfortunately, the doctor who did my first transplant did not do a good job and wasted some of my donor area I sorely need now. Perhaps that is one reason why I am so sensitive about the donor area and that it not be wasted. You are born with as many follicles as you are ever going to have so make each and every one count! I wish I had back the estimated 800 that were destroyed during my first surgery. No internet back then, unfortunately.


    Best to you and your growth, Mick.



    The only reason I got a HT, is so that women find me attractive again when I re-entered the dating scene after a break-up from a 5 year relationship. If we had stayed together and gotten married,, I would never have even considered it. Plain and simple - no other reason.

  8. .


    Also there is a method to remove the scare almost for 95 % :)




    Hey buddy,


    Would love to know what this scar removal method is. As far as I know one could do a procedure to remove the scar that just creates a thinner scar, get FUE into the scar, or SMP into the scar. None of these remove the scar, what am I missing.


    Iran is an interesting place for a HT. How was your experience getting through immigration ect ect

  9. I don't think there is anything specific about the procedure itself that runs up the cost, but rather the law of supply and demand. If a patient wants SMP, he will pay for it, regardless of the cost, so it's the demand that probably drives it up.

  10. Hi Sparky,

    I get where you are coming from by pulling the photos.


    A donor scar on the lower side of the occipital bump is correctly placed, so don't worry about that. It's when it's WAY below the bump, essentially on the neck that the problems really begin.


    Most scar revisions (the process where it is cut out and pulled together again and stitched) rarely works out well so I wouldn't be to disappointed with yourself opting for FUE into scar. Problem with scar is that it is poorly vascularized and so FUE grafts, or any grafts for that matter, tend not to grow well.


    You may want to look into SMP to darken it. That should help a lot...IF IT IS DONE RIGHT!!!


    Dr. Feller, any recommendations on where to go for SMP that gets done right?

  11. I’m sure the repeat patients you saw at the clinic initially had very bad thinning scalps to the point where very little hair could be harvested. Hence, the need to do more HTs for them.



    Not necessarily, for most HT patients, hair loss is progressive, even on medication. So whilst the initial procedure may have been successful, they would come back for future procedures or touch-ups.


    If you only need one single procedure, and that lasts you, then good on you.

  12. I get what you're saying - especially when you're spending the kind of money a HT cost. You want the best results possible. I guess 3000 grafts in the front/ mid area could be an option and just go with dermmatch or something to cover the crown until I can address that.


    Unless you have an above average lifetime donor graft supply, then i would resist the temptation to hit the crown. Rather leave that alone until you know the frontal 3rd is good. For now, you could always have SMP into the crown, and see how Fin helps.

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