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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Thanks Khali. I will wait to see the results and carefully plan the next procedures. At the moment, i cannot visualize how i will look 10 months down the line especially the density in the front. I know for sure that Radha planted a lot of grafts near the hairline. You never know, 1 year down the line I might have more confidence on BHT and could go with that if i don't feel great after my FUT results. OR I could go back to full bald look depending on how worse the scar looks !
  2. These pics are taken after removing the nylon sutures. Some of the grafts have started to fall out and I believe its normal.
  3. I think its 30 grafts per cm. Not too sure. Is that the standard ? Does the density look OK ?
  4. Thanks fortune11. This post gives me an insight on what I could expect for my future HT plans. I might just travel down the same road as yours since you too seem to have a bigger scalp. Can you please tell me the number of grafts transplanted during each of your 3 HT sessions and how much grafts you expect to get your crown filled ? Have you not thought about BHT ?
  5. I have been working from home for 8 days now after the surgery and getting the nylon stitches removed later today. I will be back to office as usual from tomorrow and i don't mind showing off the scar. Sure it will look less scary after the nylon sutures are removed. Thank you for the wishes. I hope it all turns out well.I will keep the forum updated on the progress
  6. Thanks for the responses so far. To be honest, I never really have any thoughts about how i want to style my hair. I wanted to visit a hair stylist after i see full growth of my first hair transplant procedure and then see what suits me better. That might also influence my decision on future HT. What i am more worried about is if i will run out of donor hairs for complete coverage and end with a big bald spot on my crown region especially when there is no going back to full head shave. I also don't want to get stuck with multiple hair transplantation procedures year after year. I want to move on with my life not worrying too much about hair.
  7. That is a bit disappointing. If I end up having not enough donor hairs for crown coverage in the next FUT, like Radha seem to believe, can I think about FUE or BHT ? I do have comparatively larger head size but lot of body hairs. I noticed that there are few Indian surgeons, Bhatti for eg, recommended by this forum who do BHT. What i don't want is end up looking worse with hair than i did without hair.
  8. Dear all, First and foremost, I would like to thank the forum members who helped me make an informed decision about the surgeon I chose for hair transplant. Without knowing a lot of real life people close to me who have had hair transplants, it was a difficult decision to make and I hope my choice wouldn't prove to be a ba(l)d one 12 months down the line. A bit of back ground about myself, I started losing hair when i was 20 years of age starting with receding frontal hairline. I knew it was my fate since both my dad and my uncles from mother's side are all bald ( Norwood-7). I initially had to put up with a lot of misery but 5 years ago I shaved my head completely and sported a full bald look with french beard and got lot of complements for the look. I was so glad that I made that decision. Post that, I have traveled around my country (India) and across Europe due to business needs and I never felt confidence level going low whenever I interact with my clients or colleagues. I was proud of my full clean shaven bald look I sported. However, due to cultural reasons in my country, bald people find it difficult to get a proper bride in arranged marriage customs irrespective of how well settled in life you are. Plus, you always have your relatives talking about your hair loss in every function you meet them. Again, cultural differences ! So i decided to go with the most recent and proven hair restoration techniques and was led to believe that FUT hair transplant will be the one for me. After some research i came across this site, went through the list of recommended surgeons in India and chose Dr Radha Rani since I never found a negative feedback about her work or the results. After few phone calls and email conversations, I got my surgery booked on March 21st, 2015. She did clearly tell me that my hair loss is extensive ( Norwood 6 almost approaching Norwood 7 ) and i would need 4000 to 5000 grafts to cover just the top of the head and i would need second session for complete coverage. What i did not realize however was that the success of the complete coverage look is heavily dependent on the number of donor grafts, surgeon could extract which means there is a possibility i could not get my crown covered at all even if i opt for a second/third hair transplant. I arrived at the clinic 8:15 in the morning on the 21st March. It was regional new year and everyone seemed to be so happy in the clinic. After some blood/BP tests and an hour wait, i met Dr Radha. We talked for 30 minutes or so where we discussed about what my expectations are. She then told me couple of hard hitting facts. i) I will not be able to go back to my clean shaven look even if i wanted to because of the scar at my donor site. ii) Because of my extensive hair loss, she might not be able to cover my crown even i wanted to go for second/third transplants. It was hard to digest but i decided to go ahead with the transplantation but have realistic expectations. Firstly, i told her i don't want a very low hairline and i will be content with a matured looking hairline. She was glad to hear that and then told me she might be able to extract 2800 grafts in first session and might be able to cover the front and half of the top. I was then taken to the surgery room. No complaints about the surgery room. I was given local anesthesia and first two hours went with no pain or discomfort when they extracted the strip from my donor site.I think i slept for an hour or so during this period. I was later told that they were able to extract 3400 grafts. We then had a short lunch break and then went back in for the incision and planting of grafts. I was given local anesthesia again and I think slept for an hour or so again when pain started kicking in. There was a lot of pain at the donor site mostly because i was resting on the back which means pressure at the donor. She asked me to take 5 minutes break to relax my neck. The surgery started again and they gave me another dose of anesthesia. I slept for another 2 hours and pain started again. Doctor told me that generally anesthesia generally holds good for 2 hours but it was wearing off quickly due to slightly excess loss of blood. Another dose of anesthesia was given ( i think ) but i could not sleep this time. I could feel the needles drilling at the top of my head. I am not trying to scare people off but this was my experience but again doctor said i bled more than others. I was given a couple of tablets and slept peacefully that night. Next day i went to the clinic for checkup and washing my head. Doctor found no issues except for minor bleeding at one or two donor stitches. I was then given a set of post operative instructions which I am now following religiously. It has now been 1 week after my surgery. I have attached photos taken couple of hours back. I am scheduled to meet my local doctor tomorrow for having the sutures (nylon ones) removed. I am slightly worried because there was minor bleeding at one of the donor sutures yesterday which i think is because i hurt it during my sleep.I am planning to talk to the doctor tomorrow to see if it is going to be a problem. I would appreciate feedback on the photos and your advice on my future hair transplant procedures. Thanks in advance.
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