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Posts posted by Dolph1969

  1. This is a pic of the right temple under very bright light. As you can see there's not much hair there. I don't think this is a good sign at 8 months. ... There's nearly a cm square where there are only a few hairs in it.


    Tbh I doubt he'd offer free touch ups for a bad result....


  2. 8 month update. Right temple is still low on density or yield. There's no new hair coming through, so I imagine this is going to be it, in terms of growth. There are gaps in the transplanted hair in this region. :(


    Overall a great cosmetic improvement, although I'm a bit disappointed with the density. Am I being too high in my expectations?


    It's definitely a lot better than my before pics.... with the big McDonald's M hairline ..:D


    Comments appreciated guys.


    Pics taken in normal room lighting.




  3. With patients who want to restore their temples and hairline - which is the majority of hair transplant patients - the main factor is the desire to re-gain those lost options for styling their hair. Only you know if your hair loss has reached that point where the styling options have vanished.


    Totally agree. You can do s....t all with that island of hair in the middle, once you hit norwood 3. The framing of your face and style options, takes years off your face.

  4. I know the clients expectations are to be met as much as possible, but i think in this case, the surgeon would have been bettter advising a maturer hairline and less concentrated placement of grafts in the hairline and more in the mid scalp.


    Bottom line, is the patients satisfaction....


    Either way, it's a superb transformation. Poor guy. The previous pics are awful.:o

  5. Ok. Nearing the 7th month. Density still not great but there are a few small hairs showing. Very few... at the front...


    There is a patch on the right that has a gap in it and I can't see anything coming through.


    Is it still too early to panic? I am pleased with the overall improvement, but hoping the density improves...


    Pic was taken in sunlight outside.


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