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Posts posted by thatoldchestnut

  1. He's almost certainly had a ht, I actually read a post on another forum from someone claiming to know that Konior did it. Not sure whether there's any truth to that specific claim but he's definitely had work done. Can't post them from my phone but check out how w mugshots from his arrest and compare them to now, he had some pretty deep temple recession, was nw3+ for sure.


    I guess it's less certain in the case of a Hollywood star since it could be a stellar piece but I think it's more likely a ht.

  2. I wouldn't have thought so personally Sam, though I am not an authority on the matter. I didn't experience any appreciable shed when starting minox and have had some decent results as far as I can tell. So I wouldn't necessarily assume that just because you didn't shed you won't have any results.


    I have also experienced zero side effects from using 1ml 2x daily. Hope this helps. :)

  3. How on EARTH is this result not already great? I'm a big FUT over FUE advocate, but I really don't see that there's any deficiency at all with this density. It really looks like the 60cm2 that Rahal implanted.


    The winks were meant to denote sarcasm, haha. It was said tongue planted firmly in cheek, with all the FUE/FUT controversy going on around here.


    I couldn't agree more, this result is unbelievable, Rahal is an artist.

  4. That's what I noticed about FUE cases, there is a lot of talk about them but not a lot of results out there. So many doctors are given the credit for being great FUE doctors but they still do FUT and they have few of their own FUE results to share. Then you read that people say FUE is as good as FUT is but look at the difference in the number of results posted. Its huge. I really feel for the FUE guys because they are told they will grow as well as the FUT guys but when they don't they are just told they need a "touch up". More money, more surgery. Better just to get the strip and be done with it. Then you know there is still more donor area left. I hope everything works out for you and you get your hair back one way or the other.


    What a load of bollocks.

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