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Posts posted by thatoldchestnut

  1. Have been a fan for a long time, Dr. De Freitas really is the best in the game at the moment imo.

    Can only echo the sentiments of the guys above vis-à-vis the exceptionally high presentation standards (these should be the norm for any clinic worth their salt!). Also watched the video, two monster results. I would never for a moment imagine either patient had elected to have a hair transplant if I saw them, remarkable stuff!

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  2. 17 hours ago, CosmoKramer said:

    Looks Great man!

    Do you do the Man Bun often?

    Are you concerned that traction and tightness might damage the HT follicles?

    Looks fairly loosely tied. I think (though am by no means an authority!) that traction alopecia, assuming that's more or less what you're referring to, is only really a risk when the hair is tied very tightly and is kept in said state repeatedly over an extended period. Wouldn't have thought this hairstyle (regardless of it being on HT'd hair) would put you at much risk.

  3. 1 hour ago, JayLDD said:

    I've had others mention the same to me about this surgeon but few seem to want to openly admit it for whatever reason. The density placed in this case and others by him is visibly significantly less than any of the top surgeons.


    I brought this up in a thread presented by the clinic and was told I was enacting some sort of agenda against the surgeon.

    Best of luck to OP and completely agree with JLDD and others that H&W will more than likely set you straight!

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  4. 14 hours ago, paddyirishman said:

    I am not on any medication myself as I prefer not to. I note you are not on medication either.

    I dont understand why some posters are sending you messages about medication. I personally dont agree with it and I know its wrong to do that.

    I completely agree that it's OP's prerogative to decide to not take medication. Saying that it's wrong to even mention it though, seems a bit ridiculous to say the least. It's my opinion, I was merely offering some fairly logical advice.

    Best of luck to OP whatever he decides. :)

  5. Killer starting point. If this grows in as expected you should be in for a treat!

    I know you say you have never taken medication but I would highly recommend considering it. You're having a fairly aggressive frontal restoration at only 30 y/o, you want to retain the result (not to mention the rest of your hair) for as long as possible! Add to that the fact that, based on my own anecdotal observations, cases where the PT has a significant amount of miniaturising hair at the outset benefit tremendously from the use of meds.


  6. 6 hours ago, harry_potter1 said:

    It is amazing result, but is it really natural? How many men you have seen in their 50's had such perfectly drawn hairline? 

    It looks too good to be natural, if that makes sense 😂

    Said this quite a few times on this site, but I couldn't disagree more. The hairline is not ultra-aggressive (and even if it were significantly lower I don't think it would look 'weird').

    I see guys on the street at his age with hair like this reasonably frequently. When I see them I don't think: 'lol must be a HT'; I think: 'lucky bastard, good for you!'.

    Does having a great head of hair into your 50s put you in the minority? Probably. Does it set alarm bells ringing about possible cosmetic surgery? Definitely not. This work is so refined that I (and I suspect almost no one else) would give it a second glance (other than for admiration purposes, ofc 😁).

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  7. On 3/28/2019 at 11:01 AM, Mycroft said:

    I thought this guy looked familiar and then I saw the comment about the YouTube videos. For anyone interested in the progress from the patient's perspective he's got documentation from before his first surgery in Turkey running through his repair and final results with H&W 


    Just watched the videos, pretty good presentation from him. Such a pity he spent 5500 grafts considering his original loss but he definitely has the result he was looking for, now.

  8. On 2/18/2019 at 4:51 PM, hairlossPA said:

    7.5 month update:

    Feeling a little down these past couple of months. I'm still constantly shedding a lot. Nowhere near the hair and density I had in November. Still pushing through each day and hoping things turn around eventually. Hoping that all these hairs I'm losing come back by summer time. Like many that go through hair transplants, it usually gets worse before it gets better...

    General question to the community: I know as miniaturization happens, the growth phase is cut shorter and shorter, but does the telogen get cut shorter as well? Or, when the hair sheds, will it always take about 3 months to start a new hair? I'm trying to calculate when hairs I lost in November and December should be growing back.

    If you're not having any adverse reaction to the meds in the form of side effects, stay the course. I'm confident your hair will bounce back! I went through various sheds/cycles (been taking generic for ~4 years, my thread/pics in my profile story) which, although not as noticeable due to having good hair when I started, definitely impacted overall density. 

    Four years down the road (pics of mine are 1/3 years after starting) I don't regret starting and sticking to fin for a moment, and can't help but wonder how much worse my hair would have been if I hadn't stuck it out. I don't know whether you're currently using minox but (anecdotally) diffusers seem to respond very well to that too.

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  9. Interesting approach/case Gast! My personal opinion on the "next step" would be to go with option 2 with either Feriduni or Konior (personally I think choosing Konior is about as close as one can get to guaranteeing oneself a great result!).

    That said, if you are happy to proceed in smaller steps then why fix what ain't broken? :D

    All the best, whatever you decide.

    • Thanks 1
  10. I do not wish to discourage you and I certainly hope I am proved completely wrong, but that looks like an awfully large surface area to cover with only 2500 grafts. Given the aggressiveness of the design it would need to be quite dense to maintain a natural appearance, imo.

    All the best!


    Edit: I should add the caveat that it's sometimes difficult to tell (for me, at least! I'm sure the Dr. is far more capable :p) when transplanting around existing hair exactly how much of an impact that may have on the number of grafts required, so I could be completely wrong!

  11. This just goes to show what makes some of those unbelievable transplant results so magical. Not to diminish the surgeon's influence but this shows just how much impact finasteride can have on its own. No doubt if you'd had 4.5k grafts we'd all be oohing and aahing in large part due to the influence of meds!


    Congratulations, thrilled for you. :)

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