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Dr Resul Yaman

Certified Physician
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Everything posted by Dr Resul Yaman

  1. 1 Year Result -3900 grafts -790 single grafts -2140 double grafts -970 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww English +905456001234 info@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com
  2. 2 Years Result -4560 grafts -1040 single grafts -2330 double grafts -1190 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww English +905456001234 info@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com
  3. 12 Months Result -3450 grafts -416 single grafts -2372 double grafts -662 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww English +905456001234 info@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com
  4. 12 Months Result -4050 grafts -516 single grafts -2672 double grafts -862 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww +905456001234 info@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com
  5. 9 Months Result -3450 grafts -552 single grafts -2136 double grafts -762 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww +905456001234 info@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com
  6. 12 Months Result -3930 grafts -697 single grafts -2349 double grafts -884 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww +905456001234 info@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com
  7. 2 Years Result -2150 grafts -570 single grafts -1160 double grafts -420 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww +905456001234 info@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com
  8. 5 Months Result -3850 grafts -710 single grafts -2180 double grafts -960 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww +905456001234 info@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com
  9. Hello, I don't recommend wear a hat before 10 days. If you want to wear before 10 days it you should be very careful and it has to be a large to not damage transplant grafts. After 10-12 days all scabs is going to fall and redness disappear. Kind regards, Dr.Yaman
  10. Mostly we do PRP on the day before surgery or after that we prepare recipient area of patients for incisions. There is no difference. But it is recommended get same PRP sessions after hair transplant. We saw its benefits. The most important things are following post-op instructions and using post-op supplements after the surgery. During the examination I analysed the recipient and donor area and I suggested to use finasteride 8-12 months. Because I don't expect that he will lose more hair by considering his hair analysis. Kind Regards, Dr.Yaman
  11. Hello, Thank you. Yes we recommended to use finasteride 1 mg per day and he got 1 PRP session in our clinic before the surgery. Best Regards, Dr. Yaman
  12. 11 Months Result -2050 grafts -430 single grafts -1080 double grafts -540 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww English +905456001234 info@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com Italy +393485635992 italia@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.it Spain +34646734350 info@turismosaludturquia.com www.njertodepeloturquia.com Germany +49 178 6262 067 info@resulyaman.de www.resulyaman.de France +33 7 87 75 61 30 france@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com/FR-index Brasil +90542 610 1234 brasil@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com/Por-index Arabic +90545 400 1234 info@drresulyaman.com www.drresulyaman.com
  13. Thank you for your comments. We visited our patients in Spain a couple of weeks ago and they were really happy with the results.
  14. 11 Months Result -4150 grafts -830 single grafts -2240 double grafts -1080 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww English +905456001234 info@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com Italy +393485635992 italia@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.it Spain +34646734350 info@turismosaludturquia.com www.njertodepeloturquia.com Germany +49 178 6262 067 info@resulyaman.de www.resulyaman.de France +33 7 87 75 61 30 france@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com/FR-index Brasil +90542 610 1234 brasil@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com/Por-index Arabic +90545 400 1234 info@drresulyaman.com www.drresulyaman.com #DrResulYaman #hairtransplant #hairtransplantresult
  15. 14 Months Result -2700 grafts -591single grafts -1426 double grafts -683 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww English +905456001234 info@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com Italy +393485635992 italia@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.it Spain +34646734350 info@turismosaludturquia.com www.njertodepeloturquia.com Germany +49 178 6262 067 info@resulyaman.de www.resulyaman.de France +33 7 87 75 61 30 france@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com/FR-index Brasil +90542 610 1234 brasil@resulyaman.com www.resulyaman.com/Por-index Arabic +90545 400 1234 info@drresulyaman.com www.drresulyaman.com
  16. 9 Months Result -2800 grafts -628 single grafts -1456 double grafts -716 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww Dr Yaman Hair Clinic www.resulyaman.com info@resulyaman.com +90 545 600 1234
  17. 11 Months Result -4200 grafts -630 single grafts -2520 double grafts -1050 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww Dr Yaman Hair Clinic www.resulyaman.com info@resulyaman.com +90 545 600 1234
  18. 9 Months Result -3420 grafts -468 single grafts -2179 double grafts -773 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww Dr Yaman Hair Clinic www.resulyaman.com info@resulyaman.com +90 545 600 1234
  19. 7 Months Result -3870 grafts -677 single grafts -2329 double grafts -864 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww Dr Yaman Hair Clinic www.resulyaman.com info@resulyaman.com +90 545 600 1234
  20. Hello JohnCasper, I appreciate your positive comments. Your result looks very good and natural. My best regards to you and Dr.Vories. Dr.Yaman
  21. Hello BjornBorg, Yes our patients was on 5th post-op month when he visited us. Kind regards, Dr.Yaman
  22. 5 Months Result -4550 grafts -557 single grafts -2847 double grafts -1146 multiple grafts For more information about our new implanter; https://youtu.be/vYIx0yQY0Ww Dr Yaman Hair Clinic www.resulyaman.com info@resulyaman.com +90 545 600 1234
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