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Posts posted by Hairsearch21

  1. Hey man!


    Interesting case for me!

    Im an Nw5A so my crown is not as big as yours but as i can see from the pics the crown stayed untouched so did mine :).

    Ill be able to conceal it with Toppik or Dermmatch maybe thats something to look in for you to buddy!


    Im 4 months 12 days POST OP and im finally out of the ugly duckling as i think youre too soon!

    Looks overall good for 4 months from your pics!

    Can you feel lots of stubbles everywhere when u touch your head?

    I feel them and its kind of weird^^..


    I wish you a good end result at the end of the day my friend.


    Stay patient!

    I know its hard but were sitting in the same boat at the exactly same time line.

    So we should try to get our boat out of ;D

  2. I think 6-7 month you can really see a big big difference and of course no endresult, but the possibility is there to be happy at that point and the "rest journey" flies by!


    And of course, after 4 months my new growth is VERY short amd i think more growth to come so i cant expect a great density at that point.

    But if all those baby hairs grow to 2-3 inch... They'll start to make a big difference in the coverage and density!

    And hey, those baby hairs make the skin look not that shiny.

    Ist not a big cosmetic improvement, but im already in the fun stage now and the longest month are over.


    Just my thaughts on this topic.



    So i say: 7 month and you should not expect a great amount of NEW growth.

    There are slow growers of course.

    But for tje majority the growth starts between 3-4 months .

  3. Hey guys...


    Everymonth i promise that we will "see" us on the next month mark...

    And then BOOOM im sad as hell about everything and habe to "talk" to you sooner..

    I wish id be a bit stronger... But this journey beats the shit out of me..

    Its an important time in my life now..

    Ive come threw some harder times but i never gave up..

    And now, im sitting here on my couch cant sleep and write this to you.


    Im 4 month 1 week post OP.

    If i look at my pics from month 2 the difference is huge..

    But im not happy with the situation now if thats all i can expect.

    I know im only at 4 month... But damn, i really need this succees with this transplant.

    Little stoppled everywher between the longer hair..

    I think about cutting it all of now.. Because its so hard to see the new hair between al? the long hairs.

    And then i think it looks not to bad right now and that those baby hairs will grow no matter if i cut it all to the same lenght and i can wait with that until 6 month or so when i only have to cut everything to 2 inches or so..

    I dont know.. To many questions and at the moment i cant see the answers.

    To be honest, if thats all density i can expect right now i would be disappointed.


    Haha... If i read this tomorrow i will think: Damn, whats wrong with you man... Stop crying. But you guys are the only one who understands me and can feel for me.. And maybe can say something that helps me..


    Im just down.. Really really down right now.

    I have that feeling not that often..

    Bit right know its bad..


    Hmm maybe someone can say something that will bring my smile back :)..

    Id appreciate it..


    All the best guys..

  4. I think he got MUCH more grafts.

    Its a "failed" dens packing.

    Because the gaps between the hairs are significant on some places and on some the hair seems denser.


    So i would say 1700grafts in total but only 60% growth.

    Its not a total failure... Bevause no money involved and the direction of the hair seems correct (the angles).

    But the grafts are gone...


    Just my "view".

  5. Hey man!


    Im happy for you that you finally had your procedure done! :)

    Great christmas present, isnt it? (;


    40microns is very fine man :) But Dr.Koray is experienced with such fine hair. My 50microns are also fine.


    But that amount of grafts should give you a veeeeeeery good result (if all grow)


    Im now 4 months post op and on the corner to the fun time :).

    The last months were slow. Extremely slow!

    Month 3-4 was the hardest part by now and i think it is for everyone.

    So i better tell this to you right now.

    Try working out or start anything that makes you happy and get you away from your biggest enemy for the next 3-4 months. The mirror.. :P

    But hey, hopefully after 6 months hes your best friend. So dont be rude to him :P


    I wish you all the best!

    Whenever you need some motivation, go online we will help you buddy!

    And enjoy the first month, the "honeymoon" month :P

    As soon as the hair shed and most of them will shed the lovely waiting game starts ;P

  6. @Born: Haha true story!

    I know what youre talking about :).

    Can you feel those baby hairs when you touch your head?

    I can feel all of them. In fact they are like a buzz cut between all the longer hairs now.

    I'll wait until those baby hairs are 1,5inch long and then i will get a haircut and let all hairs cut down to 1,5inch.

    Thats my gameplan :P


    @All: Thanks guys for your words and motivation! :D

    Appreciate it!

    I will keep all of you updated with my progress! :)


    See you at the 5 month mark in a month! :D

  7. I guess the next month will almost double the density from today.

    Simply because all those baby hairs i can feel everywhere (such a crazy feeling) will grow half an inch and that will make it look much better!


    So the next update in one month is the first "very interesting" one i guess.

    Cant wait for it and im super super excited for it.


    Man.. The day i feel good about my hair for the first time in years is maybe just 1-2 months away. And that alone is pretty amazing...


    And if you look at the pics after 7weeks the difference is strong :)..

  8. Hey guys!


    2 days ahead of my four month update and i wanna show you how it looks like today.


    The progress is good and noticeable, but i wish it looked a bit denser now..

    I mean 5800 grafts in all on a 120cm2 area should give better density..

    And there was some existing hair to.

    But maybe its normal for 4 month to have that lack in density..

    Month4 to 5 should give me a nice improvement, because there are so many baby hairs starting to grow right now.

    Im very unpatient..

    Looking in the mirror every time i can :/


    But hey, 3-4 months post op is the hardest time as everyone says..

    And its finally OVER! :D

    And i did it without driving myself completely crazy.. Just a little bit (;


    So please be brutally honest with me.

    What can i expect in the coming months in terms of density?

    Is my "result" at 4 months okay or is it behind the "normal progress".


    Hope for your feedback guys!

    Give me your oppinions please :)!


  9. Hey guys :)


    Things are happening now.

    And im happy for that because im a unpatient monster O.o

    I think im a very very fast grower because i already have some coverage in the hole transplanted area.

    Its not that good, bit when i compare with others at this timeline im fine.


    My sister checked my hair yesterday and she says that between the longer hairs i already have are thousands of baby hairs they will almost easily double the density from today so thats good news.


    Let me know what you think about the progress :).


    All the best


  10. Haha bro :)

    Everyones mind is crazy at this timepoint.

    Im 1 week behind you in the waiting game ;).


    I think month 5 will be much better for us.

    And yes, i know what youre talking about.

    But the most of my new growth is 1-3mm short but not vellus hairs. Its thick terminal hair and i imagine when its around 1cm it will make a HUGE difference.


    All the best to you.

    Just 1-2 months and you will be in a better shape hopefully :).

  11. How should anyone (maybe god) know how the result will look like at 3-6-9-12 months?

    Thats simply not possible guys..


    You can get an idea from others who underwent the surgery already but thats it.

    Noone not even the doc can imagine how exactly the final product will look like..


    And when the patient is at 3-4 months, the hairs start to sproud out the skin and the density is low (as it is totally normal at this stage and most patients know that) its a human reaction to disbelief in the work of the doc or to just think maybe i want have the result im hopeing for.

    So all this guys (me included) at this stage will worry and its normal..

    Let us cry when we wanna cry :P

    And in just another 3 months most of us will stop crying and post updates with very nice progression and we all will be thankful to the guys who helped us in the past hard months ;).

  12. Guys...



    Whats the problem with a little bit of crying after the procedure?

    3-4 months post op is the toughest part of the hole HT journey.

    Thats what most people say and as im exactly between the 3 and 4 month mark i defenitely agree with that.


    But hey... Time will pass anyhow.

    If someone is crying or smiling. Time will went by... No matter what youre doing :).

    And thats the good news.

    But i think its totally understandable that this time when things start to happen and you cant wait for it is a tough one.


    So there is nothing wrong to come to this place and tell all those guys here your worries.

    I think this side is important before you undergo a surgery.

    But its also important AFTER the surgery.


    And day for day the time flies by and around the 6 month mark all this "superbig problems" just vanish.

    And hopefully youre superhappy with your "result" from there on :).


    All the best.

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