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Posts posted by lucky6

  1. pleasure, its a good forum with great advice, pictures of a surgeons work does speak volumes, excuse the Punn. Great choice as its your choice, I am just over 2.5 months so still at the early stages for me, I will keep posting results..and wish you all the very best..

  2. I think that is why the forum is good, when some one comes in new or as you put it unproven with maybe one or two good bits of work they want to build their reputation then a person can make a good informed choice, we all know about the regulars on the forum but what is important is you have a good selection for every budget,that make more sense.. I have no complaints and my story is 1 in a 1000 but I decided on this person because my budget and research led me to a very qualified person to do the Job with over 10 good results you just ask for them.:), otherwise we might as well just endorse just a few surgeons, I hope the forum finds new surgeons with good results, to keep it fresh and impartial personally.:D

  3. Thanks for posting I had my work done with Dr Civas, I am 2 months and 5 days , I think from your photos this looks amazing, really excellent work. You must be happy at 7 months with that growth. Wishing you well from the UK, and happy further growing.

  4. Edinburgh, I had my hair transplant with Dr ECivas, I am post 2 months so I cannot advise on results but the experience was excellent, I think you always need to look at results as they talk volume on a Persons work, we are all bound by this in life in some way or another , however from being picked up at the airport to the hotel, and procedure everything went really well. Very nice people , Dr Civas is really professional very nice team who assist and my personal experience was good. I decided to use Dr Civas because of the replies back, answers to questions and also it was in my budget, however like I said I am only 2 months post HT, so I can not say on results but I am following the guides with the meds an so far so good..I have mentioned my experience already on here. Wish you luck in your decision, this forum is fantastic at helping people and it acts as a good guide. Yes some Doctors are not well known but we all have to start somewhere and the important thing results based decisions quite often on here are accurate judging by everyone else. I hope to keep showing my results each month.

  5. I had the Dr Civas do the first part of the work himself, but I don't think you would get 9hours of work with just one person, the technicians were all very good and skilled, I am not sure the procedure can be done with just the Dr alone as would require a lot of work in 9hours however I know some people have to make a decision on this, I am happy with the approach given to me and you perhaps can ask others on this forum who are now 12 months on. as you then can see their results and make a judgment on this..

  6. Hi guys thanks for coming back to me and all your comments the experience is much better shared . So I am now just over 1 Month they say the hair sheds and I have not cut my hair on the sides yet but I will buzz cut to present a better hairline soon.. Nothing to show apart from some small hair remains but most have shed.. this is the ugly duckling stage..


    Happy again to show you the latest photos here now. few hairs left on the head and depending on the light you take the photos, you can see the shed.






  7. Hi there as promised my latest photos 9 Days, most of the scabs have gone, few more too go but really feels good the hair, using Celine spray which has helped the healing, and also take a vitamin b tablet.. drinking lots of water.. really Happy so far.


    at 15 days will start the minoxidil 5% foam as instructed by the doctor..


    Feeling great..



  8. Well as a uk male 45 I decide to go for it !! and get my thinning Norood 5A hair sorted, I researched on this network and set my budget and settled on a very experienced Dr Ekrem Civas from Ankara in Turkey, based on his qualifications, experience , my budget and their responses, plus I try to go on a good feeling from emails and talking with other people and reading. This forum was excellent resource and I am grateful for people posting images and so here are mine.


    I flew on the 16th Sunday And had 3350 fue 9 hour sitting on the Monday 17th but with a great team made it really comfortable..back home on the Wednesday 19th.


    Let me post my images and I will post further on my progress as so many have done on this site.


    I was booked in Sunday , everything included for my visit , I had never been to Turkey, so it was all new experience in this country and as well as getting my hair done.


    A lovely young man picked me up from the airport, we spoke a little in English I was grateful for his knowledge of the area he made me feel at home, showed me the surgery, then dropped me off at the hotel.


    The Staff where brilliant, I felt a little embarrassed as you do being English that you were there to get new hair but they were very professional , and put me at ease.


    The clinic is just 5 min walk away, I was greeted by a lovely lady who helped me with everything, I met then the Dr Ekrem, brilliant person , very interesting and I really got on well , he explained everything , honesty a really top Dr.



    ..I was really grateful as they put me at ease.. The 3350 Fue took around 8-9 hours every step was a process done by the Doctor and then his medical team, I was amazed at their skill, patience, its like doing a tiny Jigsaw being careful and concentrating..


    I love meeting new people and was fascinated by the whole experience I really enjoyed it, I know that might seem strange but I love learning and seeing new things, and we chatted about family , football and life but also remembering when to be quiet as people do have to concentrate..


    I have never done anything like this a total newbie, but I will share my results with you. So you too can make up your minds, it will change your life if you let it, I did this not for confidence but simply I actually like hair on my head, I also did it so I look more presentable as I am a business man and want to take care of myself the next 20 years..


    So I will keep posting .. thanks again to Dr Ekrem.. he is a good person ... and has a great team.



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