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Posts posted by hairlossguy222

  1. Hey guys


    I've been lurking around this (and other) forums for a couple years now checking out posts. Unfortunately I found these forums a little too late because i was suckered into a HT by good ole MHR at the ripe age of 20.


    I am now 25 and the horrible job they performed is showing more and more every day and I will definitely need another HT to create normalcy on my head.


    I am about to begin looking at some consultations to see where to go from here.


    My question for you guys.....I have a few doctors and I honestly do not know how to narrow it down....I know everyone will say "you cant go wrong with either one of them, great choices!" but.....if you guys could provide ANY feedback regarding these doctors that would be great.


    Perhaps their fortays or a particular aspect that puts them above the others. Maybe one is really good with scars, another dense packing, another hairline, etc etc.


    Here are my choices I have come up with:

    Dr. Feller

    Dr. Hassan

    Dr. Wong

    Dr. Rahal

    Dr. Alexander



    I am mainly concerned with reconstructing my hairline and making sure my scar is as thin as possible. My crown is perfectly fine. I will post pictures tomorrow when I get a chance to get my camera. Again, any help would be great. Thanks so much guys!

  2. Hey guys


    I've been lurking around this (and other) forums for a couple years now checking out posts. Unfortunately I found these forums a little too late because i was suckered into a HT by good ole MHR at the ripe age of 20.


    I am now 25 and the horrible job they performed is showing more and more every day and I will definitely need another HT to create normalcy on my head.


    I am about to begin looking at some consultations to see where to go from here.


    My question for you guys.....I have a few doctors and I honestly do not know how to narrow it down....I know everyone will say "you cant go wrong with either one of them, great choices!" but.....if you guys could provide ANY feedback regarding these doctors that would be great.


    Perhaps their fortays or a particular aspect that puts them above the others. Maybe one is really good with scars, another dense packing, another hairline, etc etc.


    Here are my choices I have come up with:

    Dr. Feller

    Dr. Hassan

    Dr. Wong

    Dr. Rahal

    Dr. Alexander



    I am mainly concerned with reconstructing my hairline and making sure my scar is as thin as possible. My crown is perfectly fine. I will post pictures tomorrow when I get a chance to get my camera. Again, any help would be great. Thanks so much guys!

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