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Posts posted by hairlossguy222

  1. Taurus,


    I have no idea and will not throw out an arbitrary estimation regarding the lasting effects of the anesthetic. Best bet is to ask a doctor. To my knowledge, local anesthetic (when injected in the head....on the person's neck) will not cause erectile dysfunction.


    I saw another post of yours on another forum discussing how you will not take Propecia due to 'permanent' erectile dysfunction side effects and because you say you don't need it.


    That statement alone makes me think that you really should educate yourself some more on hair transplants before you follow through with it....once you pull the trigger, you're in it for good.


    I personally would never proceed with a HT without medical therapy in my arsenal. Hair loss is a progressive thing and you'll find yourself chasing it your whole life.... why not fight it with everything you got? Also, there is a lot of myth around propecia. There is no medical literature that I know of in the USA that describes 'permanent' erectile dysfunction. Perhaps someone can state otherwise.


    I just don't want to see you worse off and regretting your decision.

  2. 1.) It will definitely depend on who your HT doc is - you will want to check with your surgeon

    -My first HT, I was given some form of sedation to make me drouzy as well as a local anesthetic

    -My procedure with Dr. Feller, I was given just a local anesthetic (combined with Epinephrine...don't ask me why as I don't know specifics)


    2.) Again, check with your Dr., but most prescribe some pain killers (vicodin) that can be used if needed. But rather than that, nothing else


    3.) Nope

  3. I think in general, any medical professional should know how to remove stitches, regardless of where they are on the body. Although, directions won't hurt.


    I got stitches on vacation one time and I set up an appointment with my normal GP Dr. to take them out. It was covered with my regular health insurance, because it was just counted as a normal appointment to the Doc. (e.g. going to the Dr. because of a sore throat)

  4. Campbell, Spex, Badger, and GoodHairUK ;) -- thanks for the kind words. Waiting definitely sucks, especially when its you who is waiting


    I've updated 1 week post op pics to my blog. Check them out and let me know what you think.


    I have to admit I was a bit concerned with the odd color blotch on the transplanted area. Dr. Feller and Spex let me know this is okay, as it is just an ingrown hair. So, not too worried anymore, but if anyone else had this kind of thing, please chime in and let a brotha get a sigh of relief :)


    Thanks Fella's

  5. Hi Everyone,


    I just wanted to quickly write about my procedure I had with Dr. Feller on 9/30/10:


    The whole experience from start to finish was absolutely amazing. I can't say enough about how great Dr. Feller was. He is the total package - professional, meticulous, great bedside manner, and a pretty funny guy. (The list goes on, but I'll spare you all:cool:)


    Throughout the procedure, Dr. Feller informed me of everything that was going on. This was something I was not used to, as my first procedure done by MHR didn't have any of this communcation. Dr. Feller even showed me the recipient site prior to inserting the grafts so that I could see how many slits there were....man...what beautiful work. He even put a smile on my face when he told me that this procedure would be nothing like the one I had with MHR ;) (THANK GOD!!)


    Before I knew it the procedure was done and I was in the other room devouring some lunch that Dr. Feller's staff ordered for me. Once that was finished, I spoke with the good Doc and headed on my way back to the hotel. Dr. Feller even gave me his cell phone to give him a call if I had any problems. Now that just speaks to Dr. Feller's character. It really is a great feeling to know that I have one of the good guys in my corner and that he will be there for me if/when I need him.



    I spoke with Spex and he is in the process of getting my pre/post op pics for me so that I can share my experience with everyone. I'll be sure to update my blog in the future so those interested can follow.


    Thanks so much to Dr. Feller and his staff!!



    View my Hair Loss Website

  6. Hi guys,


    quick question - I am 2 days post-op and there is some swelling right above my donor scar. Is this normal?


    I thought swelling was primarily in the recipient area/forhead/face. I did not have any of that swelling, but rather, seem to have it all above the donor area.


    I want to make sure there isnt something unexpected going on that could potentially cause my scar to stretch or something along those lines.


    Thanks guys :)

  7. Hi Everyone,


    Well, after loads and loads of research, I finally pulled the trigger and booked my HT procedure with Dr. Feller on Sept 30th! I have to admit, making the final decision was a lot harder than I originally thought - there are a handful of amazing Dr's out there.


    My personal choice essentially came down to the fact that I have 100% trust in Dr. Feller and his team. The guy is a class act, consistently produces amazing reults, and will always stand by his patient. Reasons like these give me no fear in choosing the good Doc to operate on my head. I wouldn't want anyone else.


    I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on my progress with pictures, as you have all helped me so much throughout the years by posting your own experiences and helpful information. Stay tuned...!


    FYI - Here is my original post regarding my situation: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/156650-need-some-advice-who-get-hair-transplant-pics-attached.html



    Talk soon,


  8. Hi Everyone,


    I had a question that hopefully some will have knowledge on. How important is it that a doctor close the donor site with a two layer closure? From what I have heard, this minimizes tension, thus creating the best possible healing environment for the scar.


    Here's a quote from Dr. Lindsey regarding this method:


    "I would add however, that EQUALLY important, is a deep layer closure to limit widening of the scarline after skin suture/staple removal. Even if you have a great trichophytic closure, if the skin retracts-widening the scar-a poor result will result.


    Thus, I would suggest that in our hands, BOTH a trichophytic closure, AND a 2 layer tension free closure is most likely to lead to the best scar possible.


    Dr. Lindsey McLean VA



    William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

    McLean, VA"






    So what do you guys think? Could either the doctors or doctor's consultants please provide information on the method they use? If a doc doesn't use this method, can you give a reason why?


    I am VERY curious to hear some feedback, as this is the last thing I am researching before I embark on a transplant.




  9. *Updated with Dr. Ron's estimates.


    Spex - thanks for all the help!!


    Maxxy - To be honest, that was my first thought too. However, after hearing other estimates, it made me think that maybe the lower end estimate could leave me not as satisfied as I hoped. On top of that, you mentioned that I could always just go back for another if I wasnt satisfied....which is totally true except for the fact that I would not be too keen on having to go back in such a short time only to have to another transplant. Just the hassle of getting all the time off again from work & the whole 12-14 month journey of waiting for the hair to fully grow, etc etc.


    I was reluctant to even post this because I figured the majority of the posts would say 'no matter what Dr. you go to, you'll be fine' ....but I'd absolutely love to hear some other opinions on this. So please chime in!!

  10. Hi everyone,


    I'm looking for some advice on what I should do. Here's a quick overview of my story:


    I am currently 26 years old. I went for a consultation with the good ole folks of MHR at the age of 20 and before I even realized what happened, I was suckered into a hair transplant a month later. The hair transplant unquestionably made me worse off. I had what MHR told me was 1060 grafts. To this day I still believe that their procedure destroyed a lot of my healthy hair due to their negligence (i.e. transection of existing healthy follicles). I had a good amount of permanent shock loss because the doctor went so high up and into my existing healthy hair.


    Needless to say, I have become very, very educated with hair loss after the MHR procedure. I have been doing my due dilligence with my research in numerous hair loss forums for the past 5 years. I also took this time to see how my hair has been to ensure that I did not jump any gun with a 2nd procedure. With that said, my research has concluded and I have a couple doctors that I feel confident and comfortable with to help me regain the confidence I have lost.


    I've been on propecia (proscar cut in fifths) for about 5 years now and from my observations during this time, my hair loss has been completely stable. I have not see any visible difference. As I have educated myself with hair transplants, I have learned about the reality of the procedure and the expectations that should come from it. For that reason I understand the planning that is needed for any potential future loss. This is why I am not expecting to lower my hairline to a juvenile hairline or anything like that. I really would just like to rebuild my hairline so that I have something substantial that I can style. Additionally, I'd love to try and reduce this scar I have on the back of my head (Measured to be 5mm wide at the widest points)



    Attached are my pictures. Please make special note of the loss of hair on my right side that goes particularly far up my head compared to the left side. I am not sure if my pictures do it the justice it deserves. This is the most troublesome area for me and what I am most self-conscious about. It is very very see-through in normal lighting. My hairline itself has lost its strength and does not look good when trying to style it.




    Now onto the consultations. I sent my pictures and case to a few doctors that I totally trust with my head and here's what their responses were:


    Dr. Feller - 1500/2000 session via strip. Approx outline - rebuild hairline zone at appropriate density (depending on goal and hair characteristics) and also fill in and thicken up the entire frontal zones accordingly


    Dr. Rahal - approximately 2000 grafts to re-build hairline zone


    Dr. Hasson -about 2500 grafts will be necessary to camouflage the previous work and to add a much higher amount of refinement and density. The lack of balance that you refer to in the temples should be alleviated but this may also drive the estimate up but itshouldn't be more than 3000 in total but the final estimate will be solidified once you arrive for your pre-operative consultation. You appear to have higher than average density in your donor area and your crown appears very strong so overall you appear to be a good candidate.

    Dr. Ron Shapiro - 1200-1500 in the two corner sections should suffice. Then, if you want to address the frontal center zone, you can use approx 500 grafts so the total you’d likely need is 1800-2000.










  11. Thanks for the great info spex.


    what is the best way to get a consultation with dr. feller? If you could let me know that would be great. I've been wanting to get over there for a long time now to have Dr. Feller take a look. Thanks!

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