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Posts posted by BUSA

  1. I would say that most sane people care where their surgeon is during surgery. Your posts seem disconnected from reality.
    no most ppl who go to get a HT from a world class HT doctor like doganay know that the results will be excellent.


    so they, like I, really don't care what ignorant ppl like KO say about the doctor not being anywhere near the surgery when it happens but miraculously the HT turns out great... so no I don't care what rumors KO likes to spread cause in the end its the RESULTS that matter.


    its amazing how he isn't in the room ever yet his patients continue to post some of the best results out there....:rolleyes:


    You are such a joke, if you pick Doganay, he may not even be in the room when the surgery is being done. Feriduni and Konior are better surgeons.
    that post made me LOL. cud care less where he is cause when the HT is done his patients look as good or better then any other surgeons work on the planet for FAR LESS MONEY TOO. the RESULTS speak for themselves....
  3. Results are subjective obviously, but I personally think Feriduni's FUE and even what little FUE results Konior has posted are superior. Regardless, my point is I'm sure many people do not think Demsory or Doganay would do it better. As far as saving money, great... but ideally results should come before saving money IMO.</p>
    their work is as good and usually better and a hell of a lot cheaper. sure price shud not be ones first concern but when u get world class work at extremely fair pricing then its a no brainer.


    Feriduni FUE I wud agree is just as good. Konior having better results then demsroy or doganay via FUE I wud disagree. he does great strip but has not proven himself with FUE like the others have and him like any US doctor who is considered skilled just charge outrageous prices.


    but I agree results are subjective....

  4. I don't think it's so bad, I I like the result, but I feel the 12 month shots are taken under shade and not bright light. It is also likely due to the fact that he started finasteride 6 months before surgery and has thickened up.


    I'll point out to our newest troll friend BUSA that here is an example of Dr Erdogan correctly placing a conservative hairline.

    once again schmuck I've been here LONG before you so get over it.... in fact I was here in the late 90's.


    the only reason the hairline is so conservative is because his hairloss was quite extensive therefore it demanded it with a thinning donor zone. if u actually had a clue about hair transplants u cud have figured that out on ur own.....:rolleyes:

  5. I dont understand why you are dead set on either of these two doctors. Demsroy or Doganay will give you any amount of grafts you need FUE and will do it better and for FAR less.... and either will do 2000 grafts in one day and more if need be.


    there is no point in going the "Conservative" route when u need so little grafts. these doctors are aggressive and will bring ur hairline and density back to what it was when u were 20.


    seems like ur looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. why have you focused on these two doctors only and one of them being a doctor that specializes in FUT NOT FUE. why wud u screw around with a doctor that doesn't specialize in FUE. so what he can do it so can hundreds of others.


    wud u go to a doctor that specializes in FUE for FUT just cause they perform FUT sometimes?


    imo FUT is completely out of the question when you only need approx 2000 grafts. its not even debatable. with either Demsroy or Dogonay you will not only get the hairline you want cause you don't have much hairloss ull get incredible density.











  6. do I really need to start showing hundreds of bad FUT results requiring FUE to repair them? ur gonna post 1 result of someone taped out cause they had thin hair to begin with smh lol


    and once again I didn't come from nowhere. been here LONG before you so get over it!


    Keep on dreaming. Like a lot of people who come here out of nowhere bashing FUT they offer nothing in return. Please come back and post your own NW4 to NW1 transformation and I'll be the first to applaud it. I can't wait to see it.


    Here is a perfect example of someone being tapped out of FUE. No amount of pubes or armpit hair is going to correct it:



  7. Once the donor area has been tapped out you also lose the option to have FUT surgeries since the scar would be too visible.

    yes the SCAR wud be too visible I agree and one doesn't have to have a donor zone depleted for the SCAR to be visible so enough with the misinformation crap.


    u say 4000-5000 grafts can be takn from the head via FUE and then another 2000-3000 on average can be takn from the face and body. armpit and public will yield another 1000 grafts at least as well and is not usually considered when referring to BHT.


    so how many patients do u see requiring more then 8000-9000 grafts? like 1% of the population so yea maybe 1% of the population shud consider FUT. otherwise FUE can and is performed on the other 99%....:rolleyes:

  8. haven't seen any poor FUE scaring in years now. it just doesn't happen with any decent recommended FUE surgeon any longer.


    years ago u wud see an occasional case of poor FUE scaring from some idiot who was experimenting on a patient who didn't know what size punch to use or was just unskilled in general. its not even a topic of debate these days any longer with skilled FUE doctors.


    the whole FUT will produce a greater yield is a thing of the past. FUE doctors are producing between 90-95% yield. if ur lookn to shave ur head down at any point in ur life u can forget FUT.


    no doctor has a crystal ball to predict how u will heal wen carving a huge chunk of flesh from the back of ones head.


    there are so few cases these days that FUT wud be a better choice for. I wud say its rare. very rare. nearly ALL HT's these days can be performed with FUE. and performed better cause there is zero chance of a stretched out scar.


    most everyone that has had FUT will say FUT is the better way to go. well, those that weren't left with horrible scaring will say that. those that have had to seek out an FUE doctor to repair their FUT scar obviously will have a different opinion but u won't find ONE single patient that has had FUE and is now seeking out an FUT surgeon to repair him will you?

  9. both do great work but why chance a poorly healing scar with FUT.


    no doctor can predict how ur body will respond to the healing the scar. less likely with konior but still a possibility. thats a non-issue with FUE so y chance it?


    ull get nearly the same amount of grafts with FUE as u will with FUT these days from the head. actually far more with FUE when u consider BHT.


    yield is great with both surgeons. neither have very aggressive hairlines so there are better choices when it comes to hairlines imo and considering the hairline is probably the most important aspect aesthetically its the most important aspect of any HT as long as the yield is there.


    how many grafts do u need? if its less then 6000 and u have a good donor zone I wud stick with an FUE doctor. look at most of the results posted these days. most of em are FUE for a reason. and the discomfort from FUT is no walk in the park either.

  10. 1300 grafts wudnt even scratch the surface of ur hairless so yea it does look like 1300 grafts. have to agree with 1978matt u need about 4000 grafts and probably more to change ur appearance.


    u paid 15000 euro for 1300 grafts? thats disturbing. borderline robbery. what kinda HT doctor wud recommend 1/3rd of what u need? a shady one thats who. lotta shady doctors out there and unfortunately u picked one them. sorry to hear.

  11. maybe you can give the doctor some lessons on how to perform a HT correctly. you shud PM him and tell him ur thoughts.... :rolleyes:


    and you didn't make any point other then showing how ignorant you are.


    maybe u shud take a look at ur own hairline which is quite thin up front. this patient has far more density then you do so don't throw stones when u live in a glass house...:rolleyes:


    Regarding the result it looks too front loaded. If you bothered to look at other results, H&W, Rahal etc, far more single hair follicular units would have been used in the hairline.


    Anyway, I've made my point and I'm done with this thread. Keep on trolling if you wish.

  12. where are the pics. many ppl have had great success with min/fin but I wud caution u there have also been some with irreversible sexual side effects associated with those drugs. it shut my sex drive down completely after two weeks but a buddy of mine still uses it today and has been on it for years so it seems to be case by case.


    there have been THOUSANDS of ppl that have never used drugs before or after their HT and have retained their existing hair so that is completely false stating you have to use it to retain ur hair.


    the transplanted hairs are not subject to DHT as long as ur surgeon didn't take them from the non donor zone but u have existing hairs that might be still subject to DHT. depends on ur age and if ur hairless has stabilized or not.


    be careful about cleaning scabs off ur head. do NOT use force in doing so or u WILL pull the grafts right out. it has happened before. wait at least a few weeks before using any real pressure when shampooing ur hair.

  13. not familiar with this practice but it seems that India doctors are popping up all the time which is to be expected I guess considering how cheap it is to practice there.


    10 doctors in one practice and they do plastic surgery as well? that doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling. and I don't care for the fact that on their website u can't enlarge the pictures to see before and immediately after pics.


    but so far it looks pretty good but so do all transplants for the most part immediately after. the true test is 12-16 months to see how many grafts have actually taken.


    and where are the prices?

  14. with ur amount of hair loss 7000 hairs won't make a dent in what u will need. ull need double that at a minimum.


    7000 hairs is like 3000 grafts giv or take if u factor in doubles and triples. ur certainly not gonna have 7000 single hair grafts transplanted.


    again, 3000 grafts will do nothing to alter ur appearance.


    how much body hair do u have? and how much facial hair? ur gonna need both if u want to restore ur head back to a reasonable level of hair loss. its tough to gauge ur donor area based on ur pics. post some better pics of ur donor zone.




    He recommended 7,000 Hairs based on the pictures I sent him.


    The quoted price of which is €6,000


    I have no idea how to gauge or quantify 7,000 hairs but it sounds like a lot?

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