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Posts posted by BUSA

  1. yea id go for it. beard hair can take a little longer to grow. not as long as body hair but not as fast as head hair. I'm sure 4000 grafts wud improve ur look. yea ur young but so what?


    if ur a nw6/7 I really don't see u losing much more hair. ull be limited to how much coverage u can get but it will still look better then it does now and its not like ur gonna grow hair on ur own nor will u lose any more hair likely.


    some ppl lose their hair very young and stabilize that loss by their mid 20's simply cause there isn't much more to lose. no different if u were in ur mid 40's or 50's and uve lost what ur gonna lose. some ppl just lose it faster.


    So, Dr. Hakan Doganay has suggested 2000 FUE + 2000 BHT (beard).


    These 4000 grafts will spread at a low density across the entire balding NW6/7 region. I will need to maintain a buzz cut.


    Do you guys think this could work/is a good idea? Bearing in mind I'm 23 and this is my first hair transplant.


    I think this is my only option and could improve my look (which I'm currently dissatisfied with).

  2. smoking lol just never understood why someone wud CHOSE to ingest toxic cancer into their lungs so they can die a slow and painful death smh.


    why wud u even chance ur results being stunted so u can take another 7 minutes off ur life from each cigarette? cmon bro its common sense. u spend thousands of dollars on a HT. giv it a rest for a couple weeks. in fact, why not use this as an opportunity to quit!

  3. kesser is great. can't go wrong there. u don't need 5000 grafts so paying a little more isn't that big a deal and yes his hairlines are excellent.


    sure u can place grafts on the side. a good HT surgeon like kesser will be able to do that without shock loss. GL


    Thanks for the input.


    I have already booked a HT with Dr. Keser though and I am 100% he will do it really good. I think he's even better when it comes to hairlines aswell, and that it's worth it even though he's more expensive than the other ones you mentioned.


    I got one question though. I have a bit of hair loss on the sides of my fore head. Is it possible to fill it with grafts with a good result? I haven't seen many HT on the side.

  4. Again, there's an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that discontinuing the medication will not always fix the problem.
    I think for most it wud if the side effects came on earlier enough but yes ur right for others that have been on it for quite some time they seem to have a more difficult time and some are left with permanent sexual side effects.


    the percentage of ppl with sexual side effects are much higher then most want to admit. those that have never had sexual side effects from it will say "no one has sexual side effects and the studies are BS" easy for someone who hasn't experienced the side effects to say that but the fact remains that many do. thats a FACT not an opinion.

  5. if ur goin to turkey I wud consider erodgan, doganay or demsroy. Koray is erdogan's first name not his last so its not Dr Koray its doctor Erdogan.


    erdogan will be the most expensive at 3.0 euros but imo will likely yield the best results. doganay wud be a close second at 2.5 euros and demsroy 3rd at like 1.50 or 2 euros not sure exactly.


    u have plenty of donor hair. I wud bring ur hairline down a little lower then u marked it. 2500 grafts shud do the trick. erdogan and doganay are known for aggressive hairlines. not so much with demsroy but he does excellent work and by far the cheapest.

  6. there is no way to know exactly which hairs are takn from a non DHT zone. some have a full head of hair their whole life and aren't subject to DHT.


    some surgeons take hairs that they think are from the area not subject to DHT but there is no crystal ball to tell a HT surgeon for sure. this is more common when hair loss isn't too bad and takn too high in the zone but most top HT doctors don't do this but it does happen and we have all seen it happen.


    I think it gets easier to distinguish when they are at a NW5 or 5a or even 6 as long as its stabilized caused the remaining hair is easier to distinguish with a clear line usually separating bald from hair.


    but if hairs are takn from a non DHT area those hairs are not likely to fall out ever but as we age we develop medical conditions that can and do contribute to those hairs falling out.


    not gonna matter if strip or FUE either.


    however, there is a small % of the ppl that will continue to lose hair in the donor area as they age. not common but it does happn


    some transplanted hair begins to thin and miniaturize over time for some reason. but the beauty of FUE is one can just transplant more hairs into the thinning area as he/she ages without having to open up ur scalp again and have to suture it back up.

  7. sure seborrheic dermatitis can affect hair transplant results. when not controlled properly the number of hairs in the telogen phase which is the resting cycle increases. u want growing hairs not resting hairs if u want density.


    ur condition itself does not cause hair loss but not treating it properly can contribute to hair loss and growing hairs that have been transplanted.


    u shud use anti-dandruff shampoo 3-5 times a week for 6-8 weeks leading up to the HT and then continuing 2-3 weeks after the HT. zinc pyrithione shampoo can help reduce the yeast which reduces inflammation.


    Can you show one example of BHT with cosmetically good result (if so, it should be very rare exception). I will be glad to discuss and which tricks was used to show them good.

    no surgeon uses BH alone. its always used in conjunction with head hair so once again ur giving out bad and misleading information which you seem to do daily here.


    plenty of top HT doctors have and still do utilize BH with a HT. u wudnt see it by itself cause its not used by itself so ur looking for an example to something that doesn't exist.


    and here we go with the "Tricks" again. omg giv it a break wud ya smh


    here are 3 examples and took me all over 5 minutes to find from just (1) doctor...... u shud really just stop posting altogether....:rolleyes:


    http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176818-will-updated-dr-hakan-doganay-2545-2030-515-grafts-6-month-choi-implanter-pen-fue.html (500+ BH)


    http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/177006-dr-hakan-doganay-fixing-bad-hairtransplant-7058-grafts-choi-implanter-pen-fue.html (1800+ BH)


    http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/171807-dr-hakan-doganay-8384-grafts-6554-1830-fue.html (1800+ BH)

  9. /\ Bump for anyone that can still help with my Q's.


    I no longer need assistance on the hotel part as I've booked the JW Marriott on a stay 3 pay for 2 deal that they are currently running.


    One additional Q I do have is how can I decide what hairline I want? Is there any research I can do beforehand to determine what hairline to go for and what may or may not suit me?


    Thanks all.

    hairlines are not his strong point imo but has gotten better. I wud bring pics of a hairline you wud like to resemble.
  10. ^If you got sides, then you should not take the drug, simple, however it is not the common experience of patients taking fin and since this guy has not even tried the drug, fin is still the first place to start treating hair loss. He can always get off if side effects are present.
    agreed. I wud certainly giv it a shot. works for many.


    but many ppl say there simply is no sexual side effects and that cud not be further from the truth for many who have tried it.


    the other issue is some don't experience the side effects till they are on it for quite some time. the effects are gradual. those are the ppl that seem to have experienced the long term side effects. so again, its still a gamble but if I had never used it I wud likely give it a shot but ppl shud be aware of the possible consequences.

  11. I absolutely agree with KO.

    Fin is the main weapon to fight against Hairloss.

    sure until u lose ur sex drive which is a common side effect. mine shut down in 2 weeks and was then shooting blanks....:rolleyes: same thing happen to my buddy after I warned him to steer clear of it but he said he read how those studies and they were fake and that he read there were ZERO sexual side effects. lol yea ok!


    so myself and the one friend I have that also took fin experienced the exact same side effects but the studies and thousands of complaints are all false right and ppl are making it up? gimmi a break. what does someone have to gain by stating they experienced sexual side effects. everyone who takes it prays to god it works for them but it doesn't.


    I'm sure it does for thousands but it also doesn't for thousands!


    this isn't somthn I read on the internet. this is somthn I experienced PERSONALLY and watched a close friend experience the same!


    and some have reported it taking up to a year to get their sex drive back and some report they have never gotten back. toxic chit imo!

  12. first of all forget using laser or electrolysis. although both will produce permanent hair removal if done enough times. one round won't remove hair. electrolysis wud be ur only option there but a bad option imo.


    it really doesn't look that bad imo. not sure u need to remove anything. u can just have a good FUE surgeon fill in the spaces and it will look fine but if not removing them isn't a big deal and no ur not gonna have dots all over ur head. thats an old wives tale these days with modern FUE procedures done by top surgeons.


    ur hair is somewhat coarse but it appears as tho u have plenty of donor hair. 1500 grafts wud not address ur front and top.


    u cud fit 2500-3500 grafts in there and it will look pretty dense. if look at Doganay or Erdogan and even Demsroy. all from Turkey. Demsroy will be the cheapest.

  13. what did you think the two were clones? no chit there not exact. do I really need to explain that to you? smh


    yea huge difference between 24 nd 30...:rolleyes:


    just cause the guy got more then 1800 grafts doesn't mean the op will need that much. again, do I really need to explain that to u. a 1000-1500 grafts wud suit him fine so stop splitting hairs...:rolleyes:


    He's not in the same boat. Not even close.


    First, the OP has more hair loss than the guy in the link.


    Second, the guy in the link is 30, which is significantly different from 24.


    Third, the guy in the link got more than 1,800 grafts. Meanwhile, you have (wrongly) claimed that 1,000 will make a significant difference for the OP.

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