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Everything posted by nervousguy

  1. I keep reading that most people don't experience swelling until about the 5th or 6th day and that worries me. I just had my hair transplant 2 days ago and I'm already seeing swelling. I'm taking my Prednisone and all my other medications. I'm sleeping with 2 pillows to keep my head elevated during sleep. I'm regularly applying ice packs to my head. I just hope that I'm not going to be one of the people who gets the extreme swelling around the nose, eyes, and cheeks, etc. The idea of my eyes being swollen shut is really creepy. Can anyone on here give me any other possible suggestions or let me know what you think about such an early onset of swelling?
  2. Ok, so what about itching? The pain is way less intense and itchiness is my new enemy. I read that alcohol-free aloe vera gel is good for relieving an itchy scalp? I absolutely don't even want to touch my scalp, let alone scratch it. Can anyone help me with this?
  3. Yes that is a good example haha! I will continue to eat healthy as I always do, but I won't daydream so much about how it will magically speed up the process. I just woke up about 20 min ago and I'm already a lot less pain in the donor area.
  4. I also have been eating a healthy diet and taking in a lot of foods high in vitamin C and protein to help the scalp of the donor area heal faster. Of course, not leaving about carbs, and other important vitamins and minerals. Anyone else, notice a healthy diet help them seem to heal faster? I know it will definitely help with growing strong new hairs to come.
  5. Wow...3 + weeks of donor area pain? That is a long time. Well how long was the pain really bad? Was the pain really bad to the point that you needed to take Vicoden or Tylenol all 3+ weeks? I just hope over time the level of pain went down gradually for you and will for me as well.
  6. That is good to know. The pain was pretty bad all day today, but that is only because this was the first day after the procedure. I actually opted for the dissolving sutures though. Would the pain not last as long with the dissolving sutures? I assume so, and I will just be patient and take the pain each day at a time. I also noticed that my forehead has a bit of swelling even though I'm taking Prednisone and using ice packs? Does the swelling go away after like a week or so?
  7. I just had my strip procedure yesterday, so I know that it hasn't had enough time to full heal. The doctor mentioned to me that for most people the pain goes away after a day or two? I'm taking the Norcos he prescribed for the pain. I was hoping anyone on here could let me know how many days it took for the back of their head to stop hurting?
  8. Hello everyone, first off my name is Robert and I am new here. I just had my hair transplant today with Dr. Meshkin. He did an amazing job. Although I know he has been doing this for 25 years + and I trust him, I just hate taking medications. Anyway, after the procedure today, I was dead tired and passed out as soon as I got home. I woke up way passed the time that I needed to take my next does of Hydroco/Acetamin 7.5-325 mg. I didn't get the reglan, which I knows help avoid nausea, so instead of taking the Vicoden, I took the Diazepam 10mg as the Dr. ordered to help me fall asleep and that it also relaxed the scalp so that I can sleep. Well, after taking this I wasn't able to get any sleep because the pain in my donor area was too severe. So about an hour or so later, I took one pill of the Hydroco/Acetamin 7.5-325mg. I read on drugs.com that it isn't a great idea to mix them as they can sometimes cause shortness of breathe and that is really creepy to me. It has been a little over an hour since I took the generic Norco and I don't feel any negative effects. The Norco did take away all my pain in the donor area, which is great, but I just wanted to find out from people on here right away if the interaction isn't something I need to worry about getting really ill or possibly dying over. Best Regards, Robert
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