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Posts posted by hairlosscpa

  1. "According to my age I did not ask him to lower my hair line and he was so happy about that because I can save more grafts for future hair loss…. He draw my hair line and I liked it because I asked him to draw aggressive hair line"


    I'm a little confused. Anyways, hope you have a great outcome!

  2. Before you do any of what darling locks suggested, go see your GP to see what the issue is... If it is a bacterial infection, antibiotics should do the trick.. I would not use Nizoral just yet as you don't know what the cause of the inflammation and red dots are yet.


    I agree with Spidey. Definitely get examined by your GP before proceeding with any home remedies. Based on your immediate post-op pics and details of your surgery, an infection is highly likely to have occurred.

  3. Attached are my pictures around 26 days post-op. Some shedding in the hairline where most of the grafts were placed and also some shockloss in the donor area. No pain or itchiness. Still taking .25mg Propecia M/W/F/Su along with an assortment of vitamins + MSM. Additionally, I apply some jojoba oil at night on my scalp which minimizes redness and dryness. Seems to be working.


    Feel like the days are going by so slow!






  4. I went to Dr. Vories in Mount Pleasant, SC. He only specializes in FUE. I cannot speak for my results yet as its only been 3 weeks but my experience was great. I believe his prices are competitive if not lower than his competitors. Might be worth it to check out as well as Dr. Cooley mentioned by Voxman.

  5. Agreed. I have noticed clinics saying that a lot and also that scabs from FUE (mostly donor) should be gone in 3-5 days. Definitely not true!


    I would say two weeks you can go out if you're good with using hair concealers. However, I agree, 3 weeks is standard.

  6. Hi All


    I have been using nanogen fibres for about 5 years however as my hairloss has continued I have added Couvre to my routine, I generally apply every 2 days after washing the previous lot out.


    Im concerned that the couvre has sped up the hair loss as it is quite thick stuff and must clog up hair follicles, has anyone else experienced this or could it just be my imagination ?


    I have been using Couvre for many years and sometimes I do think it sped up my hairloss because I use to leave it in for days.


    However, I concluded over the years that I don't think Couvre alone is what's causing further loss, more likely just natural progression of hair loss. Sometimes when you leave it in and get use to that look of thicker hair, every time you remove it you feel your hair looking much thinner because you're accustomed to that thicker appearance.

  7. Here is his website:


    About Dr. Thomas Griffin | Philadelphia Hair Transplant Surgeon



    The before and after photos posted in the site look amazing, but I can't put too much faith in their own marketing.


    Honestly I am pretty clueless on how to find the best hairtransplant surgeon, and I'm trying to research in this site but there's an overwhelming amount of information here. I somehow ran into this guy and he is in my area so I wanted to see if anyone has experience or knows whether or not he's a top HT surgeon.


    If not, could anyone point me in the right direction? Who are some of the best surgeons in America who has a solid track record on FUE?


    Thank you,


    I live in Philadelphia and drove to South Carolina to get my FUE procedure done by Dr. Vories of Carolina Hair Surgery. My personal advice is to stay away from Doctors who only utilize robotic FUE tools such as ARTAS. I see that this doctor does that and also touts that robotic is better than human which I have read to be untrue. The best FUE surgeons in the world mainly specialize in a combination of manual/motorized extractions. Good luck in your search and definitely utilize this forum as much as you can!

  8. Today (18 days post-op) is the first time since my procedure that I had to meet with a client in-person. Since I never have buzzed my hair and no one other than immediate family knows about my previous FUT or my current FUE procedure, it is important that I hide it to the best of my ability.


    Attached are pics of Couvre applied. You can see my pics without concealer in my previous post. I think it came out pretty well especially since the shockloss to my hairline has not hit yet.


    Btw I tried Caboki on this hair length and it looked ridiculously unnatural.


    If I were to go with SMP down the road, this is probably the look I'd be trying to achieve.


    Let me know what you guys think!




  9. I am 16 days post-op. No pain just slight sensitivity in the donor area mostly noticeable when trying to sleep. All scabs were gone around 11 days post-op. I sent the attached pictures to Dr. Vories and he says everything looks well. I do have some shockloss in my donor area but according to Dr. Vories, this is temporary.


    All comments are welcomed. Thanks.








  10. Hello everyone,


    I had a FUE HT, 3 weeks ago in Turkey, 3000grafts and a PRP treatment.


    As far as I know scabbing should be done by week 2, but when i look at my hair, I still have plenty of dead cells, skin etc. attached to my follicles.


    Truth is, I'm very gentle with washing and touching my recipient are, since it's a weird hedgehog like feeling and I don't feel putting my fingers in there.


    What worries me is that now, when I'm entering the hair loss period, I'm noticing few hairs falling with I believe what is scabs still attached to them.

    What I notice is that the new hairs don't seem that dense :( You can see at the attached photo.


    Shall I be worried about the progress so far?


    Does anyone have any tips for me?


    Thanks in advance


    I will be two weeks post-op starting tomorrow (2500 grafts FUE), and yesterday night (my 12th day post-op) I am 100% scab free. When my scabs came off, a lot of them did have small hairs attached to them, but from what I was told and read, that this is normal as long as the scab wasn't forcefully pulled out and there was no significant bleeding. At 3 weeks, I think you have more scabs than you should have which I guess is due to your extra gentle washing.


    I think you need to soak your head under a shower, get a gentle shampoo (baby shampoo or something moisturizing), lather up your scalp and very gently rub your scalp with your fingers in a circular motion and let the scabs slowly fall out. Do this for 5 minutes or so and rinse your head again under the shower and you'll see a huge improvement. This is what I did and it worked.


    Don't worry about the hairs falling out with the scabs, but I did read that if scabs are left in for too long, it could have a negative impact on your grafts. Good luck!

  11. I had a hair transplant 4 year ago and I was happy at first but unfortunately I have never been able to get away from concealing it with toppik for a full head of hair. Had 2500 grafts performed via FUT. Now as I have gotten older, suddenly I am realizing that I am not the only one that is going bald or is balding. If I could go back, I would have shaved my head and lived my life like that but unfortunately that is no long an option.


    My hair has somewhat of a thinner texture which means I would likely need many more transplants to get an aesthetically pleasing result.


    The scar on the back of my head bothers me (it is long and about 2-3 mm in width). I wish I could shave it and not have to live with the daily shame of all this.


    Do you guys know of any good and realistic option for enabling me to significantly trim my entire head or shave it without being self conscious?


    I would say you need a combo of two to really get the concealment you desire. If it were me, I'd do FUE in scar and finish it up with SMP. Although the SMP might be temporary and require touch-ups, the FUE alone might be enough to hide your scar.

  12. I recently had a FUE procedure and realized I actually like the all around buzzed look (like a grade 3). I know I do not have the donor capacity to achieve the density I want so I think temporary SMP is the way to go. Realistically, I would actually have an SMP procedure towards the latter part of 2016. I have the following questions I am hoping the community could help me out with.


    1) Are there currently any recommended SMP clinics? I live in Philadelphia and would prefer a clinic in the East Coat.


    2) What is the typical price range for SMP if I wanted to use it as an all around thickening effect and to conceal mild FUE/FUT scarring? I have hair everywhere, just diffused. No completely bald spots anywhere (knock on wood)


    3) Is there any shockloss associated with SMP (permanent and/or temporary)?


    4) If I do a thickening effect to enhance the density of a grade 2/3 buzzed look and decide to grow my hair out longer, would the SMP look unnatural?


    5) How long after FUE can I have an SMP procedure? I'm guessing after a year to 18 months from the procedure to evaluate the final result?





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