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Posts posted by hairlosscpa

  1. Yes I agree with Delancy. Different background colors, the first pic the patient looks a little out of it with his hair all messed up, post-op pic he's smiling with a suit on with his hair combed over. No real consistent representation of the result. Although it does look good on a high-level, I just can't appreciate the results with so little detail and inconsistent pictures.

  2. @gillenator - Is topical DHT available in the US? I thought it was only available in Canada. Or do you mean Nizoral? Currently I take vit D3, biotin and pumpkin seed oil supplements. I know they probably aren't helping but I doubt they're hurting so I just keep taking them. Thank you for advice, good to know that my donor hair can be possibly considered high quality.


    @Spanker - To be honest, my head is shaped like an egg, there is no way I can rock the shaved look. The thought of being an NW6 is incredibly frightening (no offense to anyone) but I do like your advice over asking doctors how I would look as an nw6 with my future transplanted hairs. I sincerely appreciate the honest and straightforward advice.


    @seeker2014 - Thanks for your advice. Would you or anyone else recommend using beard hair or scalp hair to fill in the scar?


    @Swooping - Thank you for your advice.


    @KO - Propecia worked wonders on me as I took it right before my first transplant in 2012 (as seen in my attached pics). I went from 1mg everyday to .5mg everyday to .5mg every other day in the span of a year. I kept having side effects such as foggy head where I couldn't focus as much and sexual side effects (which my wife noticed as well). I really wanted to stay on it but just couldn't handle the trade-offs. Regarding your questions on kids, I read a post from Dr. Lindsey a few years back saying that he personally would not take Propecia when trying to conceive because he would avoid all possibilities that would have even the slightest negative effect on the child. I know there are studies out there showing no correlation between Finasteride and birth defects but as a personal thing, coupled with the side effects, it just wasn't worth it if i plan on getting off it and losing all gains. I would rather start when there is nothing in my way. I'm thinking in my 30's I'll cut it down to .25mg every other day to hopefully avoid any sides. What are your thoughts on how I'm approaching this? Do you think it makes any sense?


    Attached are my pre-HT and 6month post HT pics from 2012/2013 (while on Propecia). Thank you all for your advice.





  3. Hi All,


    To keep it short:


    Plan: FUE only. Hairline and mid-scalp. Minor scar repair.


    Medication: None. Use to be on Propecia for 6 months, suffered sides. Waiting until after 30's and kids to go back on it.

    Previous HT: 1704 grafts FUT with recommended surgeon in Oct 2012. Hairline and mid-scalp.

    Current Location: Philadelphia, PA


    I am considering a 2nd transplant. I consulted with the following Doctors:


    Koray Erdogen: He will not take me right now and I should wait a few years and be on meds


    Konior: 2000 grafts FUE, 500 for scar utilizing beard hair


    Vories: 2,500 + 300 for the scar, utilizing all donor scalp hair (I asked his rep if I can instead bump the graft count to 3,000 in one trip over two days and that was not an issue)


    I am considering Dr. Vories based on the fact that he has been providing some stellar results on this forum and is reasonably priced ($4/graft). With the graft count quoted above and traveling, he will be nearly $4k/$5k cheaper than Dr. Konior. However, Dr. Konior is just known as the best of the best and was more conservative. He asked for many donor pics before making his estimate whereas Vories did not really ask and agreed to 3,000 grafts right away.


    I'm a little confused as to who to choose or if I should go for a transplant at all. I am very self conscious about my hairline and my concealer is becoming much more obvious and I feel as if people look at my hairline more when before no one seemed to second guess.


    Pics are attached, your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you.










  4. I don't think it's right to suggest him taking Fin. Side effects or no side effects, it's a drug that requires a lifetime commitment and subjecting him to that when he might not even have MPB seems pointless to me. Same with Minox.


    Depending on the shampoo, it could clear your dandruff, remove fatty sebum and increase blood flow which could lead to hair slowly regrowing back (especially since it looks like its random patches and not MPB). Good luck!

  5. Even if this was posted because one patient complained about their procedure with H&W, why would that be bad? If a clinic has results to show off to make a point, they should do so. At the end of the day a clinic is a business, to me that's a good business move.


    To the OP that stated its the negative ones that deserve more focus, that may be true to some extent. That would mean that we should focus on 1% of Apple's defective iPhones rather than the 99% that work perfectly fine.

  6. Is this Surfmusic guy serious? Buddy, Densedream is trying to help you out here, no reason to badmouth him. We understand you had a poor experience and now Densedream is going out of his way to the root of the problem by questioning Dr. Charles' credibility (Dr. Charles' ethics/running hair mills). He's right, stick to one thread about your experience separate from this thread as it throws people off or makes them disinterested.


    By the way, maybe a "thank you" in your post would be appreciated.


    For your information:


    Rambling is defined as: (of writing or speech) lengthy and confused or inconsequential.

  7. Thanks for the response. The thing with Fin is that I really gave it a try. Started with 1mg right after the procedure, noticed change in mood and brain fog, switched to .5mg after 4 months, same deal. Stuck with that for 6 months and switched to .25mg. Realized a decline in my sexual health which was also noted by my fiancee. Although with all that, quality of my hair did get much better so I knew I was seeing results but the trade-off was not worth it. I really would want to get back just not sure if I want to go through that mess.


    Anyways, thank you for all the replies. Greatly appreciated. If anyone has any more, I'm all ears.

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