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Posts posted by CAMPBELL

  1. I'm two months post op. And Ugly Duckling is as good a term as any :) Hair loss all over ,(but especially at front); pimples , scabs and some patchy bleeding (where the scabs have been). To be honest, its not a major hassle. I'm looking at this long term (for me my first real check will be 12 months post op) as a marathon and not a 100 metre sprint.

    Plus I've been reading enough personal journeys on here over the years to be 'at peace' with this chapter of the journey.

    Even the areas that 'appear' as though there are no hairs visually, I accept that the buggers are lurking in stealth mode just beneath the surface.

    All in good time Gents!

  2. I'm two months post op. And Ugly Duckling is as good a term as any :) Hair loss all over ,(but especially at front); pimples , scabs and some patchy bleeding (where the scabs have been). To be honest, its not a major hassle. I'm looking at this long term (for me my first real check will be 12 months post op) as a marathon and not a 100 metre sprint.

    Plus I've been reading enough personal journeys on here over the years to be 'at peace' with this chapter of the journey.

    Even the areas that 'appear' as though there are no hairs visually, I accept that the buggers are lurking in stealth mode just beneath the surface.

    All in good time Gents!

  3. I have the 'same' sensation (well lack of sensation and feeling). Having said that, because I had a severe head trauma a number of years ago which left me with partial to 'no' feeling in parts of my face and head (nerves just killed off), it's hard to differentiate which is due to the old head trauma, and which is down to the HT. But glad to read that others are in the same boat and it's not unusual :)

  4. I embarrass myself at times, because (even up to going for HT surgery) I had a lot of demons wrangling inside of me with things like..."Aren't you just being very vain? How can you spend this sort of money on cosmetic surgery when others are struggling to put food on their plates and roofs over their heads? It's not the hair that makes 'you' it's your character & personality and actions...etc!!


    But...at the end of the day and after much soul searching (just look how long I've been a member 'here!' ) I pulled the trigger and went for it.

    And even on the taxi ride to the clinic in Istanbul, I was still asking myself, as it felt so surreal..."Campbell? are you 'really' doing this???"


    BUT... for 'years' now since having MPB from my late 20's I have been looking in a mirror to see what others see, and there has been this OLD MAN looking back at me who I just don't recognise. I felt a young man 'imprisoned' inside the shell/husk of an old fella. And I thought...'that time will come soon enough' through the natural course of nature and age, but for now I want to be proactive and take control of things and make changes 'if' that is within my doing.' And it was...and I 'did.'


    Because I wasn't happy and was 'surprised' just how 'hairloss' can seriously change how you look to 'you' and to 'others' and how others interact with you (at home and in the workplace). And in turn this sets in place a chain reaction of how others see you, deal with you, treat you...and further down the line it impacts on how you see yourself & impacts on your own self value, self esteem and self confidence. And I was falling prey to all of that.


    So...'I chose' to change things around and it's a long term plan and I don't take for granted how priviledged I am to be living in a part of the world, with the finances and time to do something like HT, as there are people out there who just couldn't afford that luxury. But I balance it with the things I do that invests time and effort into helping others.


    And I'm seeing changes in 'me' already for taking that first proactive step of going down the route of HT (It actually takes 'balls' guys just to do it, so that's a great start!) and also 'visually' I'm seeing the positive difference and the future potential of 18 months down the line and 'again' I feel that lifting me in terms of self confidence and what else I can achieve in life!


    Right, before you all fall asleep or shoot yourselves, I'll leave you with that :)

  5. I bought Vitamin 'E' coconut oil just over the counter at a local pharmacy. Pretty cheap and folk use it as a general skin conditioner/moisturiser. Just gently massaged into the skin of the donor and recipient areas. Amazing how all the little crusty flakes just come away with the oil over a period of days.

    My hair is shedding now (just little 'mm' hairs falling out) and this is from about 4 weeks post-op. And 'yes'... as the good folk have said with their own experiences, it's actually starting to look pretty patchy right now.

    But it's not a sprint...more like a long triathalon...so I'm just pacing myself and planning fun things for a year's time! 'Without' a hat (thankfully I'm a hat person anyway, so... the hat wearing hasn't drawn any raised eye-brows).


    Keep going with the Vitamin 'E' oil and 'Good Luck' with your journey.


    C'est la vie with F.U.E..!! :)

  6. Maybe I've read this thread wrong. But I 'think' what is being advocated is that Fin will give strength and longetivity to the hair you 'already' have (not what you have lost).

    It won't be a 'silver bullet' to the hair that you've already lost and make it magically appear again.

    So even with an HT procedure (which I've had) I'm aware that the MPB/hair recession will 'continue' naturally, unless I take Fin (or a similar product). Also, that it can take up to 12 months to start delivering visually.

  7. Over the years I have been in contact with a number of UK based HT companies. You often find them with adverts in the back of fashion mags under the Classifieds section aimed at men with MPB (Male Pattern Baldness) such as GQ , FHM, Esquire..etc. I've also seen them advertising more recently in on board airline magazines (a captive audience I guess!). Some will advertise that you can just 'pop in' during a lunchtime out of work (in London) and we'll sort you out with HT..!

    Sound 'too good to be true...?' Yep...it 'usually' is.

    As some of the Gents have already advised, there are now some 'great' surgeons working in Belgium and Turkey (just use the search engine on this forum and it will flag them up!) and many will give you the professional, clinical and surgical treatment that 'you deserve' for the same sort of prices that these 'Del Boys' are offering (If you're a Brit you'll get the reference!) like wartime Spivs down a London back alley with hair grafts stitched into the inside of their trench coats!!


    And GOOD LUCK Chum! As HT is a brave, proactive and often scary move to commit to, but long term...just look at some of the great transformations on this forum!

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