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Posts posted by CAMPBELL

  1. I was a Norwood 5a up to four months ago. If I were to believe some suggestions that a Norwood 5 upwards is beyond successful HT help then I'd still be a balding 5a with little prospect of hope regarding a head of hair.


    So...I guess my very actions (& those of other 5s and upwards) of getting HT states that I disagree with such generalised & sweeping statements. You've got to take each individual case on its own merits Gents.


    Kindest Regards, Campbell .

  2. Bring a large bandana (or two) with you. The floppy hats that clinics seem to issue their clients with look daft sitting proud on ones head & draw attention (& pretty impractical really). Bandana (I found anyway) blends in better is easy to wash & covers the bandages..etc). Also an inflatable travel neck support for night time & plane.


    Just thinking 'off the top of my head' (so to speak!) on things I adapted to in Istanbul as I found I needed them :)

  3. I've been using 5 per cent minoxidil for three to four years now. Twice a day as you (morning and early evening).


    It is liquid solution. Came with a dropper but I decant it into a small 'spray' bottle. Just easier for me to use that's all.


    Three to four light sprays and massage in with finger tips. Then wash hands well. Takes 30 seconds!! Yes, that quick. Human nature is such that unless you can do something reasonably quickly, conveniently & effectively then you'll give up doing it eventually ! This works 'for me.'


    Often I'm wearing a cap within 10 minutes of this process to go outside.


    Never had a problem :)

  4. Purely my own 'personal' view here.


    Check my profile for photos & write up. I had FUE HT with Dr Karadeniz & team 4 months ago.


    Talk to him via email; phone; Skype before making a decision. But remember... HE is the surgeon (& 90% of the time HE will be 'hands on' with the procedure, NOT anyone else). Longevita is merely an Agent/middleman for MANY practitioners.


    If you have concerns with using an agent, then deal 'directly' with the surgeon.


    But (& again I can only speak for myself ), MY EXPERIENCE of this surgeon (& a great team ) was VERY POSITIVE.


    Good Luck with your final decision, 'I know' it's not easy & the consequences of it going wrong are traumatic.

  5. I'm 3 months post op & the pimples are having a party on my scalp. Some mild blood blotching too (left on pillow at night... I know! Not what you want to read!!). But its slowly improving & not something I'm overly concerned about. So just wanted to reassure any others out there that you're not alone & just a natural part of the process & journey :) just see the finish line towards the 12 month mark & go with the flow until then :)

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