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Everything posted by Manuel

  1. thank you johnboy71. I will upload more pictures the coming days to keep everyone up date here. Today, it is 3 weeks ago when I have had the surgery. No pain , but still a little bit numb. Plus very itchy around the donor area. Minor shedding kicked in
  2. Hi FUE2014, thanks for the compliment. Already went back to work last week . My work colleague reactions ( besides the occasional baldy/skinhead joke) have been positive and supportive. In regards to FIN, maybe it's just me but I do not want take this medication. 5mg of Biotin once a day, that's all at the moment.
  3. back home in Perth again. 7 days past surgery and I'm feeling fine. Only downside is the itching at the donor area and lack of sleep.
  4. Had no pain but also no sleep. Trying to sleep in an upright position is not that nice ( even with a travel cushion). Returned to the clinic in the morning for a hair wash ( and another shave). New dressings were applied and medication given. The staff explained how to wash the hair and how to apply the lotions. As I felt fine, I decided to have some retail therapy for the rest of the day. However in the evening my forehead started look a little bit awkward. Obviously my body reacted to the surgery and produced some swelling. Perfect moment to go in public and to scare some people LOL
  5. It was back in July 2009 when I have noticed that I have been losing a lot of hair. From 2010 onwards I had a little bold patch at the crown which I tried to combat with Minoxidil (5% strength). As my hair loss was keep progressing, I exposed my scalp to all sort of lotions and potions. I have used products like: RU58841, Copper Peptides, Nioxin, Nizoral, Biotin, Retinol, Saw Palmetto, Caffeine shampoos, and treatments such as laser and PRP injections. Conclusion: The treatments helped to reduce the weight of my wallet. Keep suffering from hair loss and pretty much fed up with all the miracle products being touted, I decided to have a hair transplant. I’ve been checking numerous hair transplant websites, reading patient stories and also consulted a number of surgeons here in Australia. Considering the prices ($25k – $31k for 2500 FUE grafts) and consultation experiences it was clear to me that I would not consider a local clinic. Whilst I have no doubts that our Australian surgeons are able to perform an excellent job, I felt on a number of occasions that they were spending more time on promoting themselves than on the actual service. It’s no surprise to me that so many people choose to travel overseas for surgery. In my case, it was a trip to India. Surgeon of my choice was Dr.Bhatti in Chandigarh Surgery took place a fortnight ago (06.06.2014) 2432 FUE Grafts in total = 766 single, 1250 double, 416 triples
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